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Thread: Is my book outdated?

  1. #1
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    Is my book outdated?

    I'm trying to learn Russian, and I picked up "Russian for Beginners" by Charles Duff & Dmitri Makaroff- it's from 1962. I just wonder if there have been any significant pronunciation/grammatical changes since then that I'd need to know about. Thanks!

    And something else- how do people on these boards type in Russian?

  2. #2
    Старший оракул
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    Can't answer your first question, but as to your second... Check out the very first question on the faq.
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  3. #3
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    Oops, sorry... I'm new!

  4. #4
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    I doubt you will have any problem learning Russian from a 40 year old book (mabye a 200 year old book). Languages don't change very much year to year. Of course words like "Internet", "email", and even "computer" were not used back then, but who cares. On the beginning level there should be no problem.
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  5. #5
    vxp is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    I doubt you will have any problem learning Russian from a 40 year old book (mabye a 200 year old book). Languages don't change very much year to year. Of course words like "Internet", "email", and even "computer" were not used back then, but who cares. On the beginning level there should be no problem.
    Well, not completely true

    A 200 year old book *would* be outdated
    out alphabet has changed (we threw away some letters) for instance.

    that happened a little more than 100 years ago, if I recall correctly

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by vxp
    Quote Originally Posted by kwatts59
    I doubt you will have any problem learning Russian from a 40 year old book (mabye a 200 year old book). Languages don't change very much year to year. Of course words like "Internet", "email", and even "computer" were not used back then, but who cares. On the beginning level there should be no problem.
    Well, not completely true

    A 200 year old book *would* be outdated
    out alphabet has changed (we threw away some letters) for instance.

    that happened a little more than 100 years ago, if I recall correctly
    Let me clarify.

    I doubt you will have any problem learning Russian from a 40 year old book (but mabye a 200 year old book would be outdated). Languages don't change very much year to year. ...
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  7. #7
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    And his first phrases in Russian will be “Здравствуйте, я иностранный студент. Я встаю рано утром, бреюсь, умываюсь и иду бороться за мир”.

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