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Thread: Norwegians

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihkkal
    But it's written in poor grammars and with a weird quasi-oldfashioned way of spelling certain words.
    Poor grammar? He-he, now we all know you don't come from Norway and your language is certainly not Norwegian for it's written in perfect Norwegian, as perfect as it can possibly get - it was taken from (scanned and then fine-read, actually) the book of lyrics by Satyricon, a Norwegian black metal band... The book came with a CD which was purchased in Stavanger, Norway. I think it would be only natural to suppose that it is written in perfect Norwegian. Unless, of course, you wish to say that Norwegian musicians can't write in their own language...

    I know that in Norway there's a funny situation with what one should consider the literary norm of the language, so could it be that Satyricon were writing in one of the dialects, rather than the standard literary form of Norwegian (of which, from what I hear, there's more than one) then?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mihkkal
    I don't think it's worth taking offense from, anyways...
    There was never any offense intended. I just quoted one of my favourite pieces of one of my favourite band's lyrics.

    @Jasper May - don't jump to conclusions if you don't sling the lingo.

  2. #22

    Okay, dude...

    The keyword here is: Quasi-old. Norwegian black metal bands use this as a teqnique to give the lyrics an "old" and dramatic feeling to them. In my mind, this always fails entirely, and the lyrics end up sounding nothing but cheesy. In three words: Bad Goth Poetry! Only here it's Bad Anti-Christian And Somewhat Nationalist Goth Poetry.

    The grammars (mostly word-positioning) are awkward and so is the spelling (given, it might be that you have spelled it wrong when quoting).
    It could pass for arch-concervative Bokmal (one of the two written languages) at first glance, but it's still too modern for that.

    I'll write it in modern Bokmal for you, so you can see for yourself (given, I too will have to write aa, oe, and ae instead of the three special Norwegian letters):

    *[i]Evig minnes vi de tapre som levde under vaar hordes hammer...
    - Modern Bokmal positioning and language: "Vi minnes for evig de tapre som levde"
    - "under vaar hordes hammer" = I had to ponder this for a while, literally it means "under our horde's hammer". Being under somebody's hammer sounds like a negative thing. Are you sure it doesn't say "banner"? If not, it's a weird metaphore.

    *Evig er krigen med det av lyset, til de moeter doedens ansikt,
    - Modern positioning and language: "Krigen med det av lyset er evig, fram til de moeter d

  3. #23
    Didn't now I wasn't logged in. But the latest entry is, of course, written by me.

  4. #24
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    I think the other "Guest" can't actually speak Norwegian...such things as "Norwegian muscians can't write in their own langauge", "I know that in Norway", "from what I hear", etc.

  5. #25

    Re: Okay, dude...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mihkkal
    *[i]Evig minnes vi de tapre som levde under vaar hordes hammer...
    - Modern Bokmal positioning and language: "Vi minnes for evig de tapre som levde"
    so? they wrote in a cheesy a-la mediaval Norwegian self-composed dialect. Don't them Tolkien anoraks use a similarly weird form of English sometimes? What does this prove anyway?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mihkkal
    - "under vaar hordes hammer" = I had to ponder this for a while, literally it means "under our horde's hammer". Being under somebody's hammer sounds like a negative thing. Are you sure it doesn't say "banner"? If not, it's a weird metaphore.
    It *is* hammer. You can put it in your pipe and smoke it.

    *Evig er krigen med det av lyset, til de moeter doedens ansikt,
    - Modern positioning and language: "Krigen med det av lyset er evig, fram til de moeter d

  6. #26
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    Whatever happened to your boxing match with the Waxwing guy? Is that still a go?

  7. #27
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Guest (non-Mihkkal Guest ), dude, it's hard to take your pugilism seriously if you post anonymously.

    Moreover, it's a song. I don't think it's worth getting this worked up over.

    I do have a Norwegian-related question: Does anyone know how to say "I mock you while stealing your boat!" in Norwegian? It would be very useful for me.

