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Thread: Some Russian Sentences

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  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин impulse's Avatar
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    Thanks mate,

    There are still many "bold black" corrections. I wish they were lesser.

    немного/несколько - I confuse these all the time and cannot decide clearly which to use when.

    I was about to write проверьте instead of проверку. I could not figure out what grammatic form is проверку. I cannot understand it clearly. That is why I could not make up my mind which to use. So what is the grammatic structure of проверку?

    Why из тех is needed in the 3rd sentence?

    Well, I used к Турцие in the 5th sentence because I thought that к Турцие states the seas are located around Turkey. Like they cover around it rather than stating they are in Turkey.

    Thanks alot.
    Иди и учи русский!

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by impulse View Post
    I was about to write проверьте instead of проверку. I could not figure out what grammatic form is проверку. I cannot understand it clearly. That is why I could not make up my mind which to use. So what is the grammatic structure of проверку?
    "Проверка" is a noun (feminine gender): checking, verifying, correction.
    So, "проверку" is just its accusative case: "предложения на проверку" = "sentences for correction", "спасибо за проверку" = "thank you for correction".
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  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by impulse View Post
    Why из тех is needed in the 3rd sentence?
    I think it is possible to phrase it like that:

    Этот проспект - один из наиболее крупных проспектов, которые находятся в Петербурге.

    In some cases the relation "тот" ("из тех" is a form of "тот") is manadatory. But here I think it is not.

    The meaning is just literally: "из тех" = "of/among those".
    Этот проспект - один из наиболее крупных проспектов из тех, которые находятся в Петербурге.

    This avenue is one of the biggest avenues among those which are located in Peresburg.

    I hope you get it now.

    And to my opinion, this wording is however superfluous. I would rephrase it in a simpler way:
    Этот проспект - один из наиболее крупных проспектов Петербург
    а. (note the genitive)
    Этот проспект - один из наиболее крупных проспектов
    в Петербурге.

    The "из тех, которые находятся" part is totally redundant.
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  4. #4
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    немного/несколько - I confuse these all the time and cannot decide clearly which to use when.
    немного is literally NOT MANY/MUCH
    несколько is several/some. Or to be more clear несколько is some undefined amount.

    But make no mistake, you could still say:
    я ещё раз написал немного предложений на русском языке
    but несколько sounds just much more smoother and authentic in this case

    I was about to write проверьте instead of проверку. I could not figure out what grammatic form is проверку. I cannot understand it clearly. That is why I could not make up my mind which to use. So what is the grammatic structure of проверку?
    проверку - noun, accusative of проверка.
    проверьте - verb, imperative of проверять

    Why из тех is needed in the 3rd sentence?
    To make the statement more clear. To imply that you mean not any street in the world but the streets which are located in St. Petersburg. But I'm going to second Боб Уайтман that the sentnence is better off if rephrased

    Well, I used к Турцие in the 5th sentence because I thought that к Турцие states the seas are located around Turkey. Like they cover around it rather than stating they are in Turkey.
    Hmm, I still don't get it completely. What do you mean? That the seas surround Turkey or that they border Turkey, or perhaps that they are located throughout Turkey? Anyway, let's take a look at each of those variants

    The seas surround Turkey:

    Моря, окружающие Турцию, очень красивые or Моря, которые окружают Турцию, очень красивые.

    The seas border Turkey

    Моря, граничащие с Турцией, очень красивые or Моря, которые граничат с Турцией, очень красивые.

    The seas are located throughout Turkey.

    Моря в Турции очень красивые or Моря, (которые раскинулись) раскинувшиеся по всей Турции, очень красивые or Моря по всей Турции очень красивые
    impulse likes this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  5. #5
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by impulse View Post
    I hope you know there are countable and uncountable nouns. In English, countable nouns are used with "many" (many houses, many cars, many people) and uncountable nouns are used with "much" (much water, much sugar, much attention, much practice) etc.

    So, to answer your question:

    With uncountable nouns, only "немного" is possible, "несколько" does not fit:
    немного воды, немного сахара, немного внимания, немного опыта.

    The uncountable nouns are used in Genitive Singular after "немного".

    With countable nouns, "несколько" suits well:
    несколько домов, несколько машин, несколько человек, несколько слов, несколько букв.

    Sometimes "немного" can be also used with them: "я купил немного яблок".

    It is more difficult to say why "немного яблок" is better than "несколько яблок". But both are possible.

    So, when in doubt, better stick to "несколько" with countable nouns.

    Yes, and countable nouns are used in Genitive Plural.

    An addition on немного/несколько.

    I thought about the case with apples: "немного яблок" vs "несколько яблок". Here's what I think:
    "несколько" assumes separate items (2-3-4-5, sometimes more). So, "я купил несколько яблок" is understood as if you bought just a few apples.
    "немного" considers the total quantity as a single mass. So, "немного яблок" can mean 500 g or 1 kg etc.
    That's why "немного яблок" is usually better unless you really mean 2-3 pieces (then "несколько" is preferred).
    impulse likes this.

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