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Thread: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

  1. #41
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    So ekaterinak, you have "boy bands" in Russia! Rockzana thinks the one with the longer, not so bleached out hair in the Mister DJ video is sort of cute. Which one is he?
    He appears in second frame of this video. His name is Dmitriy Bikbaev. He is 20 years old. He was born in Ussuriysk (Уссурийск). When he had been 14 years old He went to Moscow. He was a winner of some Russian music competitions. Now he is a part of BIS and an actor of one of Russian theatre.

    The second boy (so bleached out hair in the Mister DJ video ) is Vladislav Sokolovskiy. He was born in 1991. He is an exellent dancer and he can drummed. His father was a leader of "X-Mission" (ИКС-Миссия) band, mother - an artist of circus.

    Vladislav and Dmitriy met one another in "Фабрика звезд" ("Star factory") ( it is TV-project like music competition) in 2007. They had not get the first place of this "Star factory", but they produced a new boy's band, BIS. BiS is an abbreviation including the first characters of boy's surnames (Бикбаев и Соколовский (BiS)). They have a very talented production director. Their production director is Konstantin Meladze. He write texts and music. Also he is a production director of other two Russian music artists. First is his own brother, Valeriy Meladze. ("Красиво" ("Beautifully")) (it is his first song which was known. "Не тревожь мне душу, скрипка" ("Violin, please, don't disturb my soul"))

    Second is a gerl band "VIAGRA". ("Поцелуи" ("The kisses"))

    Both of them are very popular in Russia.

    The Decode is very good


    "Красиво" ("Beautifully")
    by V.Meladze

    Первый день весны
    На краешке Земли
    Нечаянно мы встретились с тобой
    Падал белый снег
    И розы не цвели
    Но к нам пришла весенняя любовь
    Она была отчаянно красива

    Первый день зимы
    На краешке Земли
    Нечаянно расстались мы с тобой
    Падал первый снег
    И розы отцвели
    От нас ушла весенняя любовь
    Но ты была была отчаянно красива

    Ты вошла в мою грешную жизнь
    Ты ушла из нее
    Но, играя, разбила мне душу
    А ведь это совсем не игрушка
    Это сердце мое

    Ты вошла в мою грешную жизнь
    Ты ушла из нее
    Но, играя, разбила мне душу
    А ведь это совсем не игрушка
    Это сердце мое

    Кончилась любовь
    Когда пришла зима
    Не долог был сезонный наш роман
    Но было все отчаянно красиво

    Ты вошла в мою грешную жизнь
    Ты ушла из нее
    Но, играя, разбила мне душу
    А ведь это совсем не игрушка
    Это сердце мое

    Ты вошла в мою грешную жизнь
    Ты ушла из нее
    Но, играя, разбила мне душу
    А ведь это совсем не игрушка
    Это сердце мое

    О-о-о-о это сердце мое
    О-о-о-о это сердце мое

    "Не тревожь мне душу, скрипка" ("Violin, please, don't disturb my soul")
    by V.Meladze

    Не тревожь мне душу, скрипка
    Я слезы не удержу
    Не томи меня своей печалью
    Грусть-тоску мою с тобою
    Ни за что не разделю
    Всю ее себе оставлю
    Юных лет хмельная дева
    Помахала мне вослед
    От меня к другому улетая
    Годы пронеслись так скоро
    Оглянуться не успел
    Осень за окном седая

    Выйду, дому поклонюсь
    Молча богу помолюсь
    И пойду искать края
    Где живет любовь моя
    Где живет любовь моя

    В чистом небе белый лебедь
    Надо мной крылом взмахнул
    В голубой дали, как дым, растаял
    Горы разведу руками
    Трижды землю обойду
    Где найду её – не знаю

    Выйду, дому поклонюсь
    Молча богу помолюсь
    И пойду искать края
    Где живёт любовь моя
    Где живёт любовь моя

    "Поцелуи" ("The kisses")
    by VIA GRA

    Как ты вычислил мои слабости, распознал мои сигналы S.o.s.?
    Я не вынесла этой сладости, То, что было между нами - это месть.
    И прятаться больше не в чем, держи меня крепче!

    Уходи теперь не в окно, а в дверь, притворившийся котенком дикий зверь.
    Это я смогла, это я была. Ты глазам своим не веришь - и не верь.
    Теперь это все не важно, мне больше не страшно!

    Направляй меня своею рукой,
    Заслони собою от полнолуния.
    Я готова быть ведомой тобой
    Чем выше любовь, тем ниже поцелуи.

    Направляй меня своею рукой,
    Заслони собою от полнолуния.
    Я готова быть ведомой тобой
    Чем выше любовь, тем ниже поцелуи.

