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Thread: Language exchange? Chinese or English for Russian?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Tianjin, China
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    Language exchange? Chinese or English for Russian?

    I am an American teacher living and working in China. I have a good level of Chinese if anyone would be interested in trading Russian for Chinese or English.
    A little background. I studied Russian in college for 3 years and studied an intensive course in Petrozavodsk in 1999. I have not been using the language for the last three years, but can pick it up quickly again.

    Hope to hear from you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    с. Хреновое Воронежской обл.
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    Awesome! I'd love to but I don't have any good Chinese books. I started with Beijing University's beginning Chinese course. I'm thinking of getting the "New Practical Chinese Reader" series sometime later. But really I'm sick of learning languages from books(which I did for Russian). If I want to learn Chinese I'll probably spend some time at a Chinese university someday. Anyhow, I'm sure Jasper will be all over you. And I don't mean it in a good way. You'll unlock Jasper's amazing Netherlandish passion. Actually, he's not fluent in Russian. Maybe that Dimon guy will come back, he's studying Chinese.

  3. #3
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    About learning Chinese

    I understand very well you frustration with Chinese learning material. A lot of it is really unuseful stuff like talking to the bus driver about Tiananmen Square while on the way to the Great Wall. It is horribly 爱我中华. "Love my China" and worst of all it has almost no use in everyday conversation.
    Having said that, I studied Russian for several years before going to Russian and it was a hard transition too. Listening was not easy.
    I dod not know if you can find it, but the Beijing Language and Culture University has a good series of books. No English name on it, but it is the first year/second year/ etc/ series.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Indeed, I'm not fluent in Russian, but are you implying that you are, my Pravichushka? Or is this my Netherlandish passion showing up again? Shouldn't be so touchy.

    Anyway, I've stopped studying Chinese for a while, I'm going to concentrate more on Russian.
    Army Anti-Strapjes
    Nay, mats jar tripes
    Jasper is my Tartan
    I am a trans-Jert spy
    Jerpty Samaritans
    Pijams are tyrants
    Jana Sperm Tit Arsy

  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Dec 2003
    Russia Perm
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    hello stavrogin2001 !!!!!!
    i`m 15 years old girl , i`m Russian and i interested in Chinese very much!!i would like to learn some of it..or even more...but don`t know from what.........maybe you help me


  6. #6

    Re: About learning Chinese

    Quote Originally Posted by stavrogin2001
    I understand very well you frustration with Chinese learning material. A lot of it is really unuseful stuff like talking to the bus driver about Tiananmen Square while on the way to the Great Wall. It is horribly 爱我中华. "Love my China" and worst of all it has almost no use in everyday conversation.
    Having said that, I studied Russian for several years before going to Russian and it was a hard transition too. Listening was not easy.
    I dod not know if you can find it, but the Beijing Language and Culture University has a good series of books. No English name on it, but it is the first year/second year/ etc/ series.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Could someone who knows more about the net tell me what it means when people just quote the post before them without saying anything? Seriously, you see it all the time in those old kinky message board things. I thought it was either some secret form of net lingo or for some reason all the messages but the original one were deleted, yet somehow the part where the message is like this remains:
    > bla bla bnbla
    > blablalbla
    > blalblalb

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