@Ramil, Basil77, thanks for considering my question

I didn't make any specific suggestions, but just expressed some impressions...
I started speaking in a way that wished hope ("I am sure things will get better after this event. People usually wake up after this kind of events.") in the way I would have told if it had happened in any country. So I was not specific, just expressing concern. But then, after reading the news, I started telling my personal
impressions, e.g. "I think it is possible for Russia to be more peaceful... I mean it is more multicultural than most would imagine. Even your interior Minister is Muslim, something you don't even get in EU countries."
Maybe this was annoying because also the terrorists also had Muslim affiliations?
Of course, I know I am uninformed and have never even been to Russia :P but I was simply telling my impression, based on my knowledge of other countries, etc.
You think I might have come across as an uninformed know-it-all who just says something because he has nothing else to say?