Quote Originally Posted by Basil77 View Post
Ok, I stand corrected then. But still, for me, столовские тевтели на противне с поджареной корочкой с подливкой и гарниром из гречки, которые толстая тётка накладывает тебе лопаточкой с недовольным видом, но, если ты ей улыбнёшься, добавит подливки, are still one of the best food I ever could get.
Our столовая didn't serve that! Lucky you, it sounds delicious! Mostly we had яичница (fried or soft boiled), каша, and some kind of macaroni with sauce. On rare occasions there was meat, usually pork or chicken, but no way to know for sure.

Most of what I ate was stuff I cooked myself. I did most of my shopping at the рынок, but I shopped at the state stores too. Lots of курица, баранина, кинза, укроп, соленые огурцы, и так далее. It was a pretty healthy diet actually. Most of the food I ate was grown by collective farmers in the Ukraine, so there were not a lot of pesticides or preservatives and there was no real "junk food" like we have in America. It took a lot of getting used to, but it wasn't so bad and I was in good physical shape from all the walking that was required.