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Thread: Marriage?

  1. #61
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    I have asked - my friend is a gynecologist. Here's what he said. It's not about age at all, only stupid people would say so. It's about the fitness of the woman's organism. Consider this: many centuries ago people's life expectancy was much lower, 30 year olds were considered to be very very old, like today's 80 year olds.....
    ........................... their early thirties.
    If he said so, I wouldn't trust my wife to such a "gynecologist". I could criticize a lot of BS he said (for example about "the optimal child bearing age is later in life than it used to be" - the species Homo Sapiens has no changes last 50000 years, so this statement has no sence) but I won't. Just ask him to read this article of the World Health Organization ... vanced.htm they say there that "The optimal childbearing age is 20–25 years" and "The risk of bearing a child with certain chromosomal disorders increases as women age. The most common of these disorders is Down syndrome." It has no connection to "the fitness of the woman's organism" it depends on age only.
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Also VM, when I get home next week and tell my Moscow girlfriends that they are not engaged to be married because it doesn't exist in Russia, they will want an explanation. So what do you suggest they call this time of buying rings and hiring caterers?
    It's not called "engagement" in Russian, it's called приготовления к свадьбе while your Western engagement is usually referred to as помолвка - they use that term in the yellow press for, say, the British royalty, but Russian people talk about приготовления к свадьбе and that's not the same thing even technically.
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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    I have asked - my friend is a gynecologist. Here's what he said. It's not about age at all, only stupid people would say so. It's about the fitness of the woman's organism. Consider this: many centuries ago people's life expectancy was much lower, 30 year olds were considered to be very very old, like today's 80 year olds.....
    ........................... their early thirties.
    If he said so, I wouldn't trust my wife to such a "gynecologist". I could criticize a lot of BS he said (for example about "the optimal child bearing age is later in life than it used to be" - the species Homo Sapiens has no changes last 50000 years, so this statement has no sence) but I won't. Just ask him to read this article of the World Health Organization ... vanced.htm they say there that "The optimal childbearing age is 20–25 years" and "The risk of bearing a child with certain chromosomal disorders increases as women age. The most common of these disorders is Down syndrome." It has no connection to "the fitness of the woman's organism" it depends on age only.
    For f@cks sake, here we go again... No offence, man, but it really pisses me off when a seamingly intelligent person can't follow a simple argument (I suppose you're only pretending to p*ss me) - I told ya once I told ya a hundred times, didn't I? - the figure of 25 is there just because 99% of those peasants are practically walking corpses at that age what with the booze and fags. It's not about the age itself, centuries ago it was another figure, all right?, it's about how quickly you wear your body out (and that goes for the egg, JB - a 30 y.o. egg with some women can be a lot healthier than that of your average peasant 18 y.o. and that's a fact, I've a lot of mates in the gynecological profession, including some of our top boffins, to back that up plus my own private observations - happy 30+ mums all around and no one's screaming bloody murder.)
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  4. #64
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    Re: our argument

    Scientists have discovered that there was once a time on Earth when 30 year olds had all the chronicle deseases of today's 80 year olds and they wouldn't take part in hunts, etc. 18 year olds were considered middle aged then. This doesn't in any way shatter the view of human history at all. And by the way, all that knowledge, Janice, can be had from books virtually for free. I suggest you use them. Start by loaning some from the public library where you live.

    By the way, my Irish accent is much better than your execrable satirization of it.
    Well, frankly, I didn't mean it to sound as if I was taking the p*ss or something, I only wanted to make you feel comfortable. Which part of Ireland are you from originally?
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  5. #65
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    The most common of these disorders is Down syndrome." It has no connection to "the fitness of the woman's organism" it depends on age only.
    - age is but an indicator of how processes in your organism develop over time - there's a 'clock' age and a 'physiological' age - your 'clock' age is there to basically save you from going nuts, nothing else, because we, humans, are crap at handling eternity. The fact that a certain cell gets from A to B in terms of its condition is all about 'physiological' age and corresponds to different readings on the 'clock' age meter for different people. If it wasn't so I wouldn't be seeing so many happy couples where the woman gave birth to her first child in her late twenties to early thirties. Of course in the country where most of its peasant population snuffs it in their fifties it may indeed come as a shock to some. Hell, 99% of those peasants think that when you're 30 you're a goner. As for the human race not changing for the last 5000 years, that is only true chromosome-wise and no one's arguing about that, but that's doesn't contradict what I was saying recently regarding the 30 year olds of yore corresponding to the 80 year olds of today.