    Зря ты вычислил мои слабости, распознал мои сигналы S.o.s.
    Крылья выросли - так давай, лети! Я все помню: это было и это есть.
    И прятаться больше не в чем, держи меня крепче!

    Направляй меня своею рукой,
    Заслони собою от полнолуния.
    Я готова быть ведомой тобой
    Чем выше любовь, тем ниже поцелуи.

    Теперь уже все не важно, мне больше не страшно!

    Направляй меня своею рукой,
    Заслони собою от полнолуния.
    Я готова быть ведомой тобой
    Чем выше любовь, тем ниже поцелуи.
    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
    Please, correct my mistakes

  2. #42
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    I made artistic interpretation of Heartbreak makes me a dancer.

    А вместе с ним – я!

    Остаться с тобою хотела,
    Быть вместе хотела всегда.
    Признаюсь, не удержала,
    Тебя удержать не смогла.

    Безвольно объята слезами,
    Печалью страданий полна,
    «С Тобою не быть мне отныне,» -
    Промолвила тихо душа.

    Но музыка кинула ноту,
    И стала светлеть пелена…

    Не покинь меня снова,
    Не смолкай никогда!
    Разбитое сердце –
    А вместе с ним – я!

    Dj, раствори меня в ритме!
    Любовь, вдохнови меня жить!
    Одна – это значит – свободна…

    Мне нужно стать сильной
    И чувствую –
    Я, - на верном пути!
    Каждый мой шаг,
    Приблизиться к новой Любви.

    Dj, раствори меня в ритме!
    Любовь, вдохнови меня жить!
    Одна – это значит – свободна…

    Не покинь меня снова,
    Не смолкай никогда!
    Разбитое сердце –
    А вместе с ним – я!

    by Ekaterina K.
    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
    Please, correct my mistakes

  3. #43
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom

    George, Are these the correct lyrics for Музыка нас связала? I found them under #26 on the link you had for the band. Also, what would be the correct English translation for the name of the song? Is it "Music Connects Us?"
    Jazz, you're right. But it is past tense "Music Connected Us".
    I've got a chief at my work. Her name is Alla Vasil'evna. When I sing:"Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Ay, ay, mi amor Alla Vasil'evna De mi corazon " she knows I'm drunk.
    I hope you will like Sofia Rotaru too

  4. #44
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by studyr
    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    George, Are these the correct lyrics for Музыка нас связала? I found them under #26 on the link you had for the band. Also, what would be the correct English translation for the name of the song? Is it "Music Connects Us?"
    Jazz, you're right. But it is past tense "Music Connected Us".
    Maybe it would be more close to the meaning in perfect form "Music have connected us" (Music made us to be connected)?
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  5. #45
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Lady Gagais is very known in Russia now. Her songs are bored me for latest time. But This one (Paparazzi) is returned me into her fan club
    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
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  6. #46
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by ekaterinak
    He appears in second frame of this video. His name is Dmitriy Bikbaev and [s:1f3g2s14]. H[/s:1f3g2s14]he is 20 years old. He was born in Ussuriysk (Уссурийск). When he [s:1f3g2s14]had been[/s:1f3g2s14] was 14 years old [s:1f3g2s14]H[/s:1f3g2s14]he went to Moscow and[s:1f3g2s14]. He[/s:1f3g2s14] was [s:1f3g2s14]a[/s:1f3g2s14]the winner of some Russian music competitions. Now he is a part of BIS and an actor [s:1f3g2s14]of one of[/s:1f3g2s14] at a Russian theatre.

    The second boy (the one with the so bleached out hair in the Mister DJ video ) is Vladislav Sokolovskiy. He was born in 1991 and [s:1f3g2s14]. He[/s:1f3g2s14] is an [s:1f3g2s14]exellent[/s:1f3g2s14] excellent dancer and [s:1f3g2s14]he can[/s:1f3g2s14] drummer[s:1f3g2s14]d[/s:1f3g2s14]. His father was [s:1f3g2s14]a[/s:1f3g2s14] the leader of the band "X-Mission" (ИКС-Миссия) [s:1f3g2s14]a band,[/s:1f3g2s14] and his mother - [s:1f3g2s14]an artist[/s:1f3g2s14] a member of a circus troupe.

