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Thread: Language proficiency tests online - Знание языка тест онлайн

  1. #21
    Завсегдатай Antonio1986's Avatar
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    My score in Russian was 94% and my Russian Level is also intermediate. Seriously now iCake you know my level, do you thing that is even close to the 10% of your level!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT.

    The test is not based on the understanding of Russian (for example I didn't even understand what the last text was saying I just noticed the position of words in the text).
    People who where taught more than 4 languages in their life they can understand the structure of any language (for example I can imagine where to use noun and not adjective, where to use past rather than present tense, where to use adjective if it is femal and not male based on the ending of the noun).

    The test is not explanotory and it doesn't indicate anything. Sorry guys.

  2. #22
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by pushvv View Post
    there are explanations, basically one is more common than the other, dunno why.
    BTW, in Russian I would rather say "картошка с мясом" than "мясо с картошкой". Potatoes are considered as a more important part, and they constitute a bigger volume of the whole dish.

  3. #23
    Почётный участник eisenherz's Avatar
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    in my opinion there is no difference; i suppose they were trying to make a case of:
    'potatoes with meat' or 'meat with potatoes'?
    but then, that is what they should have asked

  4. #24
    Почтенный гражданин pushvv's Avatar
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    "картошка с мясом" than "мясо с картошкой".
    Видел похожий вопрос, но не помню точно какой. Лично я разницы не ощущаю вообще. Что картошка с мясом, что мясо с картошкой... Говорю и так и эдак и все меня понимают и даже не сомневаются, что это по-русски ) Но в объяснении на сайте было сказано, что нормальный англичанин выбрал бы именно тот вариант - типа устойчивое выражение.

  5. #25
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    "meat and potatoes" is a fixed phrase
    meat and potatoes - Wiktionary
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  6. #26
    Увлечённый спикер genuinefarmgirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hotdog View Post
    "meat and potatoes" is a fixed phrase
    meat and potatoes - Wiktionary
    Great link, Hotdog!

    I've always heard it as 'meat and potatoes' in any sense. But, grammatically, either way would be correct; culturally, 'meat and potatoes' is correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by Боб Уайтман View Post
    BTW, in Russian I would rather say "картошка с мясом" than "мясо с картошкой". Potatoes are considered as a more important part, and they constitute a bigger volume of the whole dish.
    lol! Perhaps in Russia they are...I come from hardy farm country where 'meat' is "the" thing. In order of serving size: meat, potatoes, vegetables. That's in the American Midwest.
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  7. #27
    Властелин Deborski's Avatar
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    "Meat and potatoes" is a common American expression which does not always refer to food. It can also mean someone who is very provincial and does not have an interest in exotic or ethnic food.

    IE, "He is a meat and potatoes kind of guy."
    genuinefarmgirl likes this.
    Вот потому, что вы говорите то, что не думаете, и думаете то, что не думаете, вот в клетках и сидите. И вообще, весь этот горький катаклизм, который я здесь наблюдаю, и Владимир Николаевич тоже…

  8. #28
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by genuinefarmgirl View Post
    lol! Perhaps in Russia they are...I come from hardy farm country where 'meat' is "the" thing. In order of serving size: meat, potatoes, vegetables. That's in the American Midwest.
    Yes, I know, I've been to the U.S.
    In Russia it depends, I'd say, but in my home it is customary that potates are the main food I can have dinner with many other things, but potates are usually the mandatory part for me. They can go with meat or with fish or with mushrooms etc. At least in my family.

    Something like this (but not exactly) is my favourite dish:
    Жареная картошка с мясом, жареная картошка рецепт, как приготовить жареную картошку
    Картофель жареный с мясом - пошаговый рецепт с фото

  9. #29
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deborski View Post
    "Meat and potatoes" is a common American expression which does not always refer to food. It can also mean someone who is very provincial and does not have an interest in exotic or ethnic food.

    IE, "He is a meat and potatoes kind of guy."
    I did not know that. BTW, I do like exotic or ethnic food, especially when travelling abroad. But I'm just not ready to eat it on a daily basis.
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