Waxwing, friend, I wish to come to China soon. Are you enjoying the food there?
Waxwing, friend, I wish to come to China soon. Are you enjoying the food there?
I'd like to bring it back. I like the term "pluperfect son of a bitch."Originally Posted by waxwing
The thing is that in spanish we have two types of past where english have just one, and they correspond (roughly) with the perfect and imperfect forms of russian verbs. So instead of using a different verb if the action is finished or not, we use one verb but with different endings. For this reason it is usually not difficult to choose the right aspect in russian (in the past), if you can speak spanish...
Also, english people find it quite tricky to chose the right tense in spanish...
but, of course, the trickiest thing is the subjunctiveI think that i never knew a non-native speaker who could use it correctly, except, maybe, french people.
The thing is that in spanish we have two types of past where english have just one, and they correspond (roughly) with the perfect and imperfect forms of russian verbs. So instead of using a different verb if the action is finished or not, we use one verb but with different endings. For this reason it is usually not difficult to choose the right aspect in russian (in the past), if you can speak spanish...
Also, english people find it quite tricky to chose the right tense in spanish...
but, of course, the trickiest thing is the subjunctiveI think that i never knew a non-native speaker who can use it correctly, except, maybe, french people.
I'm lukewarm about it ... especially the lukewarm fare in the Uni canteenOriginally Posted by Pravit
No doubt there is some great cuisine here, but I had to learn bu2 la4 pretty fast, even up here in the north (I think it's even hotter down south from what I've heard).
Hotpot restaurants are very popular, and very good for a cold winter. Although I feel the idea of going into a restaurant and cooking the food yourself somewhat of a rip off.
Winter is starting to set in big time here so I'm looking forward to a quick trip south for the spring festival in Feb!
Yeah, I agree ... errr .. OK I'll stop trying to be clever and say I really didn't understand that joke.Originally Posted by линдзи
Море удачи и дачу у моря
It's not a joke. It's just an insult. I have no idea what it actually even means about the insultee, but one of my relatives regularly uses it, and it cracks me up. Perhaps it means someone was once a son of a bitch, but has completed that action?
Yeah, I wasn't saying you didn't know that. What I was saying was that the accent marks don't really help me much with my Spanish pronunciation, because they're not on every word. You have to learn the rules of emphasis (or just listen to so much Spanish that they become second nature) in order to be able to correctly pronounce words as a non-native speaker.Originally Posted by Anonymous
When you find a new word, the accent is telling you how to pronounce it. Just think of some example words and you'll see:What I was saying was that the accent marks don't really help me much with my Spanish pronunciation, because they're not on every word. You have to learn the rules of emphasis
esperanza : you see no accent, so as it ends in vowel (or 's' or 'n'), the stress doesn't fall on the last nor on the last but two -> esperAnza
Hola nenes!![]()
Yo hablo calstellano es q me vivia mucho tiempo en Argentina.Si, hay una differencia entre espanol (se hablan en Espana) y castellano (q se hablan en Argentina).Por ejemplo hay una differencia en el significato de algunas palabritas.Claro q tambien hay una gran differencia en pronuncia y en una forma de hablar eso o eso.
