To know what is typical of our "arguing strategy" as you put it, you should first live among us for 10 - 15 years and only then draw your conclusions. Otherwise it's nothing but labelling.Originally Posted by Mordan
There is no irony involved.Nevertheless you non-answer shows the irony.
That is correct. But did I ever suggest we should do so?But the main point holds. One should not based his opinion on History with just a single source of information.
Again naivity at its utmost. Take pills or something, you need to get the effects of your country's brainwashing campaigns out of your digestive system somehow.While in the USSR there was only the official line of thought
Bald-faced lies, barefaced lies, blatant lies, brazen lies, downright lies, monstrous lies, outright lies, transparent lies, whopping lies. Which pack of lies do you prefer? Choose the West there are, I think, more than one source of information concerning History.
Ask yourself this question - who benefits from this? There's no free nothing in this world, everything's under someone's influence.Historians in the West are free to battle their line of thoughts without the interference of the political police.