Yeah... Who knows... This is supposed to be a "lux" flat though, and it is very clean and generally in a very good state. I can't imagine they'd let something like that happen if they could avoid it... I am thinking that maybe the water tank for the building is empty for some reason, or there is work being done on the water pipes somewhere nearby. This flat is on the Skoriny Avenue although the entrance is from a small side street.

No water for over an hour now, and because of my train drama yesterday, I have not eaten for almost 24 hours. So I am off to buy some food, detergent and some other things I need.

If the water is not back when I return, I'll text the owner and ask if he knows what's going on.
Today I was going to wash all my dirty clothes, so I do need some water....

This building is a 1950s, rather elegant block of flats. Does anyone know whether houses of this type get the water from a water tank in the building, or if it is coming remotely from somewhere else without being stored in the building first? Neither the hot water, nor the cold water is working.

Broadband in Minsk