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Thread: Russian Christianism/Hebrew language chaos

  1. #1
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    Russian Christianism/Hebrew language chaos

    Usually the Christians have ignored the ancient languages and cultures payed too much attention not only to the writing of the languages but special attention to the sound.
    Have you ever imagined why Jew Rabbies hide the title "god" and write "g*d" instead no tusing the vowel O in this case?
    That is because superstition. We're dealing here with the power of acoustic and magic realms, something important in Egypt, India and also Israel. I won't discuss all religions cos I wanna focus in your Russian Christianism only. Jews hide the vowel even when they know this "god" is a mere title elohim meaning god. Even when they know it's THE TRANSLATION of the title! They say it's forbidden the utterance of God's name.
    Now, the name of God has been written thousands of times in the Bible and even a fistful of times in the Ten Commandments. It wasn't written in modern Hebrew or the square kind of letters used in Ezra time but in Paleo-Hebrew, that is Phoenician. It's a LIE when they say Hebrew had no vowels. In that Paleo-Hebrew there were vowels for sure. What happened is the scribes called Mazzoreth ALTERED and HID the sound adding points to the Scripture. Why? Because they didn't want the non-Jews knew the secret of their spiritual revelation.
    In the next photo of the film Ten Commandments with Mormon Charlton Heston and Russian actor Yul Brynner, the director Cecil B, de Mille used granite of the (false) Sinai mountain and used the accurate Phoenician or Paleo-Hebrew language:
    The skepticism maybe a thin line to cynicism, yet....

  2. #2
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    The Christians have repeated like parrots "ourfatherwhoarthinheavenhollowedbethyname". It's understandable Christ didn't say to glorify his own name neither he said "our names". What name exactly? You maybe have gone to the church thousands of times even believing "Jesus" or "Yeshua" was the actual name of Christ. It wasn't and not only that you also ignore Christ TAUGHT the name of His Father to the disciples! Therefore, in case you're a religious person, take the dust and spiderwebs from your Bible and read John 17:6, 11, 12 and 26. What name would it be that?
    Immediately after that event, the context of the following chapter 18:1 to 8 mentions the Jewish people trying to arrest Christ FELL DOWN AND KNELT when Christ said " I am". They were superstitous as well and they recognized the SOUND or mantra of the forbidden God's name. Christ calling attention to himself -cos he didn't want the disciples to be arrested- even spoke the magic utterance once again "I told you I am".
    Unfortunately for Christian readers YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. Why? Because those were not the words spoken by Christ and you won't expect the Jews that hide the translation of a mere title of God's name would explain to you the reasons! The fact is this Gospel was written in Greek koin
    The skepticism maybe a thin line to cynicism, yet....

  3. #3
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    A friend of mine was teaching God's Hebrew name has always been IEVE (you can write and pronouce it in Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, French but in English the sound is EE-EH-VEH with the mute H), so he received a message that I insert here:

    Он мне кажется таким благотворным, которого Вы продолжили давать узнать всех тех, кто не знают вердареро звук в еврее Имени таких Двух, он будет.
    И наш Лидер Алексис II очень довольный, которого Министерство Худаикасите де Руссиа если он поверил в его пророчество и оставил сзади то, что ему сказал Катерине, или то, что ему сказал Ruben но я если я верю в Вас и остался аси, я - Еврей Ортодокс де Руссиа, и пора давать им те, что не хотели признавать в ЬЕВЕ то, что заслуживает их, мы в ноги ЬЕВЕ И ИСИВАА.

    As you can read, the one who received the letter was receiving advices from Katherine and Ruben to hide the name. In fact Jews from the synagogue in Argentina (bigger amount of Jews in South America) and Peru were to his house saying he couldn't teach that name IEVE because Peru was not Holy Ground and only they had the legal right to declare! Even doing that, they were fulfilling prophecy when God said they were put in jealous with a nation that was not His nation. The English blasphemer here never read Deuteronomy 32:21, Hosea 1, 9 Isaiah, Romans 9:25; 10:19 to 21. The very Bible and Torah and prophets explain Jews altered the Torah (Law) and profanated God's name (worshipping Yahweh/Jehovah that are so linked to Egyptian paganism and Greek and Roman like Freemasons worshipping Jahbulon: Jah+Baal+On). What's the purpose to write the texts for people who don't want to read or don't even care?
    It's interesting this Russian Jew admits the name of Christ is not Jesus but ISIVAA. Of course, Christians ignore Arabs still remember the name of Christ in their language so akin to Hebrew and Aramaic, the name is ISSA. Yet they don't the letter V present in the name and alleguedly transformed magically by the Jews like U or W.
    How does the English stupid man who wrote here would understand why his accent change for example when he says ISrael or ISaiah the pronunciation is like in "interesting, sit, lick". Yet the same prefix IS is pronounced different in ISis (like Ay-sees), why?
    In subconscious way the Anglosaxon with the same error of the translators in Middle Ages like William Tyndale, they think in the name of the letter "I" like AY. Hence they don't think too much about the words like "sit, fit, six, click" but in the ones like "mine, fine, wine".
    The English books and translations all over the world sometimes refer to Jewish feast like Hanukah and others like Chanukah. That translation is an abomination since we know in English the CH has 2 sounds, like in school, cherub, chemistry (like a K) and like in achieve, check, chin. So, what would be the purpose to create that chaos and replace H by CH? Unless the book merely copied the name from a book written in Hebrew-German? That would be the case knowing in German the sound of CH is like Brazilian Portuguese R, Spanish J, English H, Russian and Greek X.
    Can you imagine the chaos they have created or allowed to permit? If you read "Jesus" in a book, the Spanish people are gonna pronounce Heh-soos; the Brazilian Portuguese will say like spelling the letter "G" plus "zuis" (G-zuis), the English pronounce Yeezus, etc, etc, etc in hundred s of languages. The same happens with the name Christ wanted the people to sanctify, His Father name IEVE or EE-EH-VEH in English.
    Hence, English man, if you have cursed me thinking I'm against the Jews, I tell you did a wrong thing cos I know the prophecies themselves have reserved not only destruction buy salvation and to point the errors is not suggesting anti-semitism. Therefore I let in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost to judge properly what is gonna happen with yourself and family when I was only trying to reveal things He allowed to be known at the proper time. It's not by my word that you will see the damage but your own uncontrolled wrath and you will remember when that time comes, you will certainly remember what you have written today whether Jewish or goy.
    The skepticism maybe a thin line to cynicism, yet....