  8. #28

    anger therapy for Little Racist Boy (/Girl)

    so? they wrote in a cheesy a-la mediaval Norwegian self-composed dialect. Don't them Tolkien anoraks use a similarly weird form of English sometimes? What does this prove anyway?
    It is to explain what I meant with "bad grammars" etc. In a modern day and age, these are bad grammars. Tolkien is actually a good comparision. He also used quasi-oldfashioned English (which sometimes is actually quite cheesy). He also had nationalist/racist themes and the LOTR is loaded with religious content. However - and this is just my personal taste - LOTR and other works by Tolkien are still good litterature, while I do not see the highly-marketable, cheesy national-paganism of Satyr and his like, as good litterature. It beats gospel, though.

    It *is* hammer. You can put it in your pipe and smoke it.
    "Under vaar hordes hammer". Sorry, mac, I still think this is a weird metaphor.

    My bad, you jedi -
    Why am I a jedi?

    it was actually on the second line, so it's too lines and he's referring to different things, don't ask me why, it's poetry for @@@@ sake! In other words the lyrics runs exactly as I wrote, but on two lines - he's not saying 'war on those of the light until they see the face of death", but "war on that of the light, until they see the face of death" where 'that' refers to a certains thing in his previous composition,
    On two lines, and reffering to some earlier mentioned plural animate. It works, then, I suppose.

    to complicated for someone like you, who isn't well-versed in their religion, to comprehend, but in layman's terms he's talking about 'all that of the light', 'all those things that light gives birth too' in a generic sort of way.
    Ho hum: I might just be a simpleminded atheist, but for one thing I've got a university grunnfag in comparative religion. At the Tromso university, Aasatru (Norse rel) and Noaidevuohta (Saami rel) are both rather important to the course. Furthermore, I've had an interest in religion all my life - with an emphasise on pagan religions, and it all started with Aasatru. The latter of course being an important ingredient for the mix that is the faiths of many Norwegian blackmetallers. Other ingredients are often diverse satanisms (Crowley, La Vey), extreme libertarianism, raw capitalism, pure cynisism and gung-ho nationalism etc.
    Secondly, I've heard my share of black metal and Norwegian goth in my time, I know what it's about. I couldn't ever bring myself to actually buy black metal, though, because of lyrics like these. One starts thinking: "Who am I about to give money to here".

    This *is* supposed to sound pompous. Anyway, take it out with my Norwegian friends and the book printed in Norway.
    Yeah, well, here we are at the taste-matter again. Goth lyrics should be pompous. However, I personally think these lyrics cross the thin blue line and walk into absurdity. I was honest when I said I thought it was a parody.

    Of course I added the 'Heia Norge' thing myself - only a total dumkopf could've thought it was part of Satyricon's lyrics. And you don't have to tell me when and where it's used - our squad (I'm a policeman) had a confrontation with a group of your hockey fans during the last major hockey tournament in St Petersburg (all were arrested and deported).
    Decide: Do you, or do you not, think I'm from Norway? Even though I am, these jerks are not mine. I don't take responsibility (or honour) for what people do, just because they happen to belong to one of my nations.

    Well well well, it's one jumped up lappi wannabe viking against a whole community of Satyricon fans plus a teacher of Norwegian at the University of St Petersburg (who happens to be Norwegian by the way) and my three Norwegian friends.
    You're obviously accepting that I'm a Saami, so I don't see your difficulty in accepting that I am Norwegian (all in all, most Saami are from Norway). To use the word "Lapp" of my people, is extremely derogatory in Norway - but I expect that's something you know and that's why you're using it. Good effing research there, racist boy (or girl, what do I know).

    However, you are mixing things up even here: "Lappi" is Lappland county in Finland, the correct word is "Lapp". If you are going to make fun of my people, you should at least do it correctly.

    Did you actually show this to them? Your Norwegian teacher (and three friends) must be some right southerndialect-fetishists with no knowledge about their own country, if they really don't recognize North Norwegian when they see it. But then again, such ignorant southern arrogance does exist some places - though it should have gone extinct after we stopped accepting being treated like their effing colony!

    Already have - you're a looza. Maa jeg svare paa dansk?
    I don't see how this makes me a "looza" in proving my nationality. I am writing in North Norwegian, as I pointed out. If your Norwegian-fluent friends do not see that this is Norwegian, then tell them to do more dialect studies. I will continue in pure Bokmal, then.

    Viss du akseptere de her tekstan, akseptere du aa drepe folk pga religionen demmes.

