On just-english.ru they have a collection of dumb translations, exam answers and misprints made by Russian students:
Talking at the exam
- What do you know about Boston Tea Party?
- I believe many citizens of Boston were the active members of this political party!
The 3 branches of government are: the executive, the legislative and the jewish.
To be elected to Parliament you don't have to be a criminal.
In our hard time I was between the choice to become a lawyer or a criminal...
Last year I had my personal teacher.
I study English because I need intercourse with other people.
- Who is your father?
- My father is Андрей.
- Is it his main occupation?
- No, I think he works somewhere.
miss understanding
United Stations of America
the court fried the murderer (tried)
an eye for an eye - ухо за ухо
the conception of police - зачатие полицейского
the credibility of witness - дебильность свидетеля
Native Americans - родные американцы
Caesar was killed by the member of his bodyguard - Цезарь был убит членом своего телохранителя![]()
neighbourhood - колпак соседа
criminals are perverse people - преступники - люди несговорчивые
notorious murderer - нотариус-убийца
a watch-dog body - тушка сторожевой собаки
children are complete people - дети являются законченными людьми
settlement before the trial - поселение напротив суда
his punishment was block and axe - наказанием ему была тумбочка и топор
Indian chiefs - руководители индейцев
a scapegoat - космический козёл
intelligence officers - интеллигентные офицеры
rabid dog - свихнувшаяся собака
a juror should keep an open mind during the hearing - присяжный должен открыть рот и слушать
he worked as a farmer - он работал крестьянином
electoral vote - электрический голос
cornerstone - треугольный камень
in the end of the trial the judge discharges the jury - в конце процесса судья отключает присяжных
the reign of Tudor of England- правление Фёдора Aнглийского
the governor of the settlers - гувернёр поселенцев
homicide - человеческая сторона
at the site of residence of Scottish Kings in the 18th century - на сайте резидентов Шотландских королей в 18 веке
Independence Hall - свободный зал
Liberty Bell - свободный звонок
forefathers - для пап
Massachussetts - Масахасэтс
fraud and drug squad - отряд мошенников и наркоманов
main solver of crime - основной раскрытель преступления
one of the signers of Declaration of Independence - один из певцов декларации независимости
perfumed ink - благоухающий инкорпорэйтед
his early education was in Hebrew - его раннее образование происходило в Хибрю
They have more of it there: http://www.just-english.ru/5e.htm