I know that English language does not have ‘double negation’ grammatical construction.

In English you say:
They are not going anywhere
In Russian we say:
Они никуда не едут (not like in English: Они не едут куда-то)
For expression of negation English use 1 negation form of words (where), Russian use negation form of words for 2 words (куда, едут).

I never meet anyone anywhere
Я никогда никого нигде не встречаю (not like in English: Я никогда встречаю любого где-нибудь).
For expression of negation English use only 1 negation word (never), Russian use negation form of words for 4 words (когда, кого, где, встречаю).

So if you see in English sentence words like

No one
None of

with “any…” (like anything, anybody and so on) or “any + noun” you have to use negation form of Russian words in your translation.

And one more a slightly smiling thing.
Look at this in following dialog :

Петя: Будешь (хочешь) кофе? / Piter: Do you want some coffee?
Катя: Да нет, наверное. / Kate: Yes, I do not, probably.

What did she mean? Did she say ‘Yes’? Maybe she meant ‘No’ or something else ??????
Actually she meant “No, but she has been hesitating what she has to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Да нет, наверное’ is soft form of ‘No’. Of course, her answer in English is ‘No, I do not’.
But maybe she did want to say him the sharp word ‘No’