Usually the Christians have ignored the ancient languages and cultures payed too much attention not only to the writing of the languages but special attention to the sound.
Have you ever imagined why Jew Rabbies hide the title "god" and write "g*d" instead no tusing the vowel O in this case?
That is because superstition. We're dealing here with the power of acoustic and magic realms, something important in Egypt, India and also Israel. I won't discuss all religions cos I wanna focus in your Russian Christianism only. Jews hide the vowel even when they know this "god" is a mere title elohim meaning god. Even when they know it's THE TRANSLATION of the title! They say it's forbidden the utterance of God's name.
Now, the name of God has been written thousands of times in the Bible and even a fistful of times in the Ten Commandments. It wasn't written in modern Hebrew or the square kind of letters used in Ezra time but in Paleo-Hebrew, that is Phoenician. It's a LIE when they say Hebrew had no vowels. In that Paleo-Hebrew there were vowels for sure. What happened is the scribes called Mazzoreth ALTERED and HID the sound adding points to the Scripture. Why? Because they didn't want the non-Jews knew the secret of their spiritual revelation.
In the next photo of the film Ten Commandments with Mormon Charlton Heston and Russian actor Yul Brynner, the director Cecil B, de Mille used granite of the (false) Sinai mountain and used the accurate Phoenician or Paleo-Hebrew language: