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Thread: help me with a song

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    help me with a song

    I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me with a part of this song that is sung in Russian. I only understand every other word, and hence can't really get the sense, so if it's not too big of a hassle and someone could just write it down for me, I would really love you forever
    The Russian part starts around 1:20, it's a song coming from the Metro Musical, you can get it from here: ... 7045956A94

    Thanks a bunch.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Google says:

    И вот живем мы в разных странах света.
    Кому-то мил зюйд-вест, кому-то мил норд-ост.
    И все ж навеки стала башня эта
    мечтой всех тех, кто -
    как хмельной от света звезд.

    Давайте строить вместе
    с Богом, с Богом, с Богом!
    И речь любая будет нам ясна.
    Когда мы все в стремленье,
    чистом и высоком,
    придет черед
    и тех высот,
    где, может, Бог нам подмигнет
    усталым оком.
    Вместе не страшно.
    Где же, друг, твои ладони?
    Выстроим башню -
    башню ту, что не сумели в Вавилоне!

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    thanks, I was only able to find the Polish version of the lyrics

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    ok, sorry to be a pain, but I can't seem to figure out what does this line mean:
    "Кому-то мил зюйд-вест, кому-то мил норд-ост"

    thanks in advance

  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by kamka
    ok, sorry to be a pain, but I can't seem to figure out what does this line mean:
    "Кому-то мил зюйд-вест, кому-то мил норд-ост"

    thanks in advance
    зюйд-вест and норд-ост come from maritime terminology which, as far as I know, borrows a vast majority of its terms from Dutch. These are actually russian transcriptions of the geographical directions southwest (zujd-west) and northeast (noord-oost).

    The whole sentence means that "some like/prefer (to live) in the southwest, others in the northeast".

    if мил is used like in this case - someone 'likes' someone/something (it's not exactly 'like' but I can't think of a better english equivalent at the moment, it comes pretty close in many situations), it a combination of:

    - (не) мил(+ appropriate ending, )
    - a word in dative case (describes WHO likes)
    - a word in nominative case (describes WHO/WHAT is liked, connects to the ending of мил..)

    for example:

    она ему не мила
    he doesn't like her

    они милы ей
    she likes them

    Since i'm not a linguist, i can't explain it better, sorry. And I wouldn't use this construction without being perfectly sure what it means in a special context. I wouldn't say it's common, either.

  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин
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    thanks a lot
    I get the "мил" thing - we use pretty similar construction here. I was mostly confused about the зюйд-вест and норд-ост. I get it now, thank you very much
    Wouldn't it be too much, if I asked you for the link where you got the lyrics from? I can't find it on google, nor anywhere else.

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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  8. #8
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