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Thread: Translate lyrics, please

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Translate lyrics, please

    Jak Zapomnieć

    Ile dałbym by zapomnieć cię
    Wszystkie chwile te, kt

  2. #2
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    Cool. Never heard a Polish rap before. Must say it's not that difficult to understand most words if you know Russian. I mean, w moje serce, w droga' strona' are nearly identical to their Russian equivalents.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Cool. Never heard a Polish rap before. Must say it's not that difficult to understand most words if you know Russian. I mean, w moje serce, w droga' strona' are nearly identical to their Russian equivalents.
    I barely can understand half of this.

  4. #4
    al is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Cool. Never heard a Polish rap before. Must say it's not that difficult to understand most words if you know Russian. I mean, w moje serce, w droga' strona' are nearly identical to their Russian equivalents.
    There are times, when understanding of Russian confuses more than helps. For example, look at the title - "Jak Zapomnieć". It is natural for Russian to assume it means "Как запомнить", but the real meaning is exactly the opposite - "Как забыть" .
    Хорошо не просто там где нас нет, а там где нас никогда и не было.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by al
    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    Cool. Never heard a Polish rap before. Must say it's not that difficult to understand most words if you know Russian. I mean, w moje serce, w droga' strona' are nearly identical to their Russian equivalents.
    There are times, when understanding of Russian confuses more than helps. For example, look at the title - "Jak Zapomnie?". It is natural for Russian to assume it means "Как запомнить", but the real meaning is exactly the opposite - "Как забыть" .
    Right. Well, this one doesn't confuse me because I still remember a little Polish from the times when I was studying it, but still there are many words that I can't understand.

    Anyway, it begins:

    How much would I give to forget you,
    All those minutes which are on it/on them (don't really understand this place)
    because I want to not to think about this already,
    to blow away all the memories...

    ("blow away" is used in the literal sense - "сдуть")

  6. #6
    al is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    All those minutes which are on it/on them
    Maybe it is 'niebo', not 'nie bo'? "Все те разы, когда на небо хотел"?
    Хорошо не просто там где нас нет, а там где нас никогда и не было.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by al

    Maybe it is 'niebo', not 'nie bo'? "Все те разы, когда на небо хотел"?
    Не получается. Потому что, во-первых, s? - это 3 лицо мн. числа от "быть" (как фр. sont, старорусское "суть"). Во-вторых, chce - это настоящее время (хочу). А "nie" здесь - это винительный падеж либо от "ono" (оно - личное местоименее 3 л. ср. рода) либо от "one" (3 л. мн. числа не мужского рода).

  8. #8
    al is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Quote Originally Posted by al

    Maybe it is 'niebo', not 'nie bo'? "Все те разы, когда на небо хотел"?
    Не получается. Потому что, во-первых, s? - это 3 лицо мн. числа от "быть" (как фр. sont, старорусское "суть"). Во-вторых, chce - это настоящее время (хочу). А "nie" здесь - это винительный падеж либо от "ono" (оно - личное местоименее 3 л. ср. рода) либо от "one" (3 л. мн. числа не мужского рода).
    Да это-то всё понятно, только не складывается в законченное предложение почему-то А 'bo' что здесь может значить?
    Хорошо не просто там где нас нет, а там где нас никогда и не было.

  9. #9
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    For me it is all about the rhythm and by this "ktore sa na nie bo chce" the writer really meant: "ktore sa na niebie, bo chce". Because of the rhythm it was impossible to put an extra syllable, but the effect is great- you get a smooth transition form "nie" to "bo", a there's heaven (niebo; prepositional case: niebie) somewhere there.

    Let's carry on then:

    How much would I give to forget you,
    All those minutes which are in the [sky] 'cos I want
    not to think about it already, to blow away all the memories
    like settled dust,
    just like that not to remember
    the situations when the heart is kneeling
    I know
    I won't get away though I want to
    I hope that you know it too.

