I know that a definition of correct form of Russian verb is a difficult task for foreigners. Believe me, English tenses is not less difficult for us. But English and Russian languages have one common thing which can make our efforts easier.
I think about infinitive form of Russian and English verbs.

For example:
to draw – рисовать, тянуть, чертить
to read – читать
to write - писать
Do you see that English “to=Russian ending of verb “ть”?
If you remember this property you will be able to create Russian sentences which have two semantic verbs.
The first of them is the verb “want”. Any next verb after it will have an infinitive form of Russian verb.

For instance:
We want TO write and TO read. / Мы хотим писаТЬ и читаТЬ. (писать, читать are the infinitive)
I want TO read any novels. / Я хочу читаТЬ любые романы. (читать is the infinitive)
They want TO buy that house. / Они хотят купиТЬ тот дом. (купить is the infinitive)

Actually this little crib* can be used with many other Russian verbs.
*) If you have two semantic verbs in one sentence, than the second of them is an infinitive of Russian verb.

For instance:
They hate TO bite and TO fight. / Они ненавидят кусаТЬся и драТЬся.
We try TO leave. / Мы пытаемся уехаТЬ
You plan TO pay for this. / Ты планируешь (за)платиТЬ за это.

But remember, the crib has some exclusions! It is always correctly for verb “want”.