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Thread: The New Penguin Russian Course

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    The New Penguin Russian Course

    Hi I only recently started trying to learn the basics of Russian, and am in serious need of help. Honestly, this has got to be one of the most difficult languages to learn. But i have strong interest in it and do not intend to give up so easily. I read great reviews about this book by Nicholas Brown called "The New Penguin Russian Course". I couldn't find it at the bookstores so i'm considering placing an order. However, it is a little costly, and i just want to ensure that the money isn't going to go to waste. The most important feature i require in language books are phonetic spellings of words. Seeing as how i can't read Russian yet, it would be almost impossible for me to progress otherwise. Does this book spell out (in english) how these words should sound? Generally after reading this book will a person be able to carry a very basic conversation or a couple of relevant sentences in Russian? I hope this isn't a book for travellers where they teach you things like "i want to buy a ticket" and "where is the toilet?".

    Currently I'm using "Learn In Your Car, Russian" from Penton Overseas Inc. It comes with a tiny booklet but the words are all in Russian text so it doesn't really help in that area.

    Also, i have one last question. Is it possible for someone to learn to read, speak and write Russian without going for classes? Just by doing it out of books and stuff. Would anyone know what's the success rate? lol

    Hope someone replies...hehe
    *thank you for reading my post

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Is it possible for someone to learn to read, speak and write Russian without going for classes?
    Without going to classes: yes, I would have thought so.

    In your car: depends on your steering wheel's grasp of the vernacular. I would also imagine that if drive time is the only time you can spare, your progress will be a mite slow.

    Get the Brown. I did. It's splendid and he's a lovely chap, too. Deserves your money.
    А если отнять еще одну?

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    You shouldn't be learning a language if you don't know the alphabet, so that book teaches you that first. After the first 5 or so chapters it stops giving you the transliteration.

    Generally after reading this book you will be at about British A-level level. Which is the equivalent of having taken Russian for six years at a high school in America. I think. So you will be able to do more than carry on very basic conversation. Let's say, upper-basic to intermediate conversation.
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  4. #4
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    hmm. How big is the penguin book ? maybe i should invest in it... How much does it cost ? maybe my library has it. i can check today or tomorrow. and since. Im probly upper beginer to intermediet already. it shouln't hit me like a ton of bricks. The only thing about russian grammar i am completley unfamiliar with is participles, i havn't even looked at them yet. everything thing else hasn't been to bad... so, we'll see!
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  5. #5
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    I got it new from for $11, and it came in about 5 days, which was nice. It has 30 lessons, and the total page count is 514, with the last lesson ending on 377. The rest is a dictionary, an index, glossary, grammatical rules, and answers to the excercises.

    The cover is nice too, with that Coca-Cola ad "Кока-кола всегда лучше со льдом"

    Be prepared for British spelling in the explanations though... I don't know, it just seems wrong to me, having been learning how to spell the American way all this time.
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  6. #6
    Старший оракул
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    I am probably as much of a fan of the NPRC (no, not the people's republic of china) as everyone else here. I think it's really good for someone teaching themselves, and who has shall we say 'academic' leanings. However I do have one slight issue with it: the outrageous blurb on the back cover saying '30 levels to proficiency'.
    Now as a TEFL teacher I know what 'proficiency' generally means when learning a language, and this isn't it.

    Finishing the book will do 2 things for you, in my opinion, *presuming* you have at least listened to a fair amount of spoken Russian while studying (perhaps you haven't had the luxury of actually conversing with a real live Russian speaker). 1. It will teach you pretty much all the grammar you need to get up to near-proficiency (let's say Upper Int.); the grammar of Russian isn't that complex, I surmise. 2. It will give you enough language practice to reach some kind of Pre Int. level.

    (generally in TEFL we use:
    Pre Intermediate
    Upper Intermediate

    By the way I have one other complaint with the book. I wish I had it in hardback, mine is starting to fall apart.
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  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    thanks you guys, for giving your two cents worth on the book. Yes, it does seem like everyone who's read absolutely LOVES it and it usually comes highly recommended. Actually i don't own a car so i usually listen to it while i'm on the bus or train to and from work. Not really good, as I don't have the freedom to mimic the russian terms out loud but i do at least try to mouth them or whisper. lol. making small progress so far, but progress nonetheless, which i hope is encouraging. i think the biggest fear right now is, as Dogboy182 put it, i hope it doesn't "hit me like a ton of bricks" since i'm really new to the language. It seems quite daunting heh

    i think i shall place my order within the next couple of days. it'll cost 33 bucks *cough*daylight robbery*cough*. i am rather pleased to know that generally readers feel that by the end of the book you should be relatively proficient in russian. British "A" levels... that's a pretty good indicator
    *thank you for reading my post

  8. #8
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    Don't be afraid of the book. It's the only Russian grammar book I have and my first exposure to the language. It's very easy to follow and learn from.

    Не знаю.

  9. #9
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    Re: The New Penguin Russian Course

    Quote Originally Posted by monarc
    Currently I'm using "Learn In Your Car, Russian" from Penton Overseas Inc. It comes with a tiny booklet but the words are all in Russian text so it doesn't really help in that area.

    Pravit's approval rating of Monarc has dropped 20 points.

  10. #10
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    The Penguin Course book has got to be the best book for beginners. I've tried a couple other books, and they just got me more confused.....I love this book, I could spend hours, just working through. (Thanks, guys, now I"m addicted to this book, and I can't let it out my sight. )

  11. #11
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Re: The New Penguin Russian Course

    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    Quote Originally Posted by monarc
    Currently I'm using "Learn In Your Car, Russian" from Penton Overseas Inc. It comes with a tiny booklet but the words are all in Russian text so it doesn't really help in that area.

    Pravit's approval rating of Monarc has dropped 20 points.
    I'm trying, really i am. hehe. i couldn't help myself, it's easier to listen than read, i guess. the good thing is that i placed my order for the book this morning! yay! can't wait till it get's here(which, btw, will take a really long time... euuurrrghhh). AND i'm signing up for lessons! They start in February. Very excited

    Thanks Tim, for the encouragement. Greatly appreciated. It's good news that the book worked for you. I shall be brave and conquer Penguin! hahaha :P
    *thank you for reading my post

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