    Vladislav and Dmitriy met one another in "Фабрика звезд" ("Star Factory") ( it is a TV-[s:1f3g2s14]project[/s:1f3g2s14] show sort of like a music competition) in 2007. They [s:1f3g2s14]had[/s:1f3g2s14] did not get the first place [s:1f3g2s14]of this[/s:1f3g2s14] in "Star Factory;" but, they [s:1f3g2s14]produced[/s:1f3g2s14] created a new boy[s:1f3g2s14]'s[/s:1f3g2s14] band, BIS. BiS is an abbreviation (is this pronounced Bis so that it is actually an acronym?) including the first characters of the boy's surnames (Бикбаев и Соколовский (BiS)). They have a very talented production director, [s:1f3g2s14]. Their production director is[/s:1f3g2s14] Konstantin Meladze. He writes the [s:1f3g2s14]texts[/s:1f3g2s14] lyrics and music for them. [s:1f3g2s14]Also h[/s:1f3g2s14]He is also the production director of two other [s:1f3g2s14]two[/s:1f3g2s14] popular Russian musical artists. First is his own brother, Valeriy Meladze. ("Красиво" ("Beautifully")) (it is his first song which was [s:1f3g2s14]known[/s:1f3g2s14] a big hit. "Не тревожь мне душу, скрипка" ("Violin, please, don't disturb my soul"))

    Second is a girl band "VIAGRA". ("Поцелуи" ("The kisses"))

    [s:1f3g2s14]Both of them are very popular in Russia.[/s:1f3g2s14]
    The video for "The Kisses," is ummm... rather interesting. Are all of their videos like that?

    As for BIS, so if I understand you correctly, they do not write their own songs? They just sing, dance and sort of play instruments (and of course look cute while doing so!)? Typical boy band material. They need to learn how to write their own stuff if they are going to last in the industry. Unless of course, they are going to cross over into acting.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
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  7. #47
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    This one is just for fun and I hope the link works for everyone. As it is only a minute and 49 seconds long, make certain you watch it ALL the way as the part at about the 1 minute mark is really spectacular...

    (this is a link to a longer 6 minute version

    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
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  8. #48
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    is this pronounced Bis so that it is actually an acronym?
    It is the acronym. Also this word you can hear after a performance of very good artists. This word (Бис) is a expression of delight and means "Please, repeat your performance again"

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    The video for "The Kisses," is ummm... rather interesting. Are all of their videos like that?
    Yes, they are Their songs are melodious and the lyrics have a lot of implications, metaphors.
    You can see their video here
    Sometimes their lyrics are ambiguous. For example

    Чем выше любовь, тем ниже поцелуи (from "Kisses" song)
    The love is higher the kisses are lower.

    It may be an expression about love to God
    or about love between a man and a women too.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    As for BIS, so if I understand you correctly, they do not write their own songs? They just sing, dance and sort of play instruments (and of course look cute while doing so!)? Typical boy band material. They need to learn how to write their own stuff if they are going to last in the industry. Unless of course, they are going to cross over into acting.
    They don't write own songs. But Dmitriy Bikbaev write the plays (for the theatre). I hope he will be able to write own song soon.
    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
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  9. #49
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom

    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
    Please, correct my mistakes

  10. #50
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    This one is just for fun and I hope the link works for everyone. As it is only a minute and 49 seconds long, make certain you watch it ALL the way as the part at about the 1 minute mark is really spectacular...
    that was neat, can't imagine how you came across that...
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  11. #51
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by CoffeeCup
    The DJs are so strange people; they release so many versions for the only track. Listeners always [s:15q7ha3e]lost[/s:15q7ha3e] lose themselves in following the DJ's mind.
    It is not just the DJs that do the different versions. You have artists like "Timbaland" and Remix specialist "The Thin White Duke" (Stuart Price) and the original artist (Coldplay for example) themselves working on or encouraging others to do remixes. These days, when a song is NOT remixed it is as if the song is not any good or not worthy of a remix!

    So, Coldplay is my example here... Coldplay actually played The Thin White Duke's remix version of "Viva La Vida" at their concerts prior to the concert starting and then gave the song away for free off their Website! That was how I found out about it. Now, normally I am not into remixed versions; yet, even though the intro is a little long, I do like this version. I have added it to the MR Playlist and it is song #33 and the lyrics are below.

    Then, Coldplay's "Viva la Vida" album and Jay Z's "The Grey Album" were mashed up and the result was "Viva la Hova" which is heavy on the rap side (and I do mean straight up black rap, not crossover rap/pop or rap/rock/alternative) and the mash up got rave reviews not only from the industry but from the artists as well.

    That project all started because of this video:
    2nd link in case the above one does not work for you

    ekaterinak, The Thin White Duke/Stuart Price also did a remix of Lady GaGa's - Paparazzi Let me know if you want me to add a specific version of Paparazzi to the MR Playlist or not.

