What exacly at you looking for? Tapes, Books, Videos?

Do you just want children's books that you can read to them?

There are many online Russian stores that are physically located in both America or Russia that you can order items such as books, videos, etc from. However, many of the websites or at least the titles of the books are in Russian so you need to be able to read enough Russian to place your order. Some of them actually have preschool workbooks in Russian under the children's book section.

Here are a few of the websites/stores that I have used. I usually order from the bookstores in the US only because it usually saves on shipping.


Hope that helps! I also am teaching my children Russian. Instead of using books, etc. I simply teach them words or phrases in both English and Russian. For example upon being given something they will say thank you in both languages. Around the house we speak Russian as much as possible or use Russian words as much as my vocabulary (which is limited) allows.