    Ja, det goer jeg. Og hvem goer det ikke, hva'? BTW, det hedder dog 'du aksepterer', ikke sandt?
    Det store flertall aksepterer ikke aa drepe individer paa grunn av religionen deres. Takke faen for det. Hvorfor mener du det er greit aa drepe individer pga religionen deres? Jeg vil vite hva slags livssyn du har, som tillater dette.

    BTW: Paa min dialekt bruker vi ikke endelsen er i presens, bare "e". Bokmal: Jeg/du/han-hun-det,den/vi/dere/de aksepterer
    Nordnorsk: Ae/du/han-ho-det,deinn/vi/dokker/de akseptere.
    For aa forebygge en mulig misforstaaelse: Jada, "takke faen" er en ufullstendig setning. "<subjekt> maa/boer/skal/osv" mangler, men "takke faen" er rett og slett et fast utrykk.

    Viss du e serioes i det her med aa renske kristendommen ut av Norge, gjor oss ikvertfall en tjeneste og knert den krigskaate statsministern vaars.

    Det er jeres problem. Jeg vil ikke blande mig ind i noget saa galt.
    T-t-t. All talk, no action.

    Han e prest.

    Til lykke med det. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.
    Du ville likt ham. Han synes visst det er greit aa drepe folk med annen religion.

    Eller skaff deg aggressjons-terapi.

    Hvem for faend er dig til at gi' mig raad? Dra ad helvede.
    Jeg tror ikke paa helvete. Men det virker som du trenger det, jeg ville gitt et slikt raad til alle som synes det er greit aa drepe folk som ikke truer dem. Men du har vel allerede terapi i nazimusikken din og... vel, ting som dette.

    Voks for helvette opp!

    Jeg var lige med at sige "sut djaevlepik i helvede din boessedvaerg", men saa huskede jeg - her skal ikke bandes!
    God regel, kan godt ta kritikk paa ovennevnte setning, lot irritasjonen loepe av med meg.

    Ogsaa kan du gi en god beng i aa spy ut tekstan paa forumet, de e irriteranes.

    Hvis den der text irriterede dig, saa sku' du'ke ha' laest den! For pokker, men har du nogensinde proevet at samle dine taender op med braekkede fingre?
    Selvfoelgelig leser jeg den, naar du legger den ut i debatten. Hvorfor legger du den ut hvis du ikke taaler aa hoere en nordmanns reaksjon paa den? Bare for aa brife? Dette er en tekst som er provoserende for de aller aller fleste som forstaar den. Du er i din fulle rett til aa legge den ut, men taal reaksjonene. Det fins andre norske forum der det er mer akseptert at folk legger ut (daarlig) nasjonalistpropaganda som dette, om det er saa grusomt for deg aa faa negativ respons.

    Dessuten: Banning er uakseptabelt, men trusler om vold er greit? Jeg tar saa definitivt ikke tilbake oppfordringa mi om agressjons-terapi. Eller om aa vokse opp, for dette var ganske umodent.

    Nej, jeg paastaar at norks ikke er din modersprog, selvom du kan norks relativt godt.

    For those who didn't understand our dialogue - I said that I maintain that Norwegian isn't his mother tongue and that his lying stops here - with me.
    Oh, aren't we a little paladdin: Out to beat the crap out of people who dont fit into our A4 image of Norwegians, and kill people just because they belive in a(nother) god. They ought to write sagas about you.

    As for the "picking up your teeth" issue, no I haven't tried that yet. And I'm not scared until I see your fist coming at me from the computer screen. Airplane tickets to Tromso are rather expensive, you see.

    I'm sorry, little racist boy/girl. But the fact that my earlier writings seemed like only "relatively good Norwegian" to you is, as I said, that it was in dialect.

    But I suppose the above sequence of pure Bokmal won't convince you either, if you are of the right (wing) type. *sigh*

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    Whatever happened to your boxing match with the Waxwing guy? Is that still a go?
    Aye, Pravit, on my part it is very much a go. However, the poofta's chickened out for he hasn't contacted me to this day, although he knows my e-mail. (I left it for the entire forum to see). He was so brave giving lip to me and other Russians on this board the other day, but it looks like when the going gets tough the tough go and have a little cry... Unless he gets in touch with me during the following 48 hours and we sort out the details of our match (or he apologises publically on the board) I'll consider him defeated, our Russian honour saved and the case closed, at least on my part.

