Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
And I сan't even SAY it correctly. Oh dear...
Don't be so harsh to yourself, we're all learning here. Russian isn't even your second language! I bet my posts in English look incredibly stupid in the eyes of native speakers and people like you who are fluent in it. And I can't even speak it at all, only read and write after almost 20 years of learning!
As for the verbs пропала/потеряла: they are quite similar to English missing/lost:
My credit cart is missing - Моя кредитка пропала.
I lost my credit card - Я потеряла кредитку.
You can't say in English either: "I miss my credit card", at least it sounds funny, like you have some feelings to a piece of plastic . But in Russian it doesn't sounds funny, just wrong. And I think everyone have understand that you were trying to say.

Why is смешной wrong?Also, "people" is singular in English, but I guess from this correction that it is plural in Russian! More logical really.
Yes, люди is plural in Russian. Also this noun hasn't a singular form. To say strictly it has, but with completely different root: человек. Singular: человек Plural: люди
Смешные isn't grammatically wrong, that's why I made the correction in green. But смешные sounds like you can laugh at them like they are some clowns, not with them. So I've suggested that you wanted to say a slightly different thing, sorry if I was wrong.