    Also, here are the Lyrics:

    We are the crowd
    We're c-coming out
    Got my flash on it's true
    Need that picture of you
    It's so magical
    We'd be so fantastico

    Leather and jeans
    Garage glamorous
    Not sure what it means
    But this photo of us
    It don't have a price
    Ready for those flashing lights
    'Cause you know that baby I

    I'm your biggest fan
    I'll follow you until you love me
    Baby there's no other superstar
    You know that I'll be your

    Promise I'll be kind
    But I won't stop until that boy is mine
    Baby you'll be famous
    Chase you down until you love me

    I'll be your girl
    Backstage at your show
    Velvet ropes and guitars
    Yeah cause you'll know
    I'm staring between the sets
    Eyeliner and cigarettes

    Shadow is burnt
    Yellow dance and return
    My lashes are dry
    Purple teardrops I cry
    It don't have a price
    Loving you is cherry pie
    'Cause you know that baby I

    I'm your biggest fan
    I'll follow you until you love me
    Baby there's no other superstar
    You know that I'll be your

    Promise I'll be kind
    But I won't stop until that boy is mine
    Baby you'll be famous
    Chase you down until you love me

    Real good
    (We dance in the studio)
    Snap, snap
    (To that sh*t on the radio)

    Don't stop boy, let it rewind
    We'll blast it but we'll still have fun

    I'm your biggest fan
    I'll follow you until you love me
    Baby there's no other superstar
    You know that I'll be your

    Promise I'll be kind
    But I won't stop until that boy is mine
    Baby you'll be famous
    Chase you down until you love me

    Track # 33
    Song: Viva La Vida (Thin White Duke Remix)
    Artist: Coldplay
    Album: Viva La Vida
    Composers: Guy Berryman, Jon Buckland, Will Champion, Chris Martin
    Year: 2008

    I used to rule the world
    Seas would rise when I gave the word
    Now in the morning I sleep alone
    Sweep the streets I used to own

    I used to roll the dice
    Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
    Listened as the crowd would sing
    Now the old king is dead long live the king
    One minute I held the key
    Next the walls were closed on me
    And I discovered that my castles stand
    Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

    I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
    Roman cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    Missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    Once you'd gone there was never
    Never an honest word
    And that was when I ruled the world

    It was a wicked and wild wind
    Blew down the doors to let me in
    Shattered windows and the sound of drums
    People couldn't believe what I'd become
    Revolutionaries wait
    For my head on a silver plate
    Just a puppet on a lonely string
    Oh who would ever want to be king?

    I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
    Roman cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter won't call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world

    Hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
    Roman cavalry choirs are singing
    Be my mirror, my sword and shield
    My missionaries in a foreign field
    For some reason I can't explain
    I know Saint Peter won't call my name
    Never an honest word
    But that was when I ruled the world
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
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  12. #52
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by studyr
    [s:lxj1gzmq]I've got a chief at my work. Her name is Alla Vasil'evna.[/s:lxj1gzmq] There is a chief at work by the name of Alla Vasil'evna and [s:lxj1gzmq]W[/s:lxj1gzmq]when I sing:"Ay, ay, ay, ay Ay, ay, mi amor Alla Vasil'evna De mi corazon " she knows I'm drunk.
    hope you will like Sofia Rotaru too
    George, I found the lyrics to Cancion Del Mariachi (Morena De Mi Corazon) and while searching for them I remembered a great song by "Los Lonely Boys" called "My Way." It is in English and is as they call a "Texican Rock n' Roll" song. I have two versions for everyone to take a listen to on YouTube. I put the album version on the MR Playlist.

    "Album Version" (more rockish)
    "Live Acoustic Version" (from VH1)

    Here are the newest songs and lyrics added to MR Playlist:

    Track # 34
    Song: Музыка нас связала (Music Connected Us) in Russian
    Artist: Мираж
    Year: 1980s

    Позабудь об этом дне
    Спор не нужен никому
    Не читай нотаций мне
    Мама, это ни к чему

    Снова к друзьям я своим убегаю
    Что меня тянет сюда я не знаю
    Без музыки мне оставаться надолго нельзя

    Музыка нас связала
    Тайною нашей стала
    Всем уговорам твержу я в ответ
    Нас не разлучат, нет

    Музыка нас связала
    Тайною нашей стала
    Всем уговорам твержу я в ответ
    Нас не разлучат, нет

    Я забыла все, чему
    Нас учили столько лет
    Неужели я сама
    Не найду на все ответ

    Снова к друзьям я своим убегаю
    Что меня тянет сюда я не знаю
    Без музыки мне оставаться надолго нельзя

    Музыка нас связала
    Тайною нашей стала
    Всем уговорам твержу я в ответ
    Нас не разлучат, нет

    Музыка нас связала
    Тайною нашей стала
    Всем уговорам твержу я в ответ
    Нас не разлучат, нет

    Track # 35
    Song: Cancion Del MariachiI (Morena De Mi Corazon)
    Artist: Los Lobos with Antonio Banderas
    Album: Desperado: The Soundtrack
    Year: 1995

    Lyrics: In Spanish
    Soy un hombre muy honrado,
    Que me gusta lo mejor
    A mujeres no me faltan,
    Ni al dinero, ni el amor

