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Thread: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

  1. #1
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    The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    I'm watching a movie which has neither a Russian translation, nor Russian or at least English subtitles (and I cat't find any on the Internet). Its name is "The Search For John Gissing". I understand a lot of things in the movie without subtitles, but not everything; and there are some scenes and lines which and I'd like to understand better.
    Could someone please write what's said in this fragment (it's 30 seconds long)?

    My attempt:
    Back to that (.....) at Heathrow (.....) I can't deny that. When you work for one of these international conglomerates like I do, you cannot expect that every (.....) takes your life along with.

    Every few years the company gets involved (.....) which leads(?) to be (.....) for me a transfer, and that, of course, the most difficult part of my job. Explaining to Linda, my wife, that we have to move again.

    EDIT: Of course I don't need help with the whole thread! Some videos have been removed already. I only need help with the latest (for the present time) excerpt in the thread. Thanks.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  2. #2
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    The fact that we were not met at the Heathrow was frustrating I can't deny that. When you work for one of these international conglomerates like I do, you kind of expect that every now and then it's gonna be a paper jam that takes your life along with it.

    Every few years the company gets involved in a buy out or a merger which leads to an inevitable reshuffle which can mean for me a transfer, and then, of course, the most difficult part of my job: explaining to Linda, my wife, why we have to move again.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  3. #3
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Thank you so much, Lampada!

    By the way, after the 100th listening I think the beginning of the first sentence is: "The fact that we were not met at the Heathrow..." (То, что нас не встретили, было неприятно). I hope I'm right.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  4. #4
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Thank you so much, Lampada!

    By the way, after the 100th listening I think the beginning of the first sentence is: "The fact that we were not met at the Heathrow..." (То, что нас не встретили, было неприятно). I hope I'm right.
    You are right.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  5. #5
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    which leads to an inevitable reshuffle
    Почему я упорно слышу "to be" или "to the", но только никак не "to an"?..

    you kind of expect that every now and then it's gonna be a paper jam that takes your life along with it
    Никак не могу понять, что значит это предложение, особенно то, что выделено. Помогите.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  6. #6
    Старший оракул
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    which leads to an inevitable reshuffle
    Почему я упорно слышу "to be" или "to the", но только никак не "to an"?..
    Аналогично - "to the".

    [quote:7742swew]you kind of expect that every now and then it's gonna be a paper jam that takes your life along with it
    Никак не могу понять, что значит это предложение, особенно то, что выделено. Помогите. [/quote:7742swew]
    Мой очень вольный перевод - "...ты уже вроде как ожидаешь, что время от времени происходит какая-то неприятность и всё летит кувырком."

    every now and then - время от времени, иногда.
    paper jam - в меня получилась просто "неприятность", но возможно имеется в виду, что где-то зажевало какую-то бумажку и из-за этого их не встретили.

  7. #7
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by E-learner
    но возможно имеется в виду, что где-то зажевало какую-то бумажку и из-за этого их не встретили.
    Может быть, и так, но мне сначала показалось, что он использовал это выражение в переносном смысле. Типа "бумажный затор" - по аналогии с traffic jam. И в результате какие-то бумаги не попали, куда нужно.

  8. #8
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru
    Типа "бумажный затор" - по аналогии с traffic jam. И в результате какие-то бумаги не попали, куда нужно.
    Тогда смысл можно довольно точно передать на подобии русского языка: ...возникает бумажная неразбериха, которая вовлекает в себя твою жизнь.

  9. #9
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    The fact that we were not met at the Heathrow was frustrating I can't deny that. When you work for one of these international conglomerates like I do, you kind of expect that every now and then there's gonna be a paper jam that takes your life along with it.

    Every few years the company gets involved in a buy out or a merger which leads to the inevitable reshuffle which can mean for me a transfer, and then, of course, the most difficult part of my job: explaining to Linda, my wife, why we have to move again.
    It may not change anything but I hear there’s and the here. Hush me if I'm wrong

  10. #10
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Ясно. Спасибо.

