Hi everyone!

After memorising every example sentence in The New Penguin Russian Course, I am about to take the plunge and begin using the language. I should probably have started doing this a long time ago but, oh well, better late than never. I aim to make a new 100-word post on this website in Russian every day. The content of what I write might not necessarily be true and I probably will sound like an oaf!

All comments and corrections are welcome.

Привет! Меня зовут мистер Смит.
Hi! My name is Mr Smith.

Мне Двадцать лет и я из Оксфорда.
I am 20 year old and from Oxford.

Я работаю в университете Оксфорда.
I work at the University of Oxford.

Англии мне не нравится. Это слышком холодно и серый.
I Don't like England. It is too cold and grey.

Хотя, летом иногда красиво!
Although/ however, it is sometimes beautiful during the summer.

Это редко, но время от времени Англии солнечная страна!
It is rare, but occasionally England is a sunny country!

Я хочу переехать куда-нибудь жарко. Где-ниьудь похож на Испанию, но я точно ещё не знаю гле!
I want to move somewhere hot. Somewhere like/ similar to Spain, but I still do not know exactly where!

Я изучаю русский язык уже шесть - семь месяцев.
I have been studying Russian for six or seven months.

Хотя, в точение времени, Я никогда ни с кем не говорил.
Although/ however, during that time, I did not speak with anyone.

Меня только читать мало.
I only read a little.

Когда я прочитаю "Анну Каренину", Я буду писать о книге/ о её.
When I finish reading "Anna Karenina", I will write about the book/ about it.

Когда я напишу в "Скип", я буду разговаривать с кем-то из России сегодня вечером в часу.
When I sign up to/ subscribe to SKYPE, I will converse with someone from Russia for an hour this evening.


Additional questions:

1. Are the following pairs of sentences interchangeable and do they convey the same meaning? I understand the first in each pair is perfective and the second is multidirectional. However, both pairs seem to convey the same meaning of a completed round trip. Perhaps the perfective examples emphasise each trip's completion?

Мы съезлили в Париж на три дня
Мы езлили в Париж на три дня

В прошлом году я съездил в Нью Йорк
В прошлом году я ездил в Нью Йорк

2. Are the following variances of the same sentence acceptable and am I interpreting them correctly?

Дети бегали во дворе. - The children were running (around) in the yard. - imperfective, incomplete multidirectional action.
Дети побегали во дворе. - The children did a bit of running in the yard. - perfective, по- prefix also indicates limited action.
Дети бегали по двору. - The children were running around the yard. - imperfective, greater emphasis on multidirectional element of sentence.
Дети побегали по двору. - The children did a bit of running around the garden. - perfective with greater emphasis on running around the garden in.

Большое спасибо за помощь!