    En mi caballo
    Por la sierra yo me voy
    Las estrellas y la luna
    Ellas me dicen donde voy

    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Ay, ay mi amor
    Ay mi morena,
    De mi corazón

    Me gusta tocar guitarra
    Me gusta cantar el sol
    Mariachi me acompaña
    Quando canto my canción

    Me gusta tomar mis copas
    Aguardiente es lo mejor
    También la tequilla blanca
    Con su sal le da sabor

    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Ay, ay mi amor
    Ay mi morena,
    De mi corazón


    Me gusta tocar guitarra
    Me gusta cantar el sol
    Mariachi me acompaña
    Cuando canto my canción

    Me gusta tomar mis copas
    Aguardiente es lo mejor
    También la tequilla blanca
    Con su sal le da sabor

    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Ay, ay mi amor
    Ay mi morena,
    De mi corazón

    Ay, ay, ay, ay
    Ay, ay mi amor
    Ay mi morena,
    De mi corazón

    Track # 36
    Song: My Way
    Artist: Los Lonely Boys
    Album: Sacred
    Composer: Henry Garza
    Year: 2006

    I don't need no fortune
    I don't need no fame
    That's all just an illusion
    To me it don't mean a thing

    You can try and deceive me
    But I see right through your skin
    And what you're trying to tell me
    Is something I don't believe in

    Don't tell me how to live my life
    Don't tell me how to pray
    Don't tell me how to sing my song
    Don't tell me what to say

    Cuz I believe that miracles
    happen every day
    I don't care what you say,
    I'm gonna do it my way

    You say you have all the answers
    And I should do it your way
    How many times do I have to tell you
    I ain't no puppet on a string
    Listen to me...

    Don't tell me how to live my life
    Don't tell me how to pray
    Don't tell me how to sing my song
    Don't tell me what to say
    Cuz I believe that miracles
    happen every day
    I don't care what you say,
    I'm gonna do it my way
    I'm gonna do it my way
    What'd you say


    Don't tell me how to live my life
    Don't tell me how to pray
    Don't tell me how to sing my song
    Don't tell me what to say

    Don't tell me how to live my life
    Don't tell me how to pray
    Don't tell me how to sing my song
    Don't tell me what to say

    Cuz I believe that miracles
    happen every day

    I don't care what you say
    I'm gonna do it my way
    I'm gonna do it my way
    Ohhhhhhh I'm gonna do it my way
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Since dance songs seem to be popular with this crowd, I am posting “Goodbye” by Kristinia DeBarge. It is not the greatest song on earth; but, for a debute song it is catchy as it has some of the song "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" by Steam in it. This means it is a pretty easy song to get stuck in your head and start tapping your toes to.

    For the older generation, Kristinia, is the daughter of James DeBarge who was in the musical group DeBarge of the 1980s.
    “Goodbye” was released back in April and is from her debut album “Exposed” which was just released on July 28. Kristinia will also be opening act for Britney Spears starting in August 2009.

    Track # 37
    Song: Goodbye
    Artist: Kristinia DeBarge
    Album: Exposed
    Composer: Dawkins, DeCarlo, Dixon ...
    Year: 2009

    Am I supposed to put my life on hold because
    You don't know how to act and you don't know
    Where you're life is going am I supposed to be
    Torn apart, broken hearted, in the corner crying,
    Pardon me if I don't show it

    I don't care if I never see you again,
    I'll be all right, take this final peice of
    Advice and get yourself together,
    But either way baby I'm gone.

    I'm so over it, I've been there and back,
    Changed all my numbers and just in case
    You're wondering, I've got that new
    {"I'm a single girl"} swag hot me with my
    Girls and we're singing it, sing!

    Na Na Na Na (Hey), Na Na Na Na (Hey), Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye [x2]

    Cut my hair 'cause it reminded me of you,
    I know you like the long 'do, had to switch
    My attitude up.thinking of changing up how
    I ride, no more on the passengers side to bad
    You missed out on the way that I drive it.

    I don't care if I never see you again, I'll be all right,
    Take this final peice of advice and get yourself
    Together, but either way baby I'm gone Ohhh.

    I'm so over it, I've been there and back,
    Changed all my numbers and just in case
    You're wondering, I've got that new
    {"I'm a single girl"} swag hot me with my
    Girls and we're singing it, sing!

    Na Na Na Na (Hey), Na Na Na Na (Hey), Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye [x2]

    Hey, He-ey, Hey, He-ey, Hey, He-ey, Goodbye.

    II'm so over it, I've been there and back,
    Changed all my numbers and just in case
    You're wondering, I've got that new
    {"I'm a single girl"} swag hot me with my
    Girls and we're singing it, sing!