Espanol....pardon..castellano es mi segunda lengua. Es q mi nazionzlita es rusa, yo hablo ingles y despues empeze a ensenar espanol, pero despues de irme a Argentina la lengua castellana me parecio mas ... mas para mi!!!![]()
诺基亚手机铃声下载和弦铃声下载三星铃声铃声铃声下载手机铃声下载手机铃声免费铃声下载免费铃声手机铃声免费下载三星手机铃声下载和弦铃声诺基亚铃声下载诺基亚铃声诺基亚手机铃声和弦铃声三星铃声铃声下载 371m彩信midi铃声midi铃声下载特效铃声下载原唱铃声qq铃声mp3手机铃声
铃声铃声下载手机铃声下载手机铃声免费铃声下载免费铃声手机铃声免费下载三星手机铃声下载和弦铃声诺基亚铃声下载诺基亚铃声诺基亚铃声诺基亚手机铃声和弦铃声三星铃声铃声下载 371m彩信midi铃声midi铃声下载特效铃声下载原唱铃声qq铃声mp3手机铃声诺基亚3100铃声下载联想手机铃声下载原唱铃声下载移动铃声下载铃声下载单音铃声搞笑铃声mid铃声下载手机特效铃声单音铃声下载和弦铃声手机铃声图片下载手机特效铃声下载短信铃声移动手机铃声下载手机和弦铃声cect手机铃声下载彩信铃声诺基亚3120铃声下载和旋铃声下载原声铃声下载铃声图片诺基亚免费铃声下载免费和弦铃声下载免费mp3铃声下载免费和弦铃声三星铃声免费下载免费mp3铃声诺基亚免费铃声手机铃声免费下免费铃声图片下载免费特效铃声下载免费三星手机铃声midi铃声免费下载三星免费铃声免费手机和弦铃声诺基亚3100免费铃声和弦铃声下载mp3铃声下载mp3手机铃声手机mp3铃声下载三星手机铃声诺基亚铃声诺基亚手机铃声下载诺基亚手机铃声手机特效铃声手机特效铃声下载移动手机铃声下载移动铃声原唱铃声下载手机原唱铃声下载nokia铃声nokia手机铃声下载nokia手机铃声搞笑铃声下载搞笑手机铃声搞笑手机铃声下载免费搞笑铃声下载nec手机铃声nec免费手机铃声单音铃声下载手机单音铃声下载手机单音铃声波导手机铃声下载波导铃声下载波导手机铃声nokia铃声下载tcl手机铃声下载tcl铃声下载tcl手机铃声摩托罗拉铃声下载摩托罗拉手机铃声摩托罗拉铃声联想手机铃声下载联想手机铃声联想铃声下载lg手机铃声下载lg手机铃声免费下载lg手机铃声和旋铃声下载
铃声铃声下载手机铃声下载手机铃声免费铃声下载免费铃声手机铃声免费下载三星手机铃声下载和弦铃声诺基亚铃声下载诺基亚铃声诺基亚铃声诺基亚手机铃声和弦铃声三星铃声铃声下载 371m彩信midi铃声midi铃声下载特效铃声下载原唱铃声qq铃声mp3手机铃声诺基亚3100铃声下载联想手机铃声下载原唱铃声下载移动铃声下载铃声下载单音铃声搞笑铃声mid铃声下载手机特效铃声单音铃声下载和弦铃声手机铃声图片下载手机特效铃声下载短信铃声移动手机铃声下载手机和弦铃声cect手机铃声下载彩信铃声诺基亚3120铃声下载和旋铃声下载原声铃声下载铃声图片诺基亚免费铃声下载免费和弦铃声下载免费mp3铃声下载免费和弦铃声三星铃声免费下载免费mp3铃声诺基亚免费铃声手机铃声免费下免费铃声图片下载免费特效铃声下载免费三星手机铃声midi铃声免费下载三星免费铃声免费手机和弦铃声诺基亚3100免费铃声和弦铃声下载mp3铃声下载mp3手机铃声手机mp3铃声下载三星手机铃声诺基亚铃声诺基亚手机铃声下载诺基亚手机铃声手机特效铃声手机特效铃声下载移动手机铃声下载移动铃声原唱铃声下载手机原唱铃声下载nokia铃声nokia手机铃声下载nokia手机铃声搞笑铃声下载搞笑手机铃声搞笑手机铃声下载免费搞笑铃声下载nec手机铃声nec免费手机铃声单音铃声下载手机单音铃声下载手机单音铃声波导手机铃声下载波导铃声下载波导手机铃声nokia铃声下载tcl手机铃声下载tcl铃声下载tcl手机铃声摩托罗拉铃声下载摩托罗拉手机铃声摩托罗拉铃声联想手机铃声下载联想手机铃声联想铃声下载lg手机铃声下载lg手机铃声免费下载lg手机铃声和旋铃声下载
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