Quote Originally Posted by impulse View Post
По тебе скучаю очень, - I miss you very much,
Утром, вечером и ночью, - In the mornig, in the evening and at night,
По тебе скучаю днем, - I miss you in the day,
В сердце ты живешь моем, - You live in my heart,

Возвращайся, без тебя, - Be returning , without you,
Существую, не любя, - I exist without love
Не хочу в кино ходить, - I do not want to go the cinema,
И с друзьями пиво пить, - And drink beer with friends,

Ничего я не хочу, - I do not want nothing (OK, but in English "I do not want anything" is correct),
Может мне пора к врачу? – Should I go to the doctor?,
По тебе скучаю я, - I miss you,
Ты - любовь, мечта моя, - You are love, my dream,

Возвращайся, будем вместе, -Be returning, we will together ( )
Сотню лет, а может двести! – One hundered years, and maybe two

Любя: what this means
"любя" is a verbal adverb form (Russian: деепричастие) of the verb "любить". If you do not know about деепричастие yet, then you would need to learn this subject, it is interesting BTW. Or maybe you knew, but did not recognise this word as a деепричастие?