Originally Posted by
MOG 1.2.1(At the office)
少女:ねぇ・・・ なんで助けてくれたの?
かずい:助けた・・・? ・・・じゃ、本当に病気じゃなかったんですか?
少女:うそぉ~っ ま、あたしだって別に悪いことしてたわけじゃないから、逃げることなかったんだけど・ ・・
(In front of the clinic)
刑事:くそ・・・ここの医者さえジャマしなきゃ今日中に片付いたのに。早くしないとあの女何するかわからん 。とにかく急いでなんとかしなくては・・・
Girl: Well... Why did you help me?
Kazui: Help? Then, you aren't really sick, are you?
Girl: I'm not... But I haven't done anything bad, and I wasn't running away(??)
Kazui: What's your name?
Girl: I really didn't do anything, (???)
I didn't get "それどころじゃなかったんだよ" here at all.
Kazui: I understand that. But, since we said that you came because you were ill, we have to fill out a registration card.
Girl: Ёшихо (?????)... Ямамото Ёшихо.
Policeman: $hit... If only this doctor hadn't interfered, today it would already be over. If I don't act now, who knows what will this woman do (??). In any case, I have to do something quickly.