    Summing up, I must admit I am unpleasantly surprised that so many of you know sod all about such simple things - we were taught most of that stuff at primary school. But then it's not your fault, I suppose - most of you have never had the opportunity to benefit from our once glorious Soviet education system (once the best education system in the world), and as for you, JJ - shame on you, mate, you shouldn't have played truant through your biology classes. (I especially liked the stuff they taught us about reproduction and since ours was a special school we also had labs! Of course not all of it was fun - we would sometimes get routine tasks like 'furtilise a dissected frog', but our teacher was a woman of parts and the things we'd do to get an A... )

    Anyway, why isn't anyone congratulating me on my coming wedding? Do it before I change my mind.
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  6. #66
    JB is offline
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    VM, since your high school biology class was a LONG time ago I'll cut you some slack about not remembering basic anatomy and physiology. But you should really read real scientific studies instead of the back of your health food and vitamin boxes. Also there is an internationally accepted process for conducting scientific research and your knowledge of a few "happy couples" doesn't meet the criteria for a study. And if eggs didn't age at a predictable rate then all those 35+ year old healthy women from all over the world wouldn't be paying invitro clinics thousands of dollars to implant them with donar eggs from younger women (along with the risk of trisomy 21(down's) and trisomy 18 old eggs have a lot of problems).
    As for your dissertation on the effects of aging on women throughout history, it is so random and nonsensical that I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
    VM, you and Ponce De Leon just won't face reality, there is NO FOUNTAIN of YOUTH!!
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  7. #67
    JB is offline
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    VM, all of my Russian girlfriends are fluent in English and want me to converse in English so they can learn all of the latest American terms and slang. When we discuss their upcoming marriage and preparations we call it "engaged". This simple little word covers the concept of both помолвка (betrothed) and приготовления к свадьбе (preparations for the wedding).
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  8. #68
    JB is offline
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    VM, on your "engagement".........

    Congradulations on finding the most masochistic female on the planet!
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Congradulations on finding the most masochistic female on the planet!
    Go to hell JB. I will not have you say bad things about my fiancee.

    When we discuss their upcoming marriage and preparations we call it "engaged". This simple little word covers the concept of both помолвка (betrothed) and приготовления к свадьбе (preparations for the wedding).
    Thing is - and its high time you understood this - there's no tradition of betrothal in Russia. As I've already told you, betrothal translated as помолвка is only used about Western couples especially by the yellow press - it has no counterpart in the Russian tradition whatsoever. The reason they say "engaged" is because our ways are incompatible and the best you can do to avoid lengthy explanations is bugger that difference and pretend the foreign term applied. (Just goes to show how 'well' you know our culture.)

    VM, all of my Russian girlfriends are fluent in English and want me to converse in English so they can learn all of the latest American terms and slang
    What kind of slang would a middle-aged woman know and actively use I wonder...

    VM, you and Ponce De Leon just won't face reality, there is NO FOUNTAIN of YOUTH!
    JB, can you at all follow my posts? At no point did I talk about a "fountain of youth" - all I did say was that you SHOULDN'T URINATE INTO THE POND LIFE GAVE YOU.

    As for my 'studies' as you called them - just stick to pulling peasant babies with a pair of tongs, will ya - call me a male chauvinist pig but I don't discuss science with midwives.

    P.S. And as for those clinics they are just good businesses. I've seen good businessmen with a great gift of the gab who could sell sand to bedouins in bloody Sahara.
    You know, when I was born some 'learned midwives', who had better have stuck to their knitting, told my mum I'd never be able to walk - not only did I begin to walk when most babies do, but I also became a pretty good crosscountry runner at high school.
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  10. #70
    JB is offline
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    Moscow is a BIG international city with a rapidly changing culture and the times are changing old man. The old Russian traditions are morphing as fast as the fashions. English words, phrases and concepts are used daily. Conversation, TV, radio and advertisements are all using this and the young and modern Russians all understand perfectly. (My 70yr old Russian aunt on the other hand complains that she can't understand any of it).
    Now perhaps in smaller cities this isn't the case. But since My friends and I live in Moscow we speak a modern combo of English and Russian mixed with English.
    I will be glad to discuss science with you when you can read and understand it. But since your science education is a 30yr old faint memory from high school it will take you a while to catch up to my medical education at 3 of the world's most renowned University Medical Centers.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Moscow is a BIG international city with a rapidly changing culture and the times are changing old man.
    Who's this old man you're talking about? How are the times changing him? Punctuation, JB. Казнить нельзя помиловать...

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    The old Russian traditions are morphing as fast as the fashions. English words, phrases and concepts are used daily. Conversation, TV, radio and advertisements are all using this and the young and modern Russians all understand perfectly.
    That's how it was in the 60s - in this day and age, however, most hippies are dead along with their ugly Russian-English creole and the majority of Russians gravitate (again) towards all things nice and Slavic. A few English ads here and there are the final throws of agony of the English language on our soil.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    (My 70yr old Russian aunt on the other hand complains that she can't understand any of it).
    I bet she could speak in a way that you wouldn't understand a single word of - and that would be pure Slavic.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Now perhaps in smaller cities this isn't the case. But since My friends and I live in Moscow we speak a modern combo of English and Russian mixed with English.
    Ловлю тебя на слове - give us a few examples of this imaginary dialect of yours, could you?

    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    I will be glad to discuss science with you when you can read and understand it. But since your science education is a 30yr old faint memory from high school it will take you a while to catch up to my medical education at 3 of the world's most renowned University Medical Centers.
    Nothing but hot air and personal insults. And how come the learned don is only a bloody midwife then? Я плакаль...

