Originally Posted by
emeraldeyez I think there are several problems with the US school systems across the board whether private or public. (and it does not rest entirely ON the system)
1. PARENTS - yep you are reading this correctly. It all starts with the parents. If you are NOT as involved with your child and his/her education, well there is a problem. Also with regard to parents is the whole "my child would NEVER" do this or that. Dear lord, kids are kids and as such require good examples to follow. So if a parent is not giving good examples or making excuses, the kids are too. Kids learn good habits and responsibility usually from those older, not their peers (though there are some exceptions)
A. side note here in regards to this. the US is so "the rights of" and "sue happy" that they forget many principles of what is right to do. (ie: I mean I believe in the basic human rights for all people, I do not believe though my child should have the power to make decisions for themselves that they may have or have not thought through to all of the possible consequences or outcomes.PLUS I am the one responsible to support them)
2. RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINE, ACCOUNTABILITY - Please tell me where these things are? I think as soon as the government decided to allow the children to have "rights", education went down the toilet. Yes there is basic human rights. However raising a child they do not have a right to make decisions that can potential harm them (whether it is physical or otherwise) Generally children have not learned to reason through much of their words or actions. This is why it is so imperative to teach them and train them to become responsible adults.
You have to understand in the school system, discipline is almost non-existent. If a child misbehaves there are not many such consequences that rarely teach them NOT to do such things again. Suspension, detention, rarely work. Kids see a suspension from school as a mini vacation for themselves. Oft times staying at home, playing on the computer, watching tv, etc .... If a child has a discipline problem, then the school AND the parents need to work together to instill in the child the right and wrong of it.
3. TEACHERS - teachers here have become glorified babysitters. Yes there are those that truly have a passion to teach, inspire and mold the lives of these fresh young minds that walk through these doors. These teachers are far and few between. Kids are all different (their is NO patent formula for raising and or teaching children), therefore you reach out and embrace their differences and figure out, ok what IS the best way to reach these children. HOW do we get them interested in learning and motivate them to have the desire to learn more and NOT just in school, but through life? I am sorry but teachers do a huge disservice by not keeping in contact with parents too. Again, it should be a team effort and oft times falls short.
4. GOVERNMENT - government is guilty to of destroying education. As much as they speak so eloquently on wanting to have more money for education and teach America's children. Hogwash. Money going into schools and more often than not goes to line the pockets of top administrators that push paper all day long. We are losing good teachers, and good programs. All because of budget cuts. AND also because there are so many freaking guidelines, rules and red tape. UGH. God forbid a child gets hurt, if a teacher is seen comforting them it becomes a issue. Government encourages a do not get so close policy (though it is not said aloud!) ALSO with cutting funds for art (ie: music, drama, sports, etc) they have effectively and systematically done a huge disservice to kids. Studies have shown time and time again the importance of art and how it helps and influences other parts of education. (example ... a child playing an instrument in school is oft time better at math and science. go figure!)
5. PRIDE - hello ... where is the pride we use to have? Pride in education? Pride in doing a job well? Pride in helping others? Pride in family? Pride in country? Everything from media, to music, etc ....seemingly shows that it is me me me me. Ugh. It is ok to want, to desire. But freaking work for it. Work towards a good education, even if the school is not great, instill in the child to learn on their own, SHOW them learning is not just IN school, but OUT of it as well. Utilize the resources that are available for education beyond the classroom walls. Internet, libraries, art museums, battle fields, shelters, etc ... if you look (as parents) at everyday life (of course you must be genuine about it and actually show by example), there is not a moment when you can not teach your child all there is. Also instill in children then sense of "they are better than that AND they can achieve whatever it is their mind perceives and they are willing to work for".
Being smart, making a good living does not solely fall to the "education" system. Life is the best school for all and many fail to see that and thus fail in accomplishing furthering their minds and thus their lives.
I am hopping off the soap box now. =)
ooo...wanted add, other countries (from my limited experience) seem to have a great deal of expectations of their children. I like that. Why not here?