i am writing a short story just to increase my writing skill in English.
could you please correct mistakes which I surely made.

They were in a kitchen of a big house, an old man and a young slender woman.
The man looked both tired and angry, and the woman looked slightly disappointed and bored. They had been having an argument for thirty minutes. The old man was yelling at her while running around the kitchen and waving and pointing at a sink or cabinets hanging on the wall. He was a landlord and the woman he was yelling at rented a room at(in) his house.
The old man used to serve in the Army. Actually, he spent his whole life serving and after being medically discharged he still lived the same way as he had been used to before. He liked discipline and wanted everything to be in order, clean and well-organized. The woman came from a small town. Once she just decided to change her life so she left for the big city. She thought she was dying from boredom in her hometown. She was young and na