    P.S. How the heck did you figure out it was me posting under Guest?
    P.P.S. Sorry for 'Guest', thought I'd logged in....
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    P.S. How the heck did you figure out it was me posting under Guest?
    P.P.S. Sorry for 'Guest', thought I'd logged in....
    Oh, I have my ways, Mr. VendingMachine I'm glad you haven't left us.

  11. #31
    "I mock you while stealing your boat!"

    "Jeg gjoer narr av deg, mens jeg stjeler baaten din".

    Pressure on the sentance is on "narr" and "stjeler baaten".

    Oslo pronounciation: "Yae yor narr av dae, mens yae styeler bawten dinn"
    "A" sounds like in English "car".
    "ae" is like the English diphtong.
    Tone: Strange, difficult to explain.

    Northern pronounciation (the beautiful one ):
    "A yor narr a da, mens a styal bawtn dinn"
    "A" sounds like in English "have", except the ones marked in italic (which is like "car").
    "ae" is like the english diphtong.
    Tone: pressure is always on the first syllable of the word (styal bawten).

    "R" like in Russian soft R (though more like German in Western dialects).

    But why is this useful, I wonder?

  12. #32
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    OK, let's get this over with, once and for all. I showed your bokmaal brainfarts to a Norwegian friend of mine and you know what he said? Written by a first generation Croatian immigrant! He-he-he. That's it, you can say whatever you wish, you haven't fooled me. You're not a Norwegian, period. Say what you wish, you won't convince me.

    As for my posting that quote from Satyricon, it was only because I wanted to post something decent and Norwegian here, it is, after all, a Norwegian subgroup. You turned this into a silly slanging match.

    As for my calling you a Lapp, no, I never did any research into it, seemed a very natural thing for me as there are Lapps in Russia all right and they are often descriminated against which is a shame, really, they're are such a nice people actually, my ex gf's grandma was a Lapp and she was a very nice old lady. Anyway, I don't understand your reaction at being called that - it's what you are, innit? You're a Lapp, aren't you, or so you claim to be, right? (Not that I believed you for a second, according to my friend you're not a Lapp). You said so yourself. I mean, there's a lot of racism going on around the world and it's a terrible thing, but for crying out loud, since when is it a racist thing to call someone by their proper name? If you refered to me as a Russian this or Russian that, would I ever object to the use of the word Russian? Would I ever? I might object to 'this' or to 'that' but that's another story.You know, one sometimes wonders, isn't 95% of all this so-called racism nothing but the kicking up of stink by a bunch of people who do nothing but overreact whenever there's an apportunity to do so? I don't care how the word Lapp sounds in Norway, I was speaking English at the time. And before you tell me that I should've considered the potentiality of it being offensive in Norwegian, Zulu, or Swahili, let me tell you this - the Russian word for 'afro American' is 'негр' and buggered if I ever say 'черный' in Russian, because 'негр' is not offensive in Russian and I don't give a toss when speaking Russian that it happens to be very offensive in English. Following your logic the Swedes must stop saying 'jag jobbar' ('I work') for it sounds waaaaaay to dirty in Russian (the 'g' isn't pronounced, and 'j' sounds like the 'y' in 'yes'). Or that Scandinavians should get rid of the word 'fart' (it means 'speed' for those who don't know) because it happens to have a very different meaning in English. You know, your stance is pathetic, you remind me of those angry Turks who hate it that the name of their country happens to coincide with the name of a certain bird in English. Do I may myself clear?

    You've said twice that I should seek professional help with a psychiatrist, well, here's my answer to that - you need some healthy sense of humour injections. I came up on the forum to liven it up with a bunch of nice Norwegian quotes and you started on me!

    I don't suppose tickets to Tromso are all that expensive. If I can afford to fly from St Pete to Bangkok and back once a year, I think I could manage a ticket to Tromso if I needed.

    Now, this is my last post regarding this issue. I've blacklisted you, Mihkkal, so you can post any followup, I'm not bothered. I won't even see it. But know this - you did not fool anyone here. If Norwegian is your mother tongue, I am a Bolshoi Theater ballet dancer.

