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Thread: Workbooks or Online programas

  1. #1
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    Workbooks or Online programas

    Hello everyone, I am looking for recommendations for workbooks or online programs.

    for me, what works best is repetitive exercises with answer keys. to be honest, you could explain a grammar rule until you and me both are blue in the face, but I will never understand until I am given an opportunity to put the practice into effect by doing workbook exercises and allowing my brain to automatically detect patterns of speech (I actually hate explanations of rules, I don't even know the grammar rules in English which is my native tongue, it simply doesn't work for me). so if you know any books which I can do repetitive practices with answer keys to self correct my work I would be much obliged. also looking forward to your recommendations for online programs since I do spend a fair amount of time on the computer! большое спасибо.

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