ぶき - roofing?
ぶき - roofing?
きのう (昨日)-yesterday
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
美しい (うつくしい) - beautiful
Миру - peace!
いちがつ [一月] -January
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
つい - unintentionally
いたい [痛い] -paintul
The bear looked at the car, and reflections of fire danced in his eyes. He knew what to do.
忙しい (いそがしい) - busy, irritated
Миру - peace!
I come to represent and carve my name within your chest.
今 / いま
Let's keep the game alive?
(by the way, hello!)
わき - 脇/腋 underarm, подмышкаわき
和気 harmony? полный приятной атмосферы
ぶき - 武器 weapon, оружиеぶき - roofing?
roofing - 葺き(ふき)
つい牛乳をこぼしてしまった - unintentionally spilt milkつい - unintentionally
ついさっき(さっき・先(さき)ほど・今しがた)彼から電話を受け取った - just now I got the phone from him
ついに(終に) - finally
моя очередь
まだ - not yet[/quote]
誰 / だれ - Who?
Also waki means side/стронаわき - 脇/腋 underarm, подмышка
和気 harmony? полный приятной атмосферы
I'm MOG.誰 / だれ - Who?
例外/れいがい ー exception
好い/いい - Good
Good evening/здравствуйте/こんばんは (at least in my timezone)!Originally Posted by MOG
MOG はーーそれはファナルファンタジがですか。 僕もビデオゲームがだいすきです!lol
I think you should right 良い(よい/いい) if you mean good.
好い(よい/いい) means preferable and it's acthually out of daily usage.
Preferable is 好ましい(このましい)
You're right, my name is from Final Fantasy. You can call it video game also in Japanese but in Japanese it's usually テレビゲーム или просто ゲーム
By the way it's noon here.
苺(いちご) strobery
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