141-2 中なんかいない
что же внутри
кстати, а кто сейчас внутри?
не может быть!
141-2 中なんかいない
что же внутри
кстати, а кто сейчас внутри?
не может быть!
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
Well, that's it.Originally Posted by laxxy
すごい! MOGさんは、英語もロシア語もドイツ語も中国語も、今フランス語も話せますね。[quote:q7y9kh5a]あと、フランス語なんか始めちゃいました
僕は、学校でフランス語を勉強しました。今まで全部忘れていました。でも、科学の単語は英語と同じですので 、経済の作文がちょっと分かります。
ところで、聴きたい事があるのです: MOGさんは中国語の文法をちょっとだけ分かった時、中国語の新聞な どが分かりましたか? それとも単語は絶対違うのですか?[/quote:q7y9kh5a][/quote]
ドイツ語は文法をちょっと自習しただけで話すことなど到底できません それと、中国語なんて言いましたっけ?中国語は漢字ばかりであり、漢字が日本語のものと多少違っても容易に 推測できるものが多いため文章、特に新聞などは、中国語のわずかな知識があれば大まかな理解は可能ですが、 僕は中国語を勉強したわけではないので残念ながら話せません。 それにフランス語は始めたばかりで話せるようになる保障はありません。目で読むことは出来ても発音が、少な くとも僕にとっては、極度に難しいため自信がありません。授業に出ているので少しでも良くなれば嬉しいので すが。母音も子音も、英語ともロシア語とも、そして日本語ともかけ離れているのでなかなか馴染めません。聞 き取りも大変です。今は、日本語の発音にずっと近いスペイン語のほうがまだ分かります。ところで僕の出てい るフランス語の授業、日本人のほかにも中国人やモンゴル人がいるんです。フランス語を学びたいという知り合 いのウクライナ人も誘ったところ来るようになりました。もしかするとほかにも外国人がいるかもしれません。 別のクラスではブルガリア人の子もいました。フランス語を学びたい人は本当に多いですね。
Here I guess "Ну ладно... купальники уже хватят" would be closer if there is no problem with Russian.Originally Posted by laxxy
言う is often pronounced ゆう.Originally Posted by ST
Что вы говорите?
ござる - это старый японский для です и иногда шутлибо используетсяOriginally Posted by ST
Да, это цутенкаку, одно из самых извесных достапримечательностяхOriginally Posted by ST
это "Hanshin", there is a very popular baseball team 阪神タイガース and I guess she made something to do with it.この隅の小さいのは?
этот маленький угол?
это Осака-Кобе
ОказияOriginally Posted by ST
hmm, IMHO this word is not so widely used since revolution. So it must be something like: "удобный случай". Although seems like this word was pretty close to English word "occasion"
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
I made some googling...and looks like this word borrowed from French, actually.
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
oh, well, thanks
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
On the second one tooOriginally Posted by ST
きれい is at least one "exception" ending in い when written in kana as it commonly is (naturally so because it's not really an adjective...) --
Looks like they are just lumping words like 綺麗 and 良い together, who wrote this?!?!
Who knows what else they are getting wrong there... I'd just pick smth else...
PS. Actually, reading it again, I can see that the 2nd page does make a little sense -- that is, it kinda works if they introduce words like きれい as 綺麗な throughout -- still creates much confusion imo, plus this is not how dictionaries have them...
142-1 イモ買ってきたよ?
купили ИМО?
окончание фестиваля
はい みんな ごくろーさん [ごくろうさま]
всем спасибо за работу!
じゃあ この ぬいぐるみ 全部
а теперь все эти игрушки....
え? 最後は供養して、焼くんじゃないの?
что? Разве в конце церемонии не сжигают?
какой церемонии?
(я тоже не очень понял. Вроде у японцев есть традиция сжигать старые игрушки, чтобы в них не вселились бесы... Может она это имеет в виду?)
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
142-2 敵?
этой ночью у дома Чиё-тян (ち=???)
тадакичи-сан, прекрати(???)
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
Achtung, выходим на финишную прямую!
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
You know better than the author of the book, ST. Tae Kim explains it better.
I guess it's Yukari who said the titleOriginally Posted by ST
купила батат
не знаю такой традиций(я тоже не очень понял. Вроде у японцев есть традиция сжигать старые игрушки, чтобы в них не вселились бесы... Может она это имеет в виду?)
ちよちゃん家Originally Posted by ST
もらった is about the mascot, they gave it to her
а, значит это 貰った (получила). Правда при чем тут イモ?
А про кукол-вот:
Или это она про даруму:Whilst most people who visit Awashima Shrine do so to cleanse the soul and to refresh the spirit, women also offer dolls for anzan (to have an easy delivery of a baby), fujinbyo (to heal female disorders), or kosazuke (to be gifted with child). But most dolls are offered merely because a child has outgrown them, a family is moving, or space in the home is limited.
Awashima Shrine is small but has a striking appearance. A swarm of dolls crowds the grounds, somewhat like the push and shove of a Tokyo rush hour. At the entrance, a Kasuga-style Torii Gate burns a fiery orange like planks of steel yanked freshly from the furnace. The legion of dolls beckons the caller with a silent carol.
Meandering from one group of dolls to another, I sense thousands of watching eyes. The dolls’ souls are still very much alive. The sensation is eerie. Surrounded by a myriad of dolls, they surreptitiously invite me to partake in a quiet plea to the gods for deliverance.
Meanwhile, the priest absolves a pile of new arrivals. But each year thousands more are consigned to the ceremonial funeral pyre. All Hina dolls, however, are spared from the flames. Instead, they are ritualistically sent out to sea on wooden boats during the Hina festival.
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
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