I was recently in the city of Kirov (Viatka) for 4 weeks.
I noticed that Russian people NEVER say 'hello' to strangers passing by on the street. At least, not that I saw in my time there. A few times, when walking alone, I greeted a few people in a very mild fashion, by nod or a smile, and my greeting was always ignored. I mean this as NOT a negative criticism, but as an observation only. I should also say that I live in a part of the USA where this behavior is relatively common (that is, greeting strangers on the street), so I was most likely behaving in a culturally insensitive manner when I tried to 'transplant' this behavior to Russia.
Conversely, when I visited people in their homes, they invariably went out of their way to make me feel more than comfortable. At every home I was treated as an 'honored guest', which sometimes almost embarrassed me.
Every single person I actually visited with while in Russia was exceptionally (in comparison to Americans) gracious and kind to me. I came to greatly admire the Russians for their great generosity of spirit.
Anyway, it is a cliche to say that people are basically the same all over, but, of course, it is also true. Still, the cultural differences I noticed were VERY interesting.