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Thread: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

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    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    I know many people on this forum ride the subways... I can't remember if the "Lubyanka station" or "Park Kultury, near Gorky Park" are stops we talked about... Everyone okay?
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    Почётный участник SPZenA's Avatar
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    News. Moscow Metro hit by deadly suicide bombings

    So, i really don't know, where i can post this.

    It is so sad and painful, i don't know what to say.
    RIP to those killed...
    My friend living near one oh those stations...
    I'm shocked.
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  3. #3
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    What an awful awful tragedy! Our condolences to the families of victims. R.I.P.
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  4. #4
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Well, I'm still in one piece. A terrible thing indeed, the most crazy thing about terrorism is that innocent people suffer. An official, a president even can be blown up and that is understandable at least. Oh, I know the theory, of course, that the idea is to instill fear in masses but... these people have nothing to do with politics etc. It has always been a mystery to me what kind of cynism the people who ordered this must have in order to do such things. I don't believe in jihads and other islam related stuff when I hear about something like what had happenned today. Such attacks are usually well planned and organized and one should provide finance for the operation like that and the ones who have such amounts of money at the disposal are NOT fanatics. They usually pursue their own agenda and mulsim ideology is simply a disguise for something more ugly.

    And the other thing that I find strange in the terrorist attacks that happen in Russia (not just today's ones) - no one takes responsibility for them. Well, if you are a terrorist and if you want to make a political statement you blow something up and then take the responsibility for this and then explain why you did it. The explosions that take place in Russia are usually followed by no announcement or something. Well, this has even less sense. Why blowing things up and then make no political announcements after? By default, everyone keeps saying that 'the traces lead to Caucasus', still, there was nothing significant happenning there lately so I can't even begin to guess what triggered these attacks.
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Sorry about the very bad news.


  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    It has always been a mystery to me what kind of cynism the people who ordered this must have in order to do such things. [...] Such attacks are usually well planned and organized and one should provide finance for the operation like that and the ones who have such amounts of money at the disposal are NOT fanatics.
    Quote Originally Posted by
    NEW YORK -- Oil prices got a boost Monday from positive economic indicators and worries about terrorist bombings in Moscow.

    Benchmark crude for May delivery jumped $2.39, or 3 percent to $82.39 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    PFG analyst Phil Flynn said, "Because Russia is a major oil producer, there are fears that there could be more attacks in the future," and this could cramp oil supply from the country.
    Still a mystery?

  7. #7
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Объясните мне, как окупается вложение денег в теракт подобного рода?

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    It has always been a mystery to me what kind of cynism the people who ordered this must have in order to do such things. [...] Such attacks are usually well planned and organized and one should provide finance for the operation like that and the ones who have such amounts of money at the disposal are NOT fanatics.
    Quote Originally Posted by
    NEW YORK -- Oil prices got a boost Monday from positive economic indicators and worries about terrorist bombings in Moscow.

    Benchmark crude for May delivery jumped $2.39, or 3 percent to $82.39 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    PFG analyst Phil Flynn said, "Because Russia is a major oil producer, there are fears that there could be more attacks in the future," and this could cramp oil supply from the country.
    Still a mystery?
    No, not that. I'm aware that even if Moscow taxi drivers got a splendid day today (fares rose up to $100, $150 from $5-$7 today) there must be someone who did better than them. I'm not sure that cynism is a word suitable for such people. Can a price for human life be any lower?

    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    Объясните мне, как окупается вложение денег в теракт подобного рода?
    1. Покупаешь нефть
    2. Рвешь бомбу
    3. Продаешь нефть
    4. Profit
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  9. #9

    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    So sorry for you, this is terrible and these incidents seem to be more and more frequent.

    What more do these people want? They have everything they wanted - autonomy, money from Moscow and starting to create some kind of mini Saudi Arabia there, complete with Islamist laws. What do they want!!!???

    In London we are also scared of terrorism - there are always announcements to report suspicious activities and look out for abandoned bags or packages. We had a terrible attack a few years ago and some smaller ones.

    The Evening Standard (Londons biggest paper) wrote very touchingly about it -- best reporting from Russia I've seen in ages and no criticism of Russia's politics or leaders, just empathy and compassion.

    Everyone feels for you - don't give in to the terror!

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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    I am really sorry for what is happening over there. I also have friends from Moscow and they sounded very scared.
    God bless the citizens and may peace come upon all these people so that such problems don't occur again.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Quote Originally Posted by SAn
    Объясните мне, как окупается вложение денег в теракт подобного рода?
    1. Покупаешь нефть
    2. Рвешь бомбу
    3. Продаешь нефть
    4. Profit
    Сильно фьючерсами не наспекулируешь. Схема другая:

    1. Имеешь нефть.
    2. Спонсируешь террористические организации.
    3. Они рвут бомбу из идейных соображений.
    4. Нефть растёт.
    5. Продаёшь ту же нефть дороже.
    6. Профит.

