Yeah, I sure need feedback, and I appreciate if one is straight. I don't need words "that's nice" or something like that if it isn't. I also know what amount of work I've done to reach my recent level, so when criticizing, I also need EXACT things to do better.
I already try to read and listen and speak Russian allways when possible, so "be involved with the language" does not help me much. Time will help my thing as I keep on going. I posted the audio here because I really wanted to know how it sounds. I did not practice much ON PURPOSE, so you could hear what are the weak points of my pronunciation and possibly guide me in the right direction. Grammatical errors are kinda not my fault, because the text was from the Grammar book, only if I was pronouncing so badly you could not catch the original text... which was the original thing I needed to know: if one can understand my speech.
But "the wild reality" is definitely what I need. When I'll use the language in the real world, it is reality and I have to deal with that. People understand me or they don't. Please, everyone, be honest! No exaggeration. Не пиздите![]()