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Thread: How do English natives recognize sex of Inet participants?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    You're kidding, aren't you? What's up with all these murders? It feels like North America is the place of beyond where you are sentenced to get killed for no reason tomorrow.

    I think you're mistaken about Russia. Here you can have a blade under your ribs more often than a bullet in your head, and it happens as often as in America too.
    I have to agree. I know a woman who has traveled the world alone on her motorbike and encountered few problems. yet a person on even the most well trodden of tourist routes or on their own doorstep can become a victim of crime.
    To view another country as a utopia without crimes is dangerous and will be dissappointing.
    Statistically the best way to avoid crime is to remain in your own familiar country and live in a quiet area with a strong community spirit. But with the right attitude and a bit of luck there is no reason to avoid taking the risk for a good adventure.
    More madness than method but it works for me.

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    Re: How do English natives recognize sex of Inet participant

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezri
    By the way, I'm female, 35, Wales.
    Now North America is a forbidden place for you.
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  3. #43
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    Re: How do English natives recognize sex of Inet participant

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezri
    Quote Originally Posted by mishau_
    In Russian we can recognize sexes of internet forum visitors by names and nicks and also by the proper endings of verbs in the past tense and by the proper endings of ajectives. As for English forums, what bothers me a lot is that very often I can't recognize who I'm talking to, a woman or a man. So in what way do they usually find out wether they're talking to a girl or a guy?
    An interesting point.
    Personally I find you can generally guess, but most of the time I will simply ask. It's nice to get the idea of a persons gender and general age and location, something humans have been used to knowing only since the advent of the WWW.
    By the way, I'm female, 35, Wales.
    Well, I haven't been on the internet quite that long but even when I started, most of the sites I visited tended to be filled with geeky guys, so if one of the posters was a girl, she tended to get *quite* a bit of attention. Back when I used to play Everquest (an online Role Playing Game), my girlfriend always played male characters. She said she just got bothered too much playing female characters. Nowadays, I just assume everyone on the internet is a guy unless they tell me otherwise, or it's very obvious.

    And yeah, I imagine that Russia is similar to the US and most other countries when it comes to crime. In the US at least, if you stay out of the bad neighborhoods and don't associate with criminals, your chances of being murdered are extremely small.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
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  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Потому что английский юридический - это не нормальный английский. Там ещё не такие ужасы встречаются.
    Не только юридический, но, можно сказать, более формальный язык. Но это тоже не обязательно -- я слышу такие конструкции время от времени даже в неформальной речи. Это просто subjunctive.

    Хотя, всегда есть некоторые, кто неправильно используют "be", но это уже другой вопрос. Это просто малограмматность.
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matroskin Kot
    От слова "грамота", а не "грамматика".

    Матроскин_кот, а ты давно учишь язык? У тебя неплохой слог. Хотелось бы мне так же хорошо говорить по-английски, как ты и многие другие здесь на форуме говорят по-русски...

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by Matroskin Kot
    От слова "грамота", а не "грамматика".

    Матроскин_кот, а ты давно учишь язык? У тебя неплохой слог. Хотелось бы мне так же хорошо говорить по-английски, как ты и многие другие здесь на форуме говорят по-русски...
    Спасибо за поправку. Это ирония какая-то.

    Да, учу русский довольно давно -- 10 лет уже. Я очень благодарен за комплимент. Он ободряет. Я часто нуждаюсь в ободрении потому что у меня практически не бывают возможности использовать язык, на учение которого я очень много пожертвовал. К тому же, на данный момент я чувствую как от меня скользит умение в языке, особенно в устной речи.
    "Сейчас без языка нельзя... из тебя шапку сделают..."
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  8. #48
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    [quote=Matroskin Kot]
    Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
    Quote Originally Posted by "Matroskin Kot":16yrxzab
    От слова "грамота", а не "грамматика".

    Матроскин_кот, а ты давно учишь язык? У тебя неплохой слог. Хотелось бы мне так же хорошо говорить по-английски, как ты и многие другие здесь на форуме говорят по-русски...
    Спасибо за поправку. Это ирония какая-то.

    Да, учу русский довольно давно -- 10 лет уже. Я очень благодарен за комплимент. Он ободряет. Я часто нуждаюсь в ободрении, потому что у меня практически не бывают возможности использовать язык, на учение которого я очень много пожертвовал. К тому же, в данный момент я чувствую как от меня ускользает умение говорить на русском. [/quote:16yrxzab]

    Эт ничего. Говоришь ты понятно.
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    You're kidding, aren't you? :o What's up with all these murders? It feels like North America is the place of beyond where you are sentenced to get killed for no reason tomorrow.

    I think you're mistaken about Russia. Here you can have a blade under your ribs more often than a bullet in your head, and it happens as often as in America too.

    Is Russia really that bad??? :o
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  10. #50
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    You're kidding, aren't you? What's up with all these murders? It feels like North America is the place of beyond where you are sentenced to get killed for no reason tomorrow.

    I think you're mistaken about Russia. Here you can have a blade under your ribs more often than a bullet in your head, and it happens as often as in America too.

    Is Russia really that bad???
    Not as quite bad as America but close
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  11. #51
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    Wow~So it's like that in Russia too seems like North America is the worst Country their is...
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  12. #52
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    Re: How do English natives recognize sex of Inet participant

    Quote Originally Posted by Grogs

    Well, I haven't been on the internet quite that long .
    Hey neither have I. About 7 years for me and when I started the A/S/L question was already becoming 'unfashionable'.
    How sad your girlfriend had to play a man just to deflect unwanted attention. Thank heaven womens lib swiftly reached cyber space!
    More madness than method but it works for me.

