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Thread: I need help with plans for emigration to the Russian Federation.

  1. #21
    Почтенный гражданин delog's Avatar
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    Hm... Hanna, you ask many questions about Russia and always informed in last events. You want emigrate to Russia?
    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna
    That does NOT add up with my understanding of average incomes in Russia...
    Russia is the largest country in the world. And Russia ranks sixth in the world for the price per square meter of dwelling space. This fact don't add up with common sense. I think, you should begin from this. By the way, how much costs square meter of dwelling space in London? I suppose London is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
    English as a Second Language by Jeff McQuillan and Lucy Tse.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by delog View Post
    Hm... Hanna, you ask many questions about Russia and always informed in last events. You want emigrate to Russia?

    Russia is the largest country in the world. And Russia ranks sixth in the world for the price per square meter of dwelling space. This fact don't add up with common sense. I think, you should begin from this. By the way, how much costs square meter of dwelling space in London? I suppose London is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
    The question is how the prices correspondent with average incomes (доход людей)? London apparently is expensive but people there earn a big deal more.
    As you mentioned -42°С out your window, apparently you live somewhere in Siberia, how is life there? Is property affordable to people?

  3. #23
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    I do not understand Americans who want to live in Russia. It is very criminal country now. If you do not know russian laws, you may lose all your money in few days. Renting a place for living is most dangerous. One half of offers are from criminals. Excuse my English, it is not native language.

  4. #24
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
    I do not understand Americans who want to live in Russia. It is very criminal country now. If you do not know russian laws, you may lose all your money in few days. Renting a place for living is most dangerous. One half of offers are from criminals. Excuse my English, it is not native language.
    Что, в России нельзя сейчас найти ничего хорошего?

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Что, в России нельзя сейчас найти ничего хорошего?
    Можно, но всюду кидалово. Особенно для приезжих. На моей практике половина товарищей, переезжающих в другой город сталкивались с кидаловом по съему квартиры. И не отсудили нечего, там ловкие мошенники сидят. И ведь все были россиянами. Что будет с иностранцами даже предположить трудно. Я сам сейчас половину своего времени на всякие разборки трачу, так как кругом бардак и полное несоблюдение прав по всем направлениям. Я из Екатеринбурга. Может в других городах лучше ситуация. Но если нет хороших знакомых в России, которые все тут организуют, даже думать не стоит сюда ехать.

  6. #26
    Yes exactly - people who have said that London is expensive are right. It is very expensive. But many people also make a lot of money. For example, I have a good salary, so even though my rent is terrible, it's still less than 1/4 of what I earn. Most of the reason for my high rent is because I live in a very good area. The actual flat is quite small and has not been renovated since the 1990s. Also, my landlord is a very nice man who has not raised the rent for as long as I've lived here. When I move out, he can probably rent it out for almost 2 times what I pay, if he renovates it first.

    Also, England has a system whereby poor people and others who really need it, get a "council flat" - a flat that is owned by the local municipal authorities (council). For those who qualify, the rent is very low... Some young girls get themselves pregnant just to get a flat like that. The areas with such flats are not very nice though.

    But I have heard that the housing situation in Russia is REALLY problematic, so I guess it's not a surprise.
    A while back someone here explained about how people had bought their old state allocated flats. Good for those who bought it I guess... I awful luck for those who couldn't buy at the time. I bet it's a lot more expensive now than it was in that initial opportunity.

    What about building new flats? Are they a lot better than older ones? More expensive? And does anyone still live in communal flats or has that system stopped? If it is still around, I guess it must be a cheap option, right? In Russia, do most people have their own washing machines, or do you share them between flats in one building?

    Sweden has a totally insane old socialist system that means you can get a fantastic flat to rent for a very reasonable price if you are lucky, cheat the bureacratic system or even put some money under the table. It's open for terrible exploitation.... but no government can remove it because they would be guaranteed to lose the next election if they did. I plan to "take advantage" of this system when I return later this year, it's just too good not to....

    Quote Originally Posted by delog
    Hm... Hanna, you ask many questions about Russia and always informed in last events. You want emigrate to Russia?
    Probably not.... but if somebody gave me a great job offer, or I met "Mr Right" and he happened to be Russian... then I would consider it. It doesn't seem like an "easy" country to live in though. Lots of visa trouble for foreigners (not like EU where I don't need a visa). And I don't know the language well, and there are some problems which I probably wouldn't quite know how to handle - corruption, bureacracy and much more that people have mentioned here. So I would be quite careful before I decided to move to Russia! Western Russia is quite close to Scandinavia though, the weather is familiar to me and it is a very exciting and interesting country. I have some Swedish and Finnish friends who live or have lived in St Petersburg and they like(d) it and survived
    But really, I haven't visited Russia for a VERY long time, so I basically couldn't say until I've seen what it's like nowadays.

  7. #27
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    What do you need to immigrate to Russia? Job offer? I think it is not as bad as one would assume although I am inclined to consider it as a police state but many countries are police states now. I would prefer Russia all things being similar or equal as it may.

