A little over a month I stopped receiving any notifications about PMs or postings to threads I subscribed to. My email is with AOL and I have Vista. I checked my SPAM settings and made certain that MR email addresses were not in a do not receive area. I changed it so all my SPAMs were saved each day so I could look in the SPAM folder to see if they were trapped in there. I even checked the Internet settings and added MR to make certain that the site would be seen as a valid site; yet, still no email.

This past week, I changed my email address with MR to a different email server company completely, an old address that I have had for years and never had a problem with, (from Register.com); yet, I am still having the same problem. I lowered the level of SPAM control, (I am getting SPAM like crazy), I added MR as good guys in my contrl settings, yet nothing.

Is anyone else having this problem? Did anyone have it and fix it? Any suggestions?

I know this is not huge deal; but, it would be nice to get this working again.