  12. #12
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Such attacks are usually well planned and organized and one should provide finance for the operation like that and the ones who have such amounts of money at the disposal are NOT fanatics. They usually pursue their own agenda and mulsim ideology is simply a disguise for something more ugly.
    It's not that costly.

    Подготовка смертников проходит в условиях строжайшей конспирации. Финансово это не слишком затратная операция, хотя и требует существенной психологической подготовки самоубийцы. Обычно движущей силой камикадзе является месть за погибших родных и близких.

    I don't really buy the oil theory, sorry, Croc. I think it's plain revenge. You have to remember that every time we hear on the news that Putin&Co "eliminated another militant" in the North Caucasus, that means his/her relatives will probably want revenge and might be brainwashed to become terrorists. Regarding the responsibility and political statements, perhaps there are some but they are not reported? We all know what they want -- independence, that's why they're called separatists. Though they must now understand that it's highly unlikely they're gonna get it but perhaps they don't care as they're fanatics.

    The thing that kills me is that those things will continue and no one cares... Nothing is really going to be done, except "eliminating more militants." It seems like an eternal circle of violence. More people were killed in Beslan, and kids too, but what was done to prevent such things in the future?
    Alice: One can't believe impossible things.
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  13. #13
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

    No, not that. I'm aware that even if Moscow taxi drivers got a splendid day today (fares rose up to $100, $150 from $5-$7 today) there must be someone who did better than them. I'm not sure that cynism is a word suitable for such people. Can a price for human life be any lower?
    am I understanding this correctly? Taxi drivers, aware of peoples' fear of using the subway, jacked up their prices from $5-7 to $100-150.
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    DDT is offline
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Не забывай этот теракт сделен мусульманами. Я надеюсь что, Путин совсем наводит много ракет по Чечню и уничтожать сопротивляющегося противника! Важно разрушить Ислам.

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  15. #15
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    am I understanding this correctly? Taxi drivers, aware of peoples' fear of using the subway, jacked up their prices from $5-7 to $100-150.
    At least some media reported so. A terrible cynism indeed. BTW, many of Moscow taxi drivers are Caucasians.

    About the event itself. Horrible. Many people are shocked, especially at the place there I work, since the office is located near one of the red line metro stations there both explosions took place and many people here constantly go by that metro line.
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  16. #16
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by starrysky
    I think it's plain revenge.
    Not that simple. Revenge is usually an emotion that gets appealed to when they prepare a kamikaze but what motives have those who pay for such sort of things?

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    am I understanding this correctly? Taxi drivers, aware of peoples' fear of using the subway, jacked up their prices from $5-7 to $100-150.
    That's exactly what they did.
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  17. #17
    Завсегдатай mishau_'s Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    am I understanding this correctly? Taxi drivers, aware of peoples' fear of using the subway, jacked up their prices from $5-7 to $100-150.
    Это настоящая вокзальная мафия, уходящая корнями в 80-е годы прошлого века.
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Guys, I need to ask you something a bit unrelated and maybe also a bit silly. If it's too off-topic the moderators can delete it anyway... I'm Italian and I care a lot about respecting other cultures in a very profound way, which for me means also integrating with their mentality. For example, when something like this happens, my spontaneous reaction would be to carry around my neck a Russian flag like a scarf or put the Russian flag on my online website/blogs, in a way to "pledge allegiance" to the victims.

    Do you think this could annoy patriotic Russians?

    I ask because I know that many Russians (especially my acquaintances, and, well, a girl I like) are a bit nationalistic, and yesterday when I started talking to her about these events she was happy for my concern, but when I started talking about ideas on how to improve the situation, talking about specific politicians, etc. she seemed a bit hurt... as if I was insulting her country. Same happened with another Russian guy I know.

    Do Russians not like when non-Russians get interested in their politics?

    Sorry if my question is silly and inappropriate. Delete if it is.

    P.S.: Again, God Bless Russia and all the victims' families.

  19. #19
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    I wasn't in Moscow yesterday, but today, when I came to my work place, I saw that the metro attack is the most discussed topic in the office there I work. As I metioned above, we are located near the one of the red line's stations and some of my colleagues were witnesses, they were just on the way to work (our working day begins at 8.30 am). And one girl disapeared. She is the last year student in Moscow State University and work here as a trainee in the law department. She came to Moscow from one of the Siberian cities to study and lives in M.S.U. hostel. Her cellphone doesn't respond. I didn't find her in the victims list, but we still fear the worst.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  20. #20
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Moscow Subway Hit By Suicide Bombings..

    Quote Originally Posted by ItaloFandorin
    Do you think this could annoy patriotic Russians?
    This could annoy only stupid Russians. As a Russian, I only feel grateful for such feelings of yours.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

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