    P.S. JB, do you realise that because of you three bright but poor young boys or girls didn't get a place?
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  12. #72
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    Congratulations and Jubilations VM

    Blimey, I go away for a while and what do I find - VM is going to get married. What next - Dogboy as President, Lindsay as Secretary of State?
    Congratulations VM. I hope you and your wife to be will be very happy. Of course I am heart-broken as will be many members of this forum now one of the most eligible batchelors has been snapped up. It is so rare that someone with such an elegant turn of phrase, amusing wit and charming personality comes along. We should have known you'd be betrothed before long. Is DDT taken?

  13. #73
    DDT is offline
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    Even though I am a most beautiful man ....and brutaly handsome, I remain unattached due to my commitment to world peace and the brother and sisterhood of humankind.

    And I also, take offence at your remark that insinuates that I would be second choice after the venerable Mr. VM or for that matter anyone else. You see, it is well known, in society circles, that I have recently had to hire small group of assistants to help clear a path through the gaggle of young ladies who congregate in the lobby downstairs waiting to catch a glimpse of me as I leave my penthouse abode.
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  14. #74
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    How can I make it up to you DDT? ( I apologise for being fickle, VM but that's women for you- the mere suggestion of a brute and a penthouse has made me go weak at the knees - or could that be my arthritis?)

  15. #75
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    Sorry VM, but I've no more time to continue this silly discussion. My plane leaves in the morning and I have a lot of packing to finish.
    And as for your BS on the state of modern Moscow culture, well old guys that don't get out of the house much can't be expected to know what's going on.
    I am not a midwife and have never claimed to be. I am a Registered Nurse/ Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist. I have been involved in many research programs conducted by international specialists in OB, GYN, and Neonatal health, that have resulted in major changes and life saving improvements in health care. I will also be working in this area in Russia in the near future.
    How is it that after all your comments about your hobby of "shagging" so many females that you are suddenly getting married? And how did you find a girl that wants to marry a man who refers to women as "pussys galore"?
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  16. #76
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    Lighten up JB. You keep rising to the bait. You're FEEDING him. You outrank him in so many ways but he's so full of self-satisfied importance you can NEVER win, in his eyes anyway. Accept VM for what he is and laugh with him and at him.

  17. #77
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    Don't worry BJ, I just use VM for entertainment when I'm bored . I also laugh everytime I read his fantasies about Russia. But I have to catch a plane in 9 hours and won't have the time to play while in Moscow. So maybe he'll find another person to joust with and keep this forum lively!
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    My plane leaves in the morning and I have a lot of packing to finish.
    Always pack in advance, scout.

    And as for your BS on the state of modern Moscow culture, well old guys that don't get out of the house much can't be expected to know what's going on.
    Yeah, typical of you, innit. Some time ago I asked you to translate something for me which would have tested your command of Russian and exposed you as a lier, now it's a similar situation - I asked you to give an example of this new generation "Russian English slang" thing that's allegedly all the hype in today's Moscow - one short sentence would have sufficed - and surely someone like you who's got it all sorted would have come up with something better than this weak excuse of yours of having to catch a plane. You didn't have time to write one short sentence, yet you banged out a full-blown post instead. Please observe this, ladies and gentlemen, this woman never backs up her claims - she told a lie and is now conviniently "busy packing".. Thanks, JB, a better proof I could not have wished for.

    I am not a midwife and have never claimed to be. I am a Registered Nurse/ Obstetrics and Gynecology specialist. I have been involved in many research programs conducted by international specialists in OB, GYN, and Neonatal health,
    Did you mean Neanderthal health perchance? And in the quiet words of Turkish, if you're not a midwife you **** well should be.

    ...that have resulted in major changes and life saving improvements in health care.
    Sure. And Baron Muenchhausen was a famous traveller. He was also a notorious lier. Brag brag brag brag brag brag brag...

    I will also be working in this area in Russia in the near future.
    Of course you will. And on that day Satan will be skating to work.

    How is it that after all your comments about your hobby of "shagging" so many females that you are suddenly getting married? And how did you find a girl that wants to marry a man who refers to women as "pussys galore"?
    I thought you didn't wish to continue with this discussion:
    Sorry VM, but I've no more time to continue this silly discussion
    I wouldn't be the master of suspence if I told you everything right away. Sorry, gal, can't just tell you everything, gotta keep you coming back for more. We'll be returning to this subject in the near future. Right after you come back from that "Moscow" of yours. Bwahahahahahah...
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  19. #79
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    Come back from Moscow? Dear VM I live in Moscow. I arrived home on the 21st and am currently enjoying this great city!
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    Come back from Moscow? Dear VM I live in Moscow.
    You would be home if Moscow was your home, since it's not, you're only paying it a flying visit (in your dreams, of course, since you've never, not once, have given me a single authentic proof that you've been to Moscow.) Something's telling me that even Moscow would have achoo'd you out in a matter of seconds. You know what they say about Moscow? Moskva slezam ne verit. Know what that means? Know who said that and why? How do you connect to that phrase? Would you like to talk about it?

    ...and am currently enjoying this great city!
    Oh how stupid this is, trying to flatter me by singing sycofantic odes to this, erm, well, city. (Rhetorical) question is, would Moscow be enjoying you, JB...
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