I can't work out how to say "sentences" in Russian.
I want to say things like:
Simple sentences
Basic sentences
Gramatically complicated sentences
Easy sentences
Long sentences
Can you help?![]()
I can't work out how to say "sentences" in Russian.
I want to say things like:
Simple sentences
Basic sentences
Gramatically complicated sentences
Easy sentences
Long sentences
Can you help?![]()
Wow, could you be any vaguer? I would buy a textbook, which will start with one of the two simplest sentences there can be.
Утро. It is morning.
Я -- студентка. I am a student.
What exactly was it you were wanting? I mean you can't get a complex sentence unless you know the simple ones.
The basic structure is (adjective(s)) + subject + (adverb(s)) + verb + (adjs.) + objects.
Большая утка быстро съела зерно. The big duck quickly ate the kernel of corn.
For objects, generally indirect object precedes direct, e.g. Dick gave Jane the book.
Now for a quiz. Can you identify which words represent the parts of a sentence --
Гло́кая ку́здра ште́ко будлану́ла бо́кра и кудря́чит бокрёнка.
(Hint: it's a compound sentence consisting of two clauses linked by и 'and', but both having the same subject).
Hope you enjoyed this!
Edit to fix быстро and add:
And this can be translated into other languages, even Swedish! http://arno1251.livejournal.com/301421.html
AAaaHahaha!Гло́кая ку́здра ште́ко будлану́ла бо́кра и кудря́чит бокрёнка.![]()
Another hint: do not try to look up these words over dictionaries...(Hint: it's a compound sentence consisting of two clauses linked by и 'and', but both having the same subject).
Большая утка быстро склевала зёрнышко.Большая утка выстро съела зерно.
Съела зерно sounds here like зерно is a substance or a material (non quantifiable).
But for "the kernel of corn" зёрнышко sounds way better and склевала (клевать) is a standard word for birds' eating.
I assume though you used those to make it easier for Johanna. I use the same technique very often.
Простые предложенияSimple sentences
Basic sentences
Gramatically complicated sentences
Easy sentences
Long sentences
Базовые/основные предложения (if you mean "basic" in the meaning of "something simple for a beginner" then the adjective will be "простые" as well)
Грамматически сложные предложения
Простые предложения
Длинные предложения
http://lingvo.yandex.ru/en?os=translati ... anslate=on
Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.
Sentence = предложение (in Russian "предложение" has also another meaning :"offer", "proposition", "suggestion")Originally Posted by Johanna
Grammatically complicated sentences. = Грамматически сложные предложения.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Oops I really confused people. I meant the ACTUAL WORD "sentences". Hence the quotation marks!
I wanted to say it here: http://rhinospike.com/language/rus/
Luckily Eugene and CoffeeCup understood my question!
Thanks for the translations!
But Chaika's answer was fun too!
"Having a laugh" = not being serious or making fun of something.
Example: Are you serious about wanting to spend your summer holiday in Chernobyl, or are you just having a laugh?
"I think you're just having a laugh at me!"!
Johanna, a thousand pardons! I totally missed what you were asking. But anyway, you have learned a famous Russian sentence that means absolutely nothing but is totally grammatical! Kind of like our 'Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
Russian translation of "Jabberwocky":Originally Posted by chaika
Варкалось. Хливкие шорьки
Пырялись по наве.
И хрюкотали зелюки
Как мюмзики в мове.
О, бойся Бармаглота, сын!
Он так свирлеп и дик,
А в глуще рымит исполин —
Злопастный Брандашмыг!
Но взял он меч, и взял он щит,
Высоких полон дум.
В глущобу путь его лежит,
Под дерево Тумтум.
Он стал под дерево и ждёт,
И вдруг граахнул гром —
Летит ужасный Бармаглот
И пылкает огнём!
Раз-два, раз-два! Горит трава,
Взы-взы — стрижает меч.
Ува! Ува! И голова
Барабардает с плеч!
О светозарный мальчик мой!
Ты победил в бою!
О храброславленный герой,
Хвалу тебе пою!
Варкалось. Хливкие шорьки
Пырялись по наве.
И хрюкотали зелюки
Как мюмзики в мове.
Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!
Замечательно! Спасибо большое. Изучаю это.
В этом стихотворении
больше половины слов
выдуманы автором.
Эти слова - просто звук
для картинки,
которую вы можете представить
у себя в голове.
Fields, some noises around...
Evening - варкалось
Хливкие шорьки - something like a fantasy creatures
И хрюкотали зелюки - try to reproduce a frogs song. This sound looks like "хрюкотали"
как мюмзики в мове - как мыши в траве
в мове - в траве (простое созвучие, sound equals)
мюмзики - мыши, something little, fast and hidden like mouse.
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