It would be "Нелсоновна". "Нелсонович" is masculine.Originally Posted by boisebret
It would be "Нелсоновна". "Нелсонович" is masculine.Originally Posted by boisebret
"Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"
If I'm a man, taking my father's name, SHOULDN'T it be masuline??
Бойсе, Штат Айдахо
Oh, I'm so sorry, somehow I didn't doubt (without any reason obviously) that Bret was a female name, sorry.
"Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"
So the masculine patronymic you supplied me, would work??
Бойсе, Штат Айдахо
Yes, Брет Нелсонович, it would.So the masculine patronymic you supplied me, would work??
Бойсе, Штат Айдахо
скорее даже Брет Нельсонович
ведь одноглазому адмиралу тоже мягкий знак добавили ...
Оригинал: Call me ASAP.
Перевод: Зови меня Асапом. (С)
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