  4. #4
    DDT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    Could you not at least have waited until Holocaust Memorial Day was over before posting your anti-semitic sludge? I hope your mother dies in a freak yachting accident.
    This is not anti Semetic. I am quite familiar with his points, they being important to all who search. There is another mountain who the local Bedouin call in English "The Mountain of Moses" and it seems to be common knowledge among them. The top of it is black from fire and there is a fence that has been built around it and it is guarded. There is also what appears to be huge rocks piled into the shape of an alter at it's foot. In the area can be found inscriptions in rocks of a Hebrew origin. It is also common knowledge that over time certain scribes and priests became afraid to write or say Gods' name. If it is not Yahwey, what is it though?
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

  5. #5
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    Read Sepher II, 4. Acknowledge even Eliphas Levi knew God's name is IEVE, read this time to find the name:
    Petrus Alfonsi brought up as a Jew in Muslim part of Spain (1062-1110) converted to Christianism and emigrated to Aragon, England, France and was educated both in Hebrew and Arab, he also wrote IEVE in his Dialogui Contra Iudaeos:
    Only in the next century, Joachim of Fiore (1132-1202) changed the V for the U.
    The sacred name IEVE-EVEI-VEIE-EIEV was part of Pythagorean Tetractys related to combinations of number 72 and pyramid.
    The own Jews recognized God's name YHVH (when they want they change the Y for I), the Greek letter H Eta (beginning with the E) shouldn't be chosen. The Y was really the I:
    The H was originally E:
    What is important is ancient Paleo Hebrew Phoenician. In the following site you check please where it says "old Hebrew script", don't oay attention to the false translation using an H. Please be aware that 2nd and 4th letter (written from right to left and not like we read or write) is like our E in fact but as seen in wrong direction, like through the reflection in a mirror:
    That 4 letters name (Tetragramaton) is exactly written like this by Steven Spielberg -Jew- in the film Raiders of the Lost Ark. You won't see it unless you press "pause" in the scene where an old bearded wise man interprets the Egyptian medal. Check the inscriptions in the medal when the man talks about Hebrew God. In the film Indiana Jones and the Last Cruzade, the heroe depicts like Freemason ritual and mumbles the penitent man kneels before "Jehovah" almost dies when stepping on the false floor with the letters written upon. The first 2 letters Indiana chooses to repare his error after he almost dies stepping in Latin J (INVENTED IN MIDDLE AGES) were the letters I and E. Of course, the filmaker can't betray his fellow men and couldn't say or reveal the whole thing. The fact is there were only 2 more letters, the V and the repetition of the E (IEVE). I'm not writing like a stupid always believes, to say you have to believe because of the film. The evidence is not that but all what I have written above and much more. It's simply to say some Jews (not everybody) knows the secret. In the past the name IEVE was used but step by step in gradual spiritual apostasy, the name was hidden until it was mentioned only once every 7 years and only by the mouth of high priest in the Holy of Holies in Jerusalem temple. Even that was lost......
    The skepticism maybe a thin line to cynicism, yet....

  6. #6
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    I mispelled one link about Eliphas Levi, check now:
    And don't be surprise if some links are off the air. I have studied this for too much time and became to know precisely by Jewish sources and I see the links mysteriously dealing with this item vanish quickly.
    The skepticism maybe a thin line to cynicism, yet....

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Quote Originally Posted by joysof
    Could you not at least have waited until Holocaust Memorial Day was over before posting your anti-semitic sludge? I hope your mother dies in a freak yachting accident.
    This is not anti Semetic.
    If you believe that, you're a fool.

    Jew Rabbies
    Jews hide the vowel even when they know this "god" is a mere title elohim meaning god.
    Unfortunately for Christian readers YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. Why? Because those were not the words spoken by Christ and you won't expect the Jews that hide the translation of a mere title of God's name would explain to you the reasons!
    Open question: why does this forum attract so many bigots and religious maniacs?
    А если отнять еще одну?

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