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Thread: Obama Birth Certificate Faked

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    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    I don't know whether Obama was born in the US or not, but either way, he is clearly an American now, so what's the big problem, other than some outdated law? Lots of countries have presidents that happened to be born somewhere else, for whatever reason.

    I don't like Obama much either though, but this seems like a silly detail to be concerned about.

    At first I thought the guy in the video seemed very amateurish, but when he got to the bit about the layers and the colouring, he clearly has some good points. I like using Photoshop, it's quite similar to Illustrator.

    Probably they were just touching it up the birth certificate, not faking it.

    If it really is faked, then; what a sloppy and poor job!
    I am sure there are 13 year old kids that could have done a more convincing job.

    What a bizarre thing!

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Выложили бы однослойный gif или png, и никто бы ничего не заметил . =)

    upd: Интересно, если бы Путин подделал свои документы, тему тоже перенесли бы из Политики в Шутки?

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    @Hanna: I think you've hit the nail on the head. The people motivated to foment rumors about his birth certificate are, in general, tied to groups who lost considerable political power when Obama took presidency. In addition to that, there are several more groups who lost the battle to usurp some of that power, during the election. Now their agendas target slandering Obama, for two reasons - one: to hamper political moves made by him and his people during his time in office, and two: to discourage support for Obama when reelection comes around, which is not too long away at this point.

    As an added point, when he was first made president, I had some very interesting conversations with people at my work, from the Republican way of thinking of things - and when he was first elected they were saying things about him that were as wild and nonsensical as the explanations cavemen might've had for seeing airplanes.. That he was directly linked to all sorts of terrorist organizations, that his parents did this and that wrong, and so on... I'm just glad to see the severity of these accusations dying down.

    Anyway, I know there are reasons why people look at citizenship and birth certificates; but the idea that you need to be born on state soil to be a good president is a little bit silly, anyway (in my opinion). It's a bit like the whole 'royal blood' thing from the Renaissance world. The idea people are looking for is loyalty, right? Maybe we should come up with a new way to measure loyalty. (They could do it like the LA Crips, and 'jump' him in.) =))))

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    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    Кавказец - это по ихнему наш европеоид. Европеоид

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    Кавказец - это по ихнему наш европеоид. Европеоид
    I'm not about that.

    Did they use politically correct terms in 1961? Shouldn't there be:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    I don't know whether Obama was born in the US or not, but either way, he is clearly an American now, so what's the big problem, other than some outdated law?
    The problem is he is NOT an American, he's a traitor. It's about continued and persistent deception.

    I guess there's a problem with brainwashing by the EU Elites.

  9. #9
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    Pavelov, with respect, I vehemently disagree. Deception is an earmark of all things political, but as a citizen, I personally feel Obama's citizenship, given that this person was voted into office by the popular and electoral colleges, is a moot point, and serves as a distractor from more important issues.

    Namely, the fact that the giant Bush hornswaggle is now a closed and complete loop. Not like it's new info, but I couldn't find this being talked about by anyone on the net except Bill Hicks. Check this out. YouTube - Bill Hicks - Iraq Weapons Conversion An odd thing to post, I know, but he mentions in this comedy routine the actions that daddy Bush took to arm Kuwait and Iraq, only so that later he and his son respectively, could go battle these now 'dangerous' countries.

    Why is this important? Because on the eve of a highly-likely-to-be-a-falsified-black-ops announcement - the death of Bin Laden - we can now observe a re-focusing in the media on this citizenry issue; and, frankly, it is in my opinion an obvious distractor, a flare, a chaff, meatn to distract the eyes from what is more important in our field of vision. I heard it said, that it was like America's government had been cheating on its people, like a man might cheat on a woman, ever since Bush blew down the towers in 2001 - and what's going on now is analagous to that same cheating individual, swearing that the other woman is now a thing of the past - but refusing to throw away her phone number. (i.e., refusing to show the "body")

    And: Traitor is a strong word, one I would fain reserve for the likes of Benedict Arnold; whle I can respect how that opinion was formed, I feel that it is an overstatement that has snowballed to said level of severity through repetition in the media, and particularly among those same political parties, i.e. the Tea-Partiers and the like, who are dead-set on hog-tying any effort that the presidency makes while in office. The choice of the word "traitor" is the same choice of words these politicos make; and I would use the word 'traitor' to refer to Anna Chapman, before I would use it to refer to Obama.

