I second that. Разобрать текст doesn't mean to check a text word by word. It means to examine a text in detail. Like trying to determine which style it is in, why it's written like that, why it's written with these particular words and not others in a particular sentence or sentences, etc.
Alternatively, you can say разобрать текст слово за словом and this would mean to examine text word by word.
Sort of, проверьте себя in that context means more like - Check your work for mistakes.Originally Posted by impulse
As for проконтролируете его thing, I didn't much like it the first time I had written that. It's just you made a mistake having written something like контролируте он or else, so I concluded it would be better not to deviate much from the original sentence and due to that I came up with проконтролируете его, which was understandble but kind of awkward though. I agree with what Paul said about that verb