Still kinda confused. I think my problems are:

1. I don't know enough about English grammar in the first place because why should I have really cared about ever learning it?
2. Whoever created Russian seriously overdid themselves when it comes to grammar. Why does everything have to agree with everything else?
3. I have no idea how I would study this without boring repetition.
4. I hate grammar vocabulary. Logical dative? Present perfect participle? (All I know is present, past, future, and conjugation.) There's too many P's.

If you guys can't form a simple phrase in a sentence without kind of arguing about it, how am I supposed to? How do L2 Russian speakers do this without thinking about it? There's no possible way I can just look at a bunch of sentences in Russian and have it start to form subconsciously in my mind over time.

This is too hard for me to handle. There are too many rules needed in one simple sentence.

Sure, I can do "Samantha likes ice cream." Samantha is nominative, the verb will be in present tense and agree with it, and ice cream will be in accusative. No problemo.

It's sentences like (let's take one from this message) "If you guys can't form a simple phrase in a sentence without kind of arguing about it, how am I supposed to?" that are stumping me, and probably need every single Russian grammar rule ever created in the sentence in order for me to make sense.

What did I get myself into?