    I'll be back
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    I've listened to the film excerpt on Youtube and make more corrections:
    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada
    The fact that we weren't met at Heathrow was frustrating, I can't deny that. But when you work for one of these international conglomerates like I do, you kind of expect that every now and then there's gonna be a paper jam that takes your life along with it.

    Every few years the company gets involved in a buy out or a merger, which leads to the inevitable reshuffle, which can mean for me a transfer, and then of course the most difficult part of my job: explaining to Linda, my wife, why we have to move again.

  12. #12
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Thank you very much, Ken. You are always so helpful
    Yes, I felt that there was the "but" in the beginning of the second sentence.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  13. #13
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Help me with another excerpt please:

    What I hear:

    - Good. Hi (why does he always say "hi"? Is it something like "OK"?) (.....)
    - I have to go (to? I actually don't hear the "to") the bathroom.
    - You have to go (to?) the bathroom... (....) went to the bathroom at Heatrow and (when we were on the plane?)
    - (...) journal?
    - OK. OK, good. Hi(?). We'll go this way. This is nice, uh? It's great!
    - Beautiful.
    - Look at this, look at this. Look at this lady. So typical British. Look at this. How lovely(?)
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  14. #14
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Вот что мне услышалось:

    - Good. Hi. We just get out there and (or in)...
    - Hush(? Not even sure if that's she who says it) I've to go(to) (the) bathroom.
    - Have to go to bathroom... You just went to the bathroom at Heatrow and you went on the plane.
    - Keeping a journal?
    - OK. OK, good. Hi(?). We'll go this way. This is nice, uh? It's great (??? Я тут не уверен, мне здесь слышится то great (с нечётким r), то quaint (c нечётким n). Я все же склоняюсь к quaint)
    - Beautiful.
    - Look at this, look at this. Look at this lady. So typical British. Look at this. How lovely(?)

  15. #15
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru
    - Keeping a journal?
    Мне тоже слышалось "Keeping a journal", но тогда я не понимаю, что значит эта фраза...
    И еще я не понимаю, как можно принять ванну в аэропорту и тем более в самолете. Или она имеет в виду туалет?

    P.S. А, всё, я въехала. Она его спрашивает - ты что, журнал ведешь, как часто я в [туалет?] хожу. Блин, начинается типичное американское кино.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  16. #16
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Она его спрашивает - ты что, журнал ведешь, как часто я в [туалет?] хожу.
    Ну да, имеется в виду именно это . И когда американец говорит "to go to the bathroom", это одназначно понимается именно как "сходить в туалет" (хотя, конечно, могут быть контексты и ситуации, диктующие другое понимание, но такие исключения редки). Если человек хочет принять ванную, он скажет "I want to take a bath".

  17. #17
    Старший оракул
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    We just get out there and (or in)...
    Я тут слышу
    I will just get our bearings

    - You're keeping a journal?

  18. #18
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    Quote Originally Posted by E-learner
    Я тут слышу
    I will just get our bearings
    АААА! Точно.

  19. #19
    Старший оракул
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    - Good. All right. We’ll just get our bearings.
    - I have to go to a (a при произношении теряется) bathroom.
    - I have to go to a bathroom... (он повторяет её слова, передразнивает) You just went to the (сдесь же the отчётливо , имеется в виду bathroom уже упоминавшийся) bathroom at Heathrow and you went on the plane.
    - You keeping a journal?
    - OK. OK, good. All right. We'll go this way. This is nice, uh? It's quaint!
    - Beautiful.
    - Look at this, look at this. Look at this lady. So typical British. Look at this. I love this.

  20. #20
    Старший оракул
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    Re: The movie "The Search For John Gissing" - help please!

    to Оля:
    I think nobody will mind if you go on with that movie sorting out thing. Make fragments a little longer though.

    English speaking audience in their turn could offer their choice of a movie for Russians to help them out with.

    And what’s the most appropriate word for English speaking people by the way ? The English speaking?

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