  13. #53
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    Re: How do English natives recognize sex of Inet participant

    Quote Originally Posted by Rtyom
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezri
    By the way, I'm female, 35, Wales.
    Now North America is a forbidden place for you.
    LOL. They couldnt catch me on my bike!
    More madness than method but it works for me.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    Wow~So it's like that in Russia too seems like North America is the worst Country their is...
    It probably depends on which newspaper you read.
    More madness than method but it works for me.

  15. #55
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    Another reason why is because in America theres a larger crime and murder rate than in Russia.....thats why most people don't like telling people on the internet what their gender is because if your a girl and tell a guy that is a wrong mistake and tell to much about yourself....your dead.......they track you down and kill's so dangerous that you have to be very aware of the people around you when your walking even anywhere alone or with a's on the news everyday that someone neither goes missing or is found dead's very sad..that's one of the reasons why I want to learn Russian and travel to Russia so me and my family can be safe....
    Actually, I read just recently, chart of the world's crime and murder rates. Russia was higher than USA. ... r-rate.svg
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  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Actually, I read just recently, chart of the world's crime and murder rates. Russia was higher than USA. ... r-rate.svg
    I don't completely agree. First, they made a note in this article:
    Homicide demographics are affected by the improvement of trauma care, leading to reduced lethality of violent assaults—thus the homicide rate may also not necessarily indicate the overall level of societal violence.

    Also, a couple of months ago I've read a report on violent crimes (I'm trying to find it again, but without any succes yet), and the Russia's murder rate (actual murders) was claimed to be rather high, but less than in USA and Germany (I don't remember about other countries).
    Does that mean they are lying in the wikipedia? Of course, not.

    But the difference in the results is caused by the approach, and usually all "unnatural" deaths are included in the murder rates, i.e. suicides, accidents victims, etc.

    And we know that healthcare system in Russia is not so good, and thousands of people are poisoned with cheap vodka every year, and die in autocrashes, etc., etc., and all this is added to the murder rate.

    It gives impression, that Russia swarms with bloodthirsty killers and is very dangerous, which is just not true, imho. Just another stereotype which came to life during the chaos of early 90s.

    PS. In the book "GENXPAT. The Young Professional’s Guide
    to Making a Successful Life Abroad" (230 pages) the only phrase about Russia was: "In a country like Russia, where the mafia is largely unchecked, you might have to ensure your personal safety with bodyguards and heavily secured accommodations". Welcome!

  17. #57
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    ^+10 :D
    Feel free to go anywhere you like but remember, your NEVER alone.....

  18. #58
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezri
    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    Wow~So it's like that in Russia too seems like North America is the worst Country their is...
    It probably depends on which newspaper you read.

    I don't know whether it is a stereotype or not, but my impression about America is that there are too many maniacs around there, much much more than in any other country. It may be just the Russian news agencies but yes, I get this impression every time I hear about gunshots in universities, schools and offices, loose snipers, etc.
    When I came to NY for the first time I was told not to enter certain districts and have a little cash with myself in case of a robbery (so that the robber doesn't get angry and kill you if you don't have any).
    I don't now anything about actual crime rates, but generally, my stereotype is that there are very many crazy people in the US.
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

    I don't know whether it is a stereotype or not, but my impression about America is that there are too many maniacs around there, much much more than in any other country. It may be just the Russian news agencies but yes, I get this impression every time I hear about gunshots in universities, schools and offices, loose snipers, etc.
    When I came to NY for the first time I was told not to enter certain districts and have a little cash with myself in case of a robbery (so that the robber doesn't get angry and kill you if you don't have any).
    I don't now anything about actual crime rates, but generally, my stereotype is that there are very many crazy people in the US.
    I take it you wernt attacked by a NY stereotype?

    Thats the problem with stereotypes, they are invariably negative.
    Russia - vodka laced murderers.
    US - rapists and drug pushers.
    UK - drunks and knife wielding maniacs.
    Most of the middle east - women haters.
    Asia - serial killers and conmen.
    Africa - lazy tribes with big knifes.

    Of course it's all interchangable and no where in the world is safe so really we should all be dead by now.
    Of course we have to be cautious, mankind is a dangerous animal. But he no more dangerous just because he was born in another country and statistically you are more likely to be mugged, raped or murdered on your own doorstep than in unfamiliar territory.
    More madness than method but it works for me.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezri
    Quote Originally Posted by <~A~>
    Wow~So it's like that in Russia too seems like North America is the worst Country their is...
    It probably depends on which newspaper you read.

    I don't know whether it is a stereotype or not, but my impression about America is that there are too many maniacs around there, much much more than in any other country. It may be just the Russian news agencies but yes, I get this impression every time I hear about gunshots in universities, schools and offices, loose snipers, etc.
    When I came to NY for the first time I was told not to enter certain districts and have a little cash with myself in case of a robbery (so that the robber doesn't get angry and kill you if you don't have any).
    I don't now anything about actual crime rates, but generally, my stereotype is that there are very many crazy people in the US.
    Of course, it's a stereotype. I was joking with one of my friends about the stereotype of a Russian worker the other day. A stereotypical Russian worker would be building a nuclear bomb with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and a bottle of vodka in his hand.

    I don't think the US has more crazy people than any other country, it's just that our very loose gun laws allow our crazy people to do more harm. For example, the Columbine or Virginia Tech shootings. In a European country where guns are nearly impossible to come by, these incidents would have never happened. If they had shown up with a knife, they would have been disarmed quickly and then they would have had the crap beaten out of them -- end of story, no massacre. That said, though, that type of incident is still very, very rare. I have never been the victim of a violent crime, not, to the best of my knowledge, have any of my friends. I suspect that, like most countries, people who walk into the wrong neighborhood at night (or those that live there in the first place) account for a large percentage of the violent crimes.

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