    I can see you again in front of my eyes
    I can't get to sleep again, overcome with dreams
    I devote everything to the thought
    When I felt you beside me then I felt I had everything
    This is all that's left after me - only you & lots of dreams
    How much would I give to forget it all
    Now there's no us and I don't want to be where you are
    You'll stand in front of me, you always do this to me in my dreams
    I will watch you leaving although I'd like to turn away
    I'll be thinking what I would give to somebody who could turn back the time
    Who could stop the hands of time just for that moment
    when I met you,
    I would go the other way

    That was a daydream when dreams came true
    Everything was so real, time was passing so fast
    Just us, surrounded by the walls (of our flat), but so free
    It was important that you were close to me and I felt at ease
    You remember all those days, whole months
    You remember you want to forget, I can't, I know I'm wrong

    [I got tired; to be continued...]

  10. #10
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    maati, do you speak Polish?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Евгения(Женя)
    maati, do you speak Polish?

    May I direct your attention to the left of your screen, notice his location.

  12. #12
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Well..I think that this part

    Wszystkie chwile te, kt?re s? na nie bo chce
    Nie my?le? o tym ju?...

    all this minutes which are wrong, coz I want
    dont think about it any more...

    here "kt?re s? na nie" it meant that (memories, minutes), which are wrong, which are unhappy...something like that. I can't see a word "sky" there.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggie
    Well..I think that this part

    Wszystkie chwile te, kt?re s? na nie bo chce
    Nie my?le? o tym ju?...

    all this minutes which are wrong, coz I want
    dont think about it any more...

    here "kt?re s? na nie" it meant that (memories, minutes), which are wrong, which are unhappy...something like that. I can't see a word "sky" there.
    Thanks for explanation, Aggie, I thought something was fishy here .
    so "byc' na nie" means "to be wrong"? Is this an idiom or something?

  14. #14
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    In songs sometimes people use connections of words which isn't use in language (on a street or in books) but which fit to the song and to the music of this song.
    I've never heard that some of my friends say "chwile sa na nie", you can use these words "byc' na nie" about a person, who don't agree with anything...but I've never heard "byc' na nie" with connection about a thing.
    Here (in this song) "byc' na nie" means just be unhappy, wrong, sad..something like that

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggie
    In songs sometimes people use connections of words which isn't use in language (on a street or in books) but which fit to the song and to the music of this song.
    I've never heard that some of my friends say "chwile sa na nie", you can use these words "byc' na nie" about a person, who don't agree with anything...but I've never heard "byc' na nie" with connection about a thing.
    Here (in this song) "byc' na nie" means just be unhappy, wrong, sad..something like that
    So, "on (ona) jest na nie" would mean that this person doesn't agree with anything? Sort of very negative person? Interesting

  16. #16
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Hehe yes but u can say that only in speaking language and this isn't very popular.

  17. #17
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    actually, I'd say "być na nie" doesn't necessary mean that someones all the way negative about stuff, it's like a slang, spoken thing, meaning more or less something like "i don't agree". oi, en example: it was often used when poland was to join EU and a persond asked wether they want it or not, was usually answering "jestem na tak/nie" meaning they wanted it to happen, or not.
    Basically "być na nie" means they don't like it, don't agree, and in that song, just like aggie said, it would stand for the moments that are wrong, that bring bad memories.

  18. #18
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    Could someone help me to translate this polish text , Thx

    "wiec jestem w Kijowie, prawie nic nie zrobilam, na razie rozgladam dookola, co sie dzieje, zmiany ida pomalutku, jeszczie niema zadnych ofert pracy, chocziaz prawie wszystcy krzycza iz potrzebuja mlodych, doswiadczonych i td jestem szczesliwa iz jestem poblizu Wiktora, chocziaz teraz ma wiecej tych tlumaczen. zbliza sie 8 marca (wiem co o tym myslisz ale kupilam bilet na patricie kaas, (wymarzony 1 koncert) u nas to tanje kosztuje niz w w-wie

    a jak u ciebie? czy juz wszystko zalatwilas przed wyjazdem, czy masz juz wszyskie dokumenty? mam nadzieje ze juz tylko liczysz dni przed wyjazdem, chodzisz na piwko s przyjacolmi, a nie biegasz po roznych urzedach kiedy opuszczasz polske?

    czekam na twoje emaile"

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