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Thread: Check it, please.

  1. #1
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    Check it, please.

    I need your help again. Check my essay, please. I'm going to pass an exam in English at school this year. I need it to enter to the university.
    I tried to comment the following statement: Some people claim to have seen UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) such as flying saucers; others believe that UFOs exist only in science fiction.

    There are different opinions about UFOs. Some people believe that UFOs exist but others say that UFOs are just a myth made by men's imagination.
    In my opinion, UFOs are real. I have no reasons to think other way. There are many facts that make me believe in UFOs' existance. I have never seen UFOs but scientists have some arguments that prove its existance. First, they found water on the Mars! Well, not water but ice. It means that bacterias, plants, animals or someone else can live there. Second, there are people who have already seen UFO, they have pictures and videos of UFOs. Third, archeologists found ancient pictures of UFOs. Ancient people drew things that they had seen. And if they drew UFOs, they saw UFOs. These facts make me sure that OFOs exist.
    But some people think that UFOs doesn't exist. Who knows, maybe they are right. I respect their position.UFOs' exictance is just a theory and scientists try to prove it.
    So, there are different opinions about UFOs. But remember that iа people believe in something, it becomes real. Let's hope that someday we will find life in the spice.

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин bitpicker's Avatar
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    Re: Check it, please.

    There are different opinions about UFOs. Some people believe that UFOs exist but others say that UFOs are just a myth made by men's imagination.
    In my opinion, UFOs are real. I have no reason{s} (no plural) to think other way. There are many facts that make me believe in UFOs' existence. I have never seen UFOs but scientists have some arguments that prove their existence. First, they found water on {the} (name, therefore no article) Mars! Well, not water but ice. It means that bacterias, plants, animals or something else can live there. Second, there are people who have already seen UFOs, they have pictures and videos of UFOs. Third, archeologists found ancient pictures of UFOs. Ancient people drew things that they had seen. And if they drew UFOs, they saw UFOs. These facts make me sure that UFOs exist.
    But some people think that UFOs do{es}n't exist. Who knows, maybe they are right. I respect their position. The existence of UFOs is just a theory and scientists try to prove it.
    So, there are different opinions about UFOs. But remember that if people believe in something, it becomes real. Let's hope that someday we will find life in the spice.

    That last sentence had me wondering, till I realized that what you mean is 'life in space'. What you wrote means жизнь в пряности.

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  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Check it, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by bitpicker
    There are different opinions about UFOs. Some people believe that UFOs exist but others say that UFOs are just a myth made by men's imagination.
    In my opinion, UFOs are real. I have no reason{s} (no plural) to think other way. There are many facts that make me believe in UFOs' existence. I have never seen UFOs but scientists have some arguments that prove their existence. First, they found water on {the} (name, therefore no article) Mars! Well, not water but ice. It means that bacteria[s:3dwuctb0]s[/s:3dwuctb0] (bacterium - singular, bacteria - plural), plants, animals or something else can live there. Second, there are people who have already seen UFOs, they have pictures and videos of UFOs. Third, archeologists found ancient pictures of UFOs. Ancient people drew things that they had seen. And if they drew UFOs, they saw UFOs. These facts make me sure that UFOs exist.
    But some people think that UFOs do{es}n't exist. Who knows, maybe they are right. I respect their position. The existence of UFOs is just a theory and scientists try to prove it.
    So, there are different opinions about UFOs. But remember that if people believe in something, it becomes real. Let's hope that someday we will find life in the spice.

    That last sentence had me wondering, till I realized that what you mean is 'life in space'. What you wrote means жизнь в пряности.


  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин bitpicker's Avatar
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    Re: Check it, please.

    You're right, but I had to look a couple of times until I saw that you did in fact do more than just quote me. Maybe a one-liner would have been better.

    Спасибо за исправления!

    Вам нравится этот форум, и вы изучаете немецкий язык? Вот похожий форум о немецком языке.

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Check it, please.

    I’ve heard that seemingly unusual word three times during the last week, in “Star Trek”, “The Simpsons” and “Beau Brummell” and very likely never before.

  6. #6
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    Re: Check it, please.

    Thanks 4 your help!

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