    Of course I accept the fact that not all Norwegians are like the wee pooftas we arrested (actually, my Norwegian mates are just great) - again you are twisting my words, obviously on purpose - I only mentioned those Norwegian benders because I was explaining to you that I knew the meaning of Heia Norge and the context in which one would use it.
    P.P.S. As for your Western 'grunnfags' - here in Russia no one takes them seriously, after all they are what the name suggests - 'ground fags', fags (dog ends, cigarette butts) dumped on the ground . Yeah, I know what 'fag' means in Norwegian, I was only joking. Anyway, your Western diplomas cut no ice with employers here. It's common knowledge they are inferior to ours, apart from, perhaps, MBA (which is cr@p anyway) and my IMHO is of the same opinion.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  13. #33
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mihkkal
    "I mock you while stealing your boat!"

    "Jeg gjoer narr av deg, mens jeg stjeler baaten din".

    Pressure on the sentance is on "narr" and "stjeler baaten".

    Oslo pronounciation: "Yae yor narr av dae, mens yae styeler bawten dinn"
    "A" sounds like in English "car".
    "ae" is like the English diphtong.
    Tone: Strange, difficult to explain.

    Northern pronounciation (the beautiful one ):
    "A yor narr a da, mens a styal bawtn dinn"
    "A" sounds like in English "have", except the ones marked in italic (which is like "car").
    "ae" is like the english diphtong.
    Tone: pressure is always on the first syllable of the word (styal bawten).

    "R" like in Russian soft R (though more like German in Western dialects).

    But why is this useful, I wonder?
    Awesome. Thanks.

    I have a Norwegian friend. We go boating. Need I fill in any more blanks?

  14. #34
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    P.S. How the heck did you figure out it was me posting under Guest?
    It really was plain.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    P.S. How the heck did you figure out it was me posting under Guest?
    It really was plain.
    So that basically means that I've trained you to recognise my voice? Cool.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  16. #36
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Quote Originally Posted by bad manners
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    P.S. How the heck did you figure out it was me posting under Guest?
    It really was plain.
    So that basically means that I've trained you to recognise my voice? Cool.
    Well, if I could hear you, I think it would not take me (or anybody else) long to learn the features of your voice. We all do that. Without actually hearing, it might be difficult -- but not in your case. Patterns, patterns. Especially when you get carried away. Which too is a feature of yours.
    Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mean, stupid, violent fat people, no jobs, nothing to do, hotter than a dog with 2 d--cks.

  17. #37
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    Besides, which guests are so well acquainted with the quote function that they can immediately jump into big arguments about Scandinavian languages? Most guests like to leave rather thoughtless one-line messages or introduce themselves first, "Hi, I'm a 21-year old college student studying Russian. I have fallen in love with Russia and its culture and want to learn more about it." And I remembered that you knew something about Scandinavian languages, plus you liked talking about the people you knew at the unversity, and you said you lived in St. Petersburg.

    Anyhow, please don't let me interrupt, I enjoy reading discussions around here.

  18. #38
    right, let get this idiotic dispute over with. I am not continuing this with you, because you lie - you see, what I wrote was actually in perfect Bokmal.

    So either:
    a) you lie about having Norwegian friends
    b) you lie about having showed this to your Norwegian friends.

    or, of course:
    c) your Norwegian friends are lying to you.

    So long, racist boy.

  19. #39
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Oo, I see we're all getting nice and nationalistic in here! We need that more often. Carry on.
    Army Anti-Strapjes
    Nay, mats jar tripes
    Jasper is my Tartan
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    Pijams are tyrants
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  20. #40
    Join Date
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    You've changed your nick to beat my filter? Sly.

    Quote Originally Posted by a Guest called Mihkkal
    right, let get this idiotic dispute over with.
    get should do what with this idiotic debate? and who is get? bad show, viking lad, you're slowly losing the power of speech...

    Quote Originally Posted by a Guest called Mihkkal
    I am not continuing this with you, because you lie
    What, like, always? Never a word of truth, only lies, lies, lies? Like that, huh? Then watch it lad, my nose is nearing Tromso, take cover in your cellar!

    Seriously though, I admit that I do spin a bit sometimes, but I never lie. Lying is immoral, in case your mum never told you.

    Quote Originally Posted by a Guest called Mihkkal
    So long, racist boy.
    Farvel og tak, din lille stakkel.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

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