E-Learner...So, you saw the original 12 Angry Men... did you by any chance see the Russian remake that Lt. Columbo and Olya are speaking about?

If so, what did you think about it?

How did you think it compared to the original?

If not, would you be willing to watch it and then post a review???

Also, anyone one else who might have seen the American and Russian versions? I am interested in learning your thoughts on these two films as I don’t know how many films are out there that fit this category (American and Russian versions of same film).

Does anyone know of other films like this one???

Lt. Columbo, what about you… did you see the American version??? If not... go watch it (with your girlfriend of course)... and then post your thoughts... please

I know Lt. Columbo already had a thread about this film; however, most of it was in Russian and I simply could not understand it. Please accept my apologizes if you are repeating your comments in English now.