    Na Na Na Na (Hey), Na Na Na Na (Hey), Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye [x4]
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  14. #54
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    I've heard the beginning of this song today and managed to find it on the Net. It certainly goes into my collection.

    Is That All There Is?

    I remember when I was a little girl, our house caught on fire. I'll never forget the look on my father's face as he gathered me up in his arms and raced through the burning building out to the pavement. And I stood there shivering in my pajamas and watched the whole world go up in flames. And when it was all over I said to myself, "Is that all there is to a fire?"

    Is that all there is, is that all there is
    If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing
    Let's break out the booze and have a ball
    If that's all there is

    And when I was 12 years old, my daddy took me to the circus, the greatest show on earth. There were clowns and elephants and dancing bears. And a beautiful lady in pink tights flew high above our heads. And as I sat there, watching, I had the feeling that something was missing. I don't know what, but when it was all over, I said to myself, "is that all there is to the circus?"

    Is that all there is, is that all there is
    If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing
    Let's break out the booze and have a ball
    If that's all there is

    And then I fell in love, with the most wonderful boy in the world. We'd take long walks down by the river or just sit for hours gazing into each other's eyes. We were so very much in love. And then one day he went away and I thought I'd die, but I didn't, and when I didn't I said to myself, "is that all there is to love?"

    Is that all there is, is that all there is
    If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep...

    I know what you must be saying to yourselves, if that's the way she feels about it why doesn't she just end it all? Oh, no, not me. I'm not ready for that final disappointment, because I know just as well as I'm standing here talking to you, when that final moment comes and I'm breathing my last breath, I'll be saying to myself

    Is that all there is, is that all there is
    If that's all there is, my friends, then let's keep dancing
    Let's break out the booze and have a ball
    If that's all there is

  15. #55
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by E-learner
    I've heard the beginning of this song today and managed to find it on the Net. It certainly goes into my collection. ... re=related

    Is That All There Is?
    The back stroy on Wiki is almost as interesting as the song!

    Is That All There Is?" is a song written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller and recorded by Peggy Lee in 1969. The song was originally recorded by Leslie Uggams in 1968.

    It was a popular single, reaching number 11 on the U.S. pop singles chart - becoming Peggy Lee's first Top 40 pop hit since "Fever," 11 years earlier - and doing even better on the adult contemporary scene, topping that Billboard chart. It won Lee the Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, and then later was named to the Grammy Hall of Fame.

    The orchestral arrangement on the song was composed by Randy Newman, who also conducted the orchestra.

    The song was inspired by the story "Disillusionment" by Thomas Mann, written in 1896. The narrator in Mann's story tells the same stories of when he was a child.

    One difference between the story and the song is that the narrator in Mann's story finally has a sensation to feel free when he sees the sea for the first time and laments for a sea without a horizon. Most of the lyrics of the chorus are actually spoken in the story.

    I am in the process of addding it to the MR Playlist...

    Track # 38
    Song: Is That All There Is?
    Artist: Peggy Lee
    Composer: Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller
    Year: 1969
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  16. #56
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Now, I'm drinking beer & listening this

  17. #57
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Since we are back in the 60’s (and George is talkin' about drinkin'), I thought about two songs from that time period that were very popular. Both of these songs, along with their lyricist and singer, Roger Miller, won a total of 11 Grammys in 1964 & 1965.
    1964 — Grammy Award: Best Country Song: "Dang Me"
    1964 — Grammy Award: Best New Country and Western Artist
    1964 — Grammy Award: Best Country and Western Recording, Single: "Dang Me"
    1964 — Grammy Award: Best Country and Western Performance, Male: "Dang Me"
    1964 — Grammy Award: Best Country and Western Album: "Dang Me"/"Chug-a-Lug"
    1965 — Grammy Award: Best Country Song: "King of the Road"
    1965 — Grammy Award: Best Country Vocal Performance, Male: "King of the Road"
    1965 — Grammy Award: Best Country and Western Recording, Single: "King of the Road"
    1965 — Grammy Award: Best Contemporary Vocal Performance, Male: "King of the Road"
    1965 — Grammy Award: Best Contemporary (Rock 'N Roll), Single: "King of the Road"
    1965 — Grammy Award: Best Country and Western Album: "The Return of Roger Miller"

    Now, before you pass on listening to these two “Country and Western” songs, I strongly urge you to take the five minutes or so to listen to them. They are not your “typical” Nashville cry in your beer; my girl dumped me, songs. They are funny more crossover type songs with a little bit of jazz and scat in them. I hope you enjoy them.
    Dang Me and King of the Road
    Just for fun, Roger Miller on the Muppet Show!

