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Thread: letter combinations

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    letter combinations

    Hey I'm still having trouble with a few letter combinations maybe you guys can help

    зя in нельзя is it like zya cause that is weird and hard
    ле lye? going from l to y is hard for me or dhould it just be from l to e?
    or what happens when the same letter is next to each other like
    сс , ии , or нн
    and some final ones
    maybe someone can help or those that have voice sampling abilities (AHEM) could maybe put up some voice recording to help a brotha out.

    This forum has been most helpful
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  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Maybe I'll make a sound-file, because it'll be useful for myself as well. Until then:
    зя - just 'zya'. Not the 'zh' sound as in british/french 'garage', but the 'zy' sound of 'the houses your seeing'
    ле - lye.
    сс, ии, нн - pronounced longer than single ones, no pause in between.
    ый - if you know how to pronounce the first letter, just add the 'y' sound as in 'boy'
    ей - yey
    ий - eey
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  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    awesome.....a sound file would be appreciated if possible though
    I made a mistake in my original post though

    My problem with нельзя was the льз not the зя
    HOO HAA!! It's a signature

  4. #4
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Hey vbouldr there was this dude a while back who put some thing on this board where you e-mail him a word he sends you a little file something with the pronunciation. I'll try to find it for you but I couldn't even find one of my posts so it might be a while .

    The bad thing is that I don't know if it's still here because this site had a lot of posts erased because of some computer error thing whatever. Only thing I remember about the dude was the cowboy simpson guy smoking avatar.

    Oh and is your avatar one of those monsters from super mario bros 2?
    <life>Leon S. Kenedy</life>

  5. #5
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    WHOA!! That is totally what I need
    HOO HAA!! It's a signature

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