    Police states now - U.S., Britain, Canada, Germany, Sweden etc.

    I would consider Denmark but I think they have strict controls now and in EU but not part of eurozone so maybe they leave the EU.

    Maybe I could befriend many Russians and obtain 'connections?'

  8. #28
    Подающий надежды оратор Kushnikov's Avatar
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    What is a nice common area to live in, when moving to Russia?
    I assume some place near Moscow? Vladimir, Yaroslavl', Tambov?
    Вы мне помочь, я могу вам помочь.

  9. #29
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    That does NOT add up with my understanding of average incomes in Russia...
    Maybe your understanding of average income in Russia is out of touch with reality. Hint: study the tax system.

    On the subject: I know loads of retired Britons who have made Egypt their home. So why not retire and come to Russia, what's wrong with that?

  10. #30
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    If you are used to living in the U.S.A than I would HIGHLY advise not moving to the Russian Federation. I am moving back with my wife and fist daughter becuase its where my wife and I grew up and things here the the U.S are becoming way to bad and we need to get out before we lose everything we've worked for over here. In Russia we have a life established still and family and friends. But... we're used to the conditions in Russia. We were born and Raised our whole lives pretty much there so it wouldn't be much a shell shock for us. You won't make enough money as a teacher to live... So i would suggest visiting and living in Russia for six months or so and see how you like it before making it a permanate move.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Windup Merchantski View Post
    Maybe your understanding of average income in Russia is out of touch with reality. Hint: study the tax system.

    On the subject: I know loads of retired Britons who have made Egypt their home. So why not retire and come to Russia, what's wrong with that?
    That is a very attractive idea. But by the time I retire Russia might be as expensive as the rest of Europe.
    I hear it's not very cheap at the moment although perhaps cheaper than Scandinavia or the UK.

  12. #32
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    That is a very attractive idea. But by the time I retire Russia might be as expensive as the rest of Europe.
    I hear it's not very cheap at the moment although perhaps cheaper than Scandinavia or the UK.
    It's pretty cheap unless you want to live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other large city.
    You can go to some rural area and live there. For pennies. (bring those pennies with you though).
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  13. #33
    Windup Merchantski, are you referring to the fact that people are dodging the taxes?

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    It's pretty cheap unless you want to live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or any other large city.
    You can go to some rural area and live there. For pennies. (bring those pennies with you though).
    And everything you'd like to buy for them as well, lol

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Swain View Post
    As you saw in the subject, I want to become a Russian citizen when I am older. I think I would like to be a teacher of English in a public school and then privately tutor students in the Russian language for an extra fee.

    I need a lot of help with figuring out my plans, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    So far, my plan is to get a degree in the Russian language and in education while I'm in America. Then I'll stay in America long enough to pay off my student loans, being a teacher of the Russian language (or possibly history.)

    Once I am fluent in the Russian language, I want to move to Russia. Moscow specifically.

    I am pretty sure I understand citizenship laws. The rules are I have to 1) Speak Russian, 2) Have a work Visa, 3) Not commit any crime, 4) Become naturalized by living in the Russian Federation for at least 5 years.

    I am currently learning the Russian language. I don't know very much of it, but I am studying it every day and I hope to be fluent within the next decade.

    ANY tips or suggestions regarding emigration to the Russian Federation would be GREATLY appreciated.


    It has come to my attention that I've posted this in the wrong section. I apologize. Any advice would still be appreciated.
    Are you mad, man? Did you know what is - life in Russia?
    "Russian culture is great, russian Soul is deep and mystical". IT WAS!!! Now there is NO MORE!!! IT FINISHED!!! All that I see around me - degraded, drunken people. They didn't love their home, they do not care what happens around them. They are primitive barbarians. Are not everybody, but very much people live as they. You are extremal, my friend! I live in Russia, I am russian, I know what I talk about... Contemporary russian culture - is shame. Unfortunately... Как говорят, у нас жизнь - не сахар.

  16. #36
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWildBee View Post
    Are you mad, man? Did you know what is - life in Russia?
    "Russian culture is great, russian Soul is deep and mystical". IT WAS!!! Now there is NO MORE!!! IT FINISHED!!! All that I see around me - degraded, drunken people. They didn't love their home, they do not care what happens around them. They are primitive barbarians. Are not everybody, but very much people live as they. You are extremal, my friend! I live in Russia, I am russian, I know what I talk about... Contemporary russian culture - is shame. Unfortunately... Как говорят, у нас жизнь - не сахар.
    Вот почитаешь и ужаснёшься. Неужели, прям-таки, все - деградировавшие пьяницы и примитивные варвары? Что же вы, уважаемый, делаете на этом форуме, а не бухаете, как все россияне? Что же до ваших впечатлений - то, смею уверить, это явление универсальное - погуглите первую ссылку на запрос 95%. То есть, это не только в России так, это везде так. И та страна, откуда этот человек хочет уехать - не исключение.
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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