Going back to the posts about Mark Zakharov’s movies, I think that one of his masterpieces, The Very Same Munchausen,
is full of sarcastic irony and humorous allusions to Soviet reality.
So, no wonder why this film was so popular during Brezhnev's rule.

I found very humorous (doubly humorous) these two sentences:

Итак, господа. Я пригласил вас, чтобы сообщить пренеприятнейшее известие.
Черт возьми, отличная фраза для начала пьесы.

So, gentlemen, I have invited you in order to inform you of a most unpleasant bit of news.
Damn, a very nice sentence to begin a play with.

And I’d like to wish a good 32nd of May to everybody who is happy to have a new day and, of course, is fit for it.