Originally Posted by
sps Whew..! So it doesn't matter...
Большое спасибо, translations.nm.ru..!
The reason is we do not have 'h' sound in Russian. As you probably know, the Russian 'х' is not a 'h' sound, it's a different thing.
Nowdays, it is accepted that 'h' sound in foreign words is transliterated with 'х' into Russian: Хаббл (Hubble), Хельсинки (Helsinki), Хьюстон (Houston), хакер (hacker) etc. It is the modern way of transliterating.
However, previously (especially in 19 century and earlier) Russians used to substitute foreign 'h' with Russian 'г'. And this pronunciation is still preserved in may traditional borrowings: Голливуд (Hollywood), Гудзон (Hudson), Гаррисон (Harrison), Ганновер (Hannover), Гавана (Havana) etc.
The words are pronounced as they are written, since there's no 'h' sound in Russian, and the most of Russians are not able to pronounce it.