Quote Originally Posted by DDT
I never metioned anything about Einstein believing in a personal God. He believed in some type of intelligent creator.
Well, he sure as hell didn't believe that the earth was created in 7 days or that God designed each species separately from each other and then placed them upon the earth. Nor did he seek to calculate the age of the earth from studying the Bible.

If you're talking about evidence of intelligence behind the structure and development of the universe, then that's a different argument. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with that, but I don't think it's an outrageous position to take. It's important not to confuse the debate over the origin of the universe with that concerning the origin of living organisms on earth.

Well, all I can say from reading some of these is that some people must be very insecure in their 'faith' if they need to try and misrepresent Einstein's concept of God and pretend it supports their own.

"I am grieved that no one ever offered Einstein the clear, biblical resolution to the paradox he posed. I am also sad that Einstein did not live long enough to see the accumulation of scientific evidence for a personal caring Creator"

Yes, of course, poor old Einstein was obviously misguided in not believing in a personal God Missed his place in heaven as I well I suppose