    These things being said, I respect your opinion, Pavelov. But my own opinion is no result of -washing, and I doubt I qualify as an elite in anyone's book. =)

    с уважением -
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    I'm not about that.

    Did they use politically correct terms in 1961? Shouldn't there be:
    Race of Father: Negroid.
    Ah, I see. Well, I prefer to stay away from that discussion as it was hotly debated some time back with all kind of expert opinions from both sides and eventually it ended up with nothing, so I guess it's not really interesting anymore. The "Obama: Antichrist or Precursor" topic seems much more fruitful in that respect.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pavelov View Post
    The problem is he is NOT an American, he's a traitor. It's about continued and persistent deception. ...|
    Nonsense and hate-provoking are not welcome here.
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  12. #12
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    Well, I prefer to stay away from that discussion as it was hotly debated some time back with all kind of expert opinions from both sides and eventually it ended up with nothing, so I guess it's not really interesting anymore.
    Жаль, я бы послушал твою версию. =) Этот сертификат подвесили на сайт совсем недавно, 27 апреля. Мне абсолютно наплевать может ли Хуссейнович быть американским президентом или не может, мне интересен сам факт подделки.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa View Post
    Жаль, я бы послушал твою версию. =)
    Честно говоря, у меня нет никакой версии. Чего не знаю, того не знаю. Мне кажется, что намного важнее заниматься более приоритетными вопросами. В прошлый раз при аналогичном копании под президента началась нехилая война. Оно нам надо?

  14. #14
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    Честно говоря, у меня нет никакой версии. Чего не знаю, того не знаю. Мне кажется, что намного важнее заниматься более приоритетными вопросами. В прошлый раз при аналогичном копании под президента началась нехилая война. Оно нам надо?
    Интересно, случайно ли Бин Ладена "замочили" именно сейчас?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Nonsense and hate-provoking are not welcome here.
    What nonsense? Obama made promises to get out of Iraq war and 'be different' but is taking same line as Bush.

    He is a liar. He is a puppet in a network of deceivers and the U.S. is headed downwards with eventually collapse of American dollar... they all know this and the only recourse is war and inventing 'enemies' and lies in order to distratct American public and pretend they try to improve the economy. This is the definition of being a traitor. What exactly can you counter with this as being nonsense. Please be sensible and explain what is wrong with saying this, please? I am providing the truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidkboom View Post
    these politicos make; and I would use the word 'traitor' to refer to Anna Chapman, before I would use it to refer to Obama.

    These things being said, I respect your opinion, Pavelov. But my own opinion is no result of -washing, and I doubt I qualify as an elite in anyone's book. =)

    с уважением -
    Your post was amusing since it should be as in the fun stuff section.

    No, seriously, I disagree with you and although it was amusing you call Anna Chapman, a Russian spy, a bigger traitor than a U.S. President, I will let it go.

    I believe your Government 'leader' is to serve the public but not their own interests and especially not complicit in such unethical deception and blatant harm and dare I say murder of his own citizens for political and financial gain. Although, I suggest he's a puppet for a much more sinister organization or group of people. But, the mod here will say I am hating on someone but just some research and common sense will suggest this is certainly true.

    If the public can try to suspend their blind support for once and look at the facts plus the likelihood that these politicians are the cold-hearted, ruthless people that they are, maybe they might start to realize they are not the nice people they wish they were. Oh well.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil View Post
    Интересно, случайно ли Бин Ладена "замочили" именно сейчас?
    Мне представляется, что его относительно недавно начали искать, ну а долго держать такую инфу (о том, что нашли) в секрете рискованно, вдруг куда-нибудь викиликнет? Поэтому, думаю, что это скорее совпадение.

  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин capecoddah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidkboom View Post
    ever since Bush blew down the towers in 2001
    Can't possibly take you seriously now.
    Try RT
    I'm easily amused late at night...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pavelov View Post
    What nonsense? Obama made promises to get out of Iraq war and 'be different' but is taking same line as Bush.

    He is a liar. He is a puppet in a network of deceivers and the U.S. is headed downwards with eventually collapse of American dollar... they all know this and the only recourse is war and inventing 'enemies' and lies in order to distratct American public and pretend they try to improve the economy. This is the definition of being a traitor. What exactly can you counter with this as being nonsense. Please be sensible and explain what is wrong with saying this, please? I am providing the truth.
    Pavelov, I will strive to address your concern respectfully.

