Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи
What the the hell does this have to do with anything? And why are you using this one "hispanic guy" as the basis of an entire theory on affirmative action? Love it or not, affirmative action is a little more complicated than where someone's ancestors were born. For example, it's often applied to women of all ethnic groups as well.

Different thread. And not on a Russian forum, frankly.

On topic: I would totally have one million of Randall's babies.
You know, I was waiting for someone to give Smartdude a worthy upbraiding. This is the only time I have actually wanted VM to be here. Maybe Smartdude is VM in disguise!

As for my accent, I sound like a mix of Asian-Midwestern, apparently. Sigh. No, I don't know about any new movies. For example, apparently there's this new movie out called "You got served." And all people from ages 12-18 keep saying "you got served" now. Is it just me, or did that movie come out several years ago? Maybe it's You Got Served II. God, I need to get hip and cool again.

@Waxwing, Friendy:
The Oxford American dictionary has the stress on the second syllable.

Don't feel bad about mispronouncing stuff in English. I do it all the time. For the longest time I pronounced "legacy" as "LEE-gacy." And I also pronounced "heir" as "hair." And I still don't know how to use "whom."