    Track # 39
    Song: Dang Me
    Artist: Roger Miller
    Album: Dang Me/Chug-a-Lug
    Composer: Roger Miller
    Year: 1964

    Boo-woo boop boop boop boop boo -ba-oo-ba boo boo bow
    Ba-boo-ba bam...
    Ba-bye-oo ba ba ba ba - by-oo boo boo bow

    Well here I sit-a high, gettin' ideas
    Ain't nothing but a fool would live like this
    Out all night and runnin' wild
    Woman sittin' home with a month old child

    Dang me, dang me
    They oughta take a rope and hang me
    High from the highest tree
    Woman would you weep for me

    Just settin' around drinkin' with the rest of the guys
    Six rounds we bought, and I bought five
    Spent the groceries and half the rent
    I lack fourteen dollars havin' twenty seven cents

    Dang me, dang me
    They oughta take a rope and hang me
    High from the highest tree
    Woman would you weep for me

    They say roses are red and violets are purple
    Sugar's sweet and so's maple surple
    And I'm the seventh out of seven sons
    My pappy was a pistol
    I'm a son of a gun.

    Dang me, dang me
    They oughta take a rope and hang me
    High from the highest tree
    Woman would you weep for me

    Track # 40
    Song: King of the Road
    Artist: Roger Miller
    Album: The Return of Roger Miller
    Composer: Roger Miller
    Year: 1965

    Trailers for sale or rent
    Rooms to let...fifty cents.
    No phone, no pool, no pets
    I ain't got no cigarettes
    Ah, but..two hours of pushin' broom
    Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room
    I'm a man of means by no means
    King of the road.

    Third boxcar, midnight train
    Destination...Bangor, Maine.
    Old worn out clothes and shoes,
    I don't pay no union dues,
    I smoke old stogies I have found
    Short, but not too big around
    I'm a man of means by no means
    King of the road.

    I know every engineer on every train
    All of their children, and all of their names
    And every handout in every town
    And every lock that ain't locked
    When no one's around.

    I sing,
    Trailers for sale or rent
    Rooms to let, fifty cents
    No phone, no pool, no pets
    I ain't got no cigarettes
    Ah, but, two hours of pushin' broom
    Buys an eight by twelve four-bit room
    I'm a man of means by no means
    King of the road.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  18. #58
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    ekaterinak, The Thin White Duke/Stuart Price also did a remix of Lady GaGa's - Paparazzi Let me know if you want me to add a specific version of Paparazzi to the MR Playlist or not.
    Thanks for this version. I'd like to include it to the MR Playlist
    Also I vote for № 33, 37 and 36
    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
    Please, correct my mistakes

  19. #59
    Почтенный гражданин ekaterinak's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Also I would like to support thread about Dj’s creation. I found one Russian song. A month (or two) ago you could hear it on all Russian radio stations. This song has sticked on ears of my countrymen. It’s name is “Moscow never sleeps”. I don’t tell about me that I like it very much. But I had listened the Dj remix of it and I changed my opinion. There was added a singing. The words of Lyric is very emotional and positive. Here is link I translated it. But I need some advices. I marked the compound lines by green.

    Moscow never sleeps
    By Timaty and Dj Smash

    Moscow never sleeps.
    Moscow never sleeps.
    Я люблю тебя, Москва!
    Люблю тебя.
    Moscow never sleeps.
    Я люблю тебя, Москва!
    Люблю тебя.

    А есть ли любовь?!
    Возьми мое сердце,
    Коснись меня взглядом,
    Почувствуй тепло
    И будь со мной рядом.
    Не бойся любить
    И разбей все преграды,
    Ведь я, все быть может,
    Люблю тебя тоже.

    Я люблю тебя, Москва!
    Люблю тебя.
    Moscow never sleeps.

    А есть ли любовь?!
    Возьми мое сердце,
    Коснись меня взглядом.
    Ведь я, все быть может,
    Люблю тебя тоже.

    Возьми мое сердце,
    Коснись меня взглядом,
    Почувствуй тепло
    И будь со мной рядом.
    Не бойся любить
    И разбей все преграды,
    Ведь я, все быть может,
    Люблю тебя тоже.

    А есть ли любовь?!

    Возьми мое сердце,
    Коснись меня взглядом,
    Почувствуй тепло
    И будь со мной рядом.
    Не бойся любить
    И разбей все преграды,
    Ведь я, все быть может,
    Люблю тебя тоже.

    Я люблю тебя Москва!
    Люблю тебя.
    Moscow never sleeps
    Я люблю тебя Москва!
    Люблю тебя.
    Moscow never sleeps

    in English

    Moscow never sleeps

    Moscow never sleeps.
    Moscow never sleeps.
    I love you, Moscow!
    I love you.
    Moscow never sleeps.
    I love you, Moscow!
    I love you.