    "Traitor" is a word which defines a specific crime in America, that of "treason." It is the highest charge in our court systems, as far as I know; and it is also NOT congruent with the action definition you provided above.

    Now, to address the definition of "nonsense," I will enumerate these concepts, undefined in their present state, which require not only definition but requisite evidence in order to be considered in the sense you are proposing.

    #1. Obama "promises to get out of Iraq war" : This is a hot-button topic for American citizens through both presidencies. Many officials from many different walks have stated that the problem is not merely that the President hasn't pushed the 'extract' button; but rather that there are conditions of military, economic, social and political forces that prevent extraction timetables from being adhered to; as this is as much an issue of the heads of the military as it is the commander-in-chief, I find a call to "traitorship" based on this to be as pithy as the Tea-Party statements about citizenship.

    #2. "he is taking the same line as Bush" : Unless unbeknownst to me Obama is a board member on an arms company as large as Haliburton, or has blood ties in his lineage back to the Queen of England (or, for that matter, shares a close personal relationship with the Rockefeller bloodline and collectively helped to plan and mastermind the fall of the towers in 2001), he is NOT taking the same line as Bush; and stacked against this, without evidence to sway one towards your way of thinking, I find a claim of "traitorship" based on this to be as pithy as above stated.

    #3. "He is a puppet in a network of deceivers" : I'll give this one a grain of salt. How is he controlled? Who controls him? Where are the puppet-strings? Give us a bit of the evidence you used to reach this conclusion. Surely you had some evidence beyond the extraterrestrial to reach this end.. What organization "runs things behind the curtains"? I'm as game to believe this as the next guy, but I'll need SOME sort of evidence before I throw my card in the ring with this one.

    #4. LOGICAL FALLACY::: If the country is controlled by a 'network of deceivers' (presumably relatively intelligent, considering their ability to fool the entire world and run one of the world's superpowers without being seen, like SMERSH), why would that presumably above-average-intelligence group of people send "the US headed downwards"? Is there some reason why really good drivers seem to be crashing the proverbial car??

    #5. "they all know this" : who?

    #6. "the only recourse is war and inventing 'enemies' and lies in order to distratct American public and pretend they try to improve the economy.." Let me be sure I understand: A group of people take over a world superpower, completely hidden in so doing, and take that superpower into war with other superpowers, weakening their acquisition in the process, so they can then "invent" even more enemies, all for the purpose of distracting an already clueless public, so they can pretend to try to improve the economy...... while doing what? Building a doomsday device? Trying to blow up the moon? The motivation behind the characters you paint does not make sense. All of the Bond villains, David Icke Lizard-men and Devil-Come-to-Bring-About-Armageddon explanations aside, *I would love* to know why any group of people would do all this.

    #7. "I am providing the truth." No sir. Respectfully, I must say that you are providing opinion.

    I would be glad to discuss fact and truth, with evidence and citation. But the first two without the second two are indeed Fiction.

    #8. "He is a liar." I'm pretty sure you're right about this one. But so far, I'm not sure I feel betrayed by this as much as duly served. It's hard to find a political leader that doesn't tell a lie. Cue the old joke about George Washington and his cherry tree.
    Last edited by kidkboom; May 9th, 2011 at 11:39 PM. Reason: readability
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by capecoddah View Post
    Can't possibly take you seriously now.
    Try RT
    Look, I respect your opinion, though I've done an awful lot of research to get mine. I won't try to tell you I'm right or you wrong on this. I know ad-nauseam that for every two people who had a cousin like mine running through the dust-cloud that there are two-hundred thousand who got their info from Fox News. And one answer is way, way, WAY safer than the other. ..... And this argument just expired, anyway - they just 'killed' the guy who 'did it,' remember? Buried at sea - along with any hope of un-writing false histories. So, the gopher sees his shadow, and Houghton-Mifflin will be printing that "Osama" did it for the next 2000 years.... Honestly, sometimes I think it's the better bet to just keep my research and opinions to myself. Sorry if I've offended you. No harm intended.

    But your switch between taking me seriously and taking me less-than-seriously happened pretty quick.

    ((Мое единственное намерение было так: поделиться своими мыслями по этим темам. Я не намерен никому оскорбление или что-нибудь, и я не намерен вреда кому-либо или что-нибудь. Я надеюсь, что я поступил с уважением. Спасибо всем вам за предоставленную мне возможность выступить в этом сообществе.))
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