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Thread: recommended listening (need more russian music for my ipod)

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    recommended listening (need more russian music for my ipod)

    im in desperate need of some new music to make the morning journey to work more tollerable...

    i would be eternally greatful..
    if anyone here would be so kind as to share the names of tracks or artists similar to...

    гости из будущего, земфира, мумий тролль, тотал ....


  2. #2
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: recommended listening (need more russian music for my ip

    Quote Originally Posted by tendu
    im in desperate need of some new music to make the morning journey to work more tollerable...

    i would be eternally greatful..
    if anyone here would be so kind as to share the names of tracks or artists similar to...

    гости из будущего, земфира, мумий тролль, тотал ....

    It's all here. Check Culture and History section of this forum.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: recommended listening (need more russian music for my ip

    Quote Originally Posted by tendu

    гости из будущего, земфира, мумий тролль, тотал ....
    Об этих я никогда не слышал.
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

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