    Would the Love exist?!
    Take my heart,
    Touch on me with your sight,
    Feel the warm
    And be near me.
    Don’t be afraid of be loving
    And break the all obstacles,
    Everything may be,
    Maybe I love you too.

    I love you, Moscow!
    I love you.
    Moscow never sleeps.
    Does the Love exist?
    Take my heart,
    Touch on me with your sight,
    Everything may be,
    Maybe I love you too.

    Take my heart,
    Touch on me with your sight,
    Feel the warm
    And be near me.
    Don’t be afraid of be loving
    And break the all obstacles,
    Everything may be,
    Maybe I love you too.

    Would the Love exist?!

    Take my heart,
    Touch on me with your sight,
    Feel the warm
    And be near me.
    Don’t be afraid of be loving
    And break the all obstacles,
    Everything may be,
    Maybe I love you too.

    I love you, Moscow!
    I love you.
    Moscow never sleeps.
    I love you, Moscow!
    I love you.
    I love you, Moscow!

    (here is original version of the song, without vocal Feel the difference).

    Also I found another one interesting things. I think everybody knows Moby and his song ”Everloving” There is the great music. But It was known by me from Russian singer Oskar. He little changed a rhythm and added vocal with lyric. Result is the hit song. I think that the lyric is about love, tenderness, mutual understanding, faithfulness and human life way. Here is link I translated it. But I need some advices. I marked the compound lines by green.

    Между мной и тобой
    By Оскар
    Music by Moby

    Сколько нам с тобой теперь осталось?
    Лишь малость.
    И живет со мной святая жалость – моя усталость.
    Между мной и тобой остается ветер.
    Между мной и тобой только слово: «Где ты?».

    Нет моей вины, что тобой болею,
    Ты придешь ко мне, я тебя согрею,

    Между мной и тобой остается ветер.
    Между мной и тобой только слово: «Где ты?».
    Между мной и тобой остается ветер.
    Между мной и тобой только слово: «Где ты?».

    Но снедает нас моя дорога – тревога.
    Расстояние в жизнь – это так много,
    Между мной и тобой остается ветер.
    Между мной и тобой только слово: «Где ты?».
    «Где ты», – я спрошу,
    Может, кто ответит.
    Между мной и тобой остается ветер.

    Где ты?
    Может , кто ответит.
    Где ты?

    In English

    Between me and you

    How much time are we having for the future?/How much time will we have spent together?
    Only a little.
    And the saint pity as my tiredness are living inside me.
    The wind is staying between me and you.
    There is the word, “Where are you?”

    It’s not my fair, that I am ached by you,
    that I turned gray.
    You will come to me, I will give you the warm heart.
    I regret.

    The wind is staying between me and you.
    There is the word, “Where are you?”
    The wind is staying between me and you.
    There is the word, “Where are you?”

    But my life choice is an anxiety is exhausted us.
    The distant like a whole life, it is so much,
    So long.
    The wind is staying between me and you.
    There is the word, “Where are you?”
    “Where are you?”- I will ask.
    Maybe somebody will reply to…
    The wind is staying between me and you.

    Where are you?
    Maybe somebody will reply to….
    Where are you?

    ( here is original version by Moby. Compare)
    Иногда потрясающие вещи находятся в неожиданных местах.
    Sometimes tremendous things are found in unexpected places
    Please, correct my mistakes

  20. #60
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Music: Cutting Edge and What You Are Listening To?

    Quote Originally Posted by ekaterinak
    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    ekaterinak, The Thin White Duke/Stuart Price also did a remix of Lady GaGa's - Paparazzi Let me know if you want me to add a specific version of Paparazzi to the MR Playlist or not.
    ekaterinak, I added Thin White Dukes' remix version of Paparazzi to the MR Playlist. The offical title is under his real name of Stuart Price. Here is the track listing:
    Track # 41
    Song: Paparazzi (Stuart Price Remix)
    Artist: Lady GaGa
    Album: Paparazzi (The Remixes) - Single
    Year: 2009

    Also, I found this other song that he did and I thought you (and CoffeeCup) might like it. Sneaky Sound System - It's Not My Problem (Radio Version). I added this to the MR Playlist as song #42. He also did a much longer 7:47 minute version.

    A couple of interesting things about this song and the band.

    Read this message that I get from their Web site
    We are not available in your territory as yet, but you can purchase our CDs online through Australian online retailer Waterfront Records.
    hehehe, I can't buy their records in the U.S.!!!

    About the song "It's Not My Problem"
    The song was initially released to Australian radio in May, 2009 and only started getting substantial, but still little, airplay around June. No physical release is planned, due to CD Singles not selling well in Australia, and retail stores not stocking them.

    The song was the 4th most added track to the radio on July 3, 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by ekaterinak
    Also I vote for № 33, 37 and 36
    Glad you